So I randomly found this website today and as I was looking through it I’ve noticed that a lot of people are struggling with the same things that I do. I have anxiety and it’s literally taking over my life. I have a form of Health Anxiety and I think something’s wrong with me and it causes me to almost pass out. Taking about it makes me feel more relieved but It’s just so hard to not be anxious. What should I do?
Anxiety : So I randomly found this... - Anxiety and Depre...

Welcome to the group! as a relatively new member I have found reading posts and asking questions when I am going through something or just being able to gain others incite helpful. It has been beneficial in a large way just to realize that others are going through the same things as I am. It is particular helpful when I am feeling like I'm the only one. I will say from a personal level the first thing that helped my anxiety was focusing on what exactly my triggers were and what I was actual feeling anxious about. With the help of therapy I was able to do this easier, therapy is new to me I have only been going for a couple of months but once I found someone I was comfortable with it has made a large difference. I still have "bad" days sometimes especially after something that specifically triggers some of my harder symptoms I.E. panic attacks, depressive episodes and insomnia but I know now that its OK to have these bad days it doesn't mean I'm sliding backwards. Having at least a couple of trusted people who you can confide in for support is amazing help. In my case I needed to use medication for additional support, I hope on short term basis but it can be long term if needed. Not everyone needs this extra help its an individual case prescribed by professionals, but don't be worried if you need it also. I was scared to get started on the whole process of trying to finally gain control of my life and not every day is great but I think it is going well so far.
Sorry its long, but I hope this site helps you there are a lot of great people here!
Have you tried taking thirty minutes a day to practice guided deep breathing exercises? They have them on YouTube. It helps with anxiety.

No I haven’t, but I will try that!
They helped me, but I used cassette tapes. This was before the internet. I hope you find relief.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help. 😊