I saw they are opening a medical marijuana office. In Westminster. Called Maryland Cannabis Physicians Does anyone have information on how to obtain a medical card. I have heard alot of people claim it helps severe anxiety. And I'd like to give it a try at least . Worth a short and much better on the body and mind then long term usage of benzos .
Medical marijuana office opening in w... - Anxiety and Depre...
Medical marijuana office opening in westminster

I Live in Colorado and have had mine for about 3 years. Mine is for chronic lower back pain it does calm the anxiety to some degree but if the anxiety attack is full blown" Imma gonna die" type it's not going to help. You need to find a doctor who certifies people for using it. The new place that opened up can tell you where to find one who specifically does MMJ evals.
Ask your doctor about buspirone if you haven't tried it yet.

Thank you for the info. I have tried busprione/buspar. And I have constant anxiety all day and night everyday. G.a.d. As well as the subsequent I'm going to die pannic attacks. If I can get the constant anxiety to decrease it would in turn make the pannic attacks much less frequient. It's interesting. My old psychiatrist told me when I was in my early 20's. To be careful with drinking alchoaol. Because it does decrease pannic attacks and anxiety. Which in turn creates an addicition. I have self medicated when I had no medication. I' would drink beer . Thankfully I never became dependant. He told me the percentage of adults with add/anxiety who are alcholics is staggering for that very reason
I don't drink alcohol at all. I find the MMJ mellows me out when I have one coming on so I would certainly try that. And GAD too.
Cannabis is known to cause major anxiety, depression and psychosis in a large percentage of users. This was the conclusion of a comprehensive British Medical Association study.
Of course, you may know better.
The choice is your's.
Really? Those so called comphrensive studies are done by the anti cannabis lobby. Like my dad's heart surgeon said. Studies Like That mean nothing.

So medical studies are only valid if they fit your preferences. Really? I know whose judgement I would go with: a team of distinguished doctors or a bunch of dope heads. No contest. I've worked with dozens of the poor devils, it's even infected my family. Only dopes use dope. That's why it's called dope.
If you decide to go the mmj route indica strains are the best. Certain strains are better .indica is used for pain and is known for its relaxing abilities. Talk to the budtenders. They know what is good.