I have certified to get Medical Marijuana for anxiety and sleep, my doctor and the doctor who certified me said they have lots of good results with it for anxiety and sleep. I have not gotten my card yet so I am waiting , then I can buy it. Wanted to know if anyone has used it and what were the results. Would love some feedback! I have tried so many meds and currently on a cocktail of 3 but they just are not cutting it anymore.
Medical Marijuana- for Anxiety/sleep? - Anxiety and Depre...
Medical Marijuana- for Anxiety/sleep?

I got my card 2 years ago but did not renew it when it expired. I didn't get anything for sleep but did try a sublingual tincture for anxiety that the pharmacist recommended. Only used it once with the recommended dosage and it gave me such a bad reaction I almost called 911. Never again. I know their products have been helpful to many, but for me it was a nightmare. Just be careful with whatever you're given. For my anxiety I stick with my Ativan when I need it.
I live in the US and it's all legal in the State I live in. I found a CBD tincture for anxiety that helped and also a CBD tincture for anxiety/sleep that also included additional herbs in it like valerian root which really helped my sleep. Unfortunately i have glaucoma and found out that CBD is not good for it so I quit using it. Years ago I never like smoking pot because it amped up my anxiety but the CBD did not do that.
I'm in NV, a recreationally legal state. I'm treatment resistant depression (TRD) anxiety, ADHD and permanent nerve damage with 4 spine fusions. I only use medical marijuana, occasion psilocybin mushrooms and TMS treatment for my mental health stability and remission. No Rx or OTC meds or pills. I've also done clinical Ketamine infusions prior to my TMS treatment.
Psychedelics and TMS are the only treatments that help me in any way. I've been using marajuana daily for my disorders for over 10 years. No pharmaceutical drugs work for me so I had to explore fringe treatments and holistic natural alternatives. That was my saving grace from my symptom profile.
Keep in mind that everyone has different chemistry. I responded well to Psychedelics. A lot of anxiety sufferers become MORE anxious from using marajuana. It really depends on your personal reactions to these substances. For me they're life saving. It's just a suggestion to look into so you know what you options are if you're not already aware. Knowledge is Empowerment.
Charlotte's Web CBD oil is the BEST on the market hands down. It's spendy but worth the money.
wow, thanks for the feedback, It really helped my. What is TMS treatment? I have tried so many meds, OTC, herbs, suppliments and RXs, and none are really cutting it. I am going to get some tthis week as I got my card from the State of PA,. I did read some people had worse anxiety, but what do I have to lose? thanks again!
When you go to the dispensary tell them about your anxiety and sleeping problems and they will be able to make recommendations. Different strains of marijuana will give different results. Good luck!
This is the link to the TMS & Ketamine treatment clinic I go to in Las Vegas. It has a wealth of information about TMS for you to read about. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation 𧲠π§ for anxiety depression and motivation. It's magnetic pulses, like an MRI, that essentially in layman's terms reconnect the broken pathways in the brain neurons that have been disconnected in depression patients and help to form new neural pathways that are encouraged by the increased neuroplasticity of our brain functioning in a better way.
thanks for getting back to me. I goggled it and it sounds pretty awesome. for many of us, our brains are wired differently and drugs just don't cut it. I just picked up 2 different kinds of medical MJ- one to help with sleep and one for anxiety. Going to give it a shot. I am glad there is other things out there beside drugs but wish that Insurance would cover some of it!!
I'm glad you're exploring your alternatives and options! So many people just suffer through without ever questioning their meds lack of efficacy over time.
Good luck with the experience. Please let me know if you have any questions. Let me know how your strains go too. Would love feedback from a first time user.
Thanks for caring and the follow up. I went yesterday and they were so helpful and really listened at the Dispensary. They decdied to start me with a tincture for sleep/anxiety and a vape for when bad anxiety hits me. I tried the tincture last night and got such a good night sleep and feel calmer today. Will try the vape as needed, but so far it was soooo nice to slow my brain down and sleep. When I don't sleep well, it increases my anxiety, cant sleep and it becomes a vicious cycle.
Hope it will be a good thing for me!!
I just wish it was legal in PA but at least thankful I can get it this way!
Charlotte's Web CBD oil is the best option on the market. I've used it for years on and off if you're wondering what to buy online. It's spendy but worth the money for the potency and quality control.
Isn't good sleep the best thing EVER!!
you mentioned Charlottes' Web, will have to check it out. Do you use that for sleep or anxiety or both? yes, sleep is the best EVER!!!!
Both...it doesn't get you "high" just calms down the body and anxiety symptoms significantly!! It does help with sleep.
thanks for always getting back to me, going to look into it!! How are you doing with all your anxiety and sleep?
I looked up Charlotte's Web online- I am traveling over to Italy in the future, and can't take any of the stuff I just bought. I get horrible insomina when I travel, and with the jet lag and anxiety, it was so bad last time I traveled overseas. what do you recommend in their line to take for sleep- and maybe anxiety- but mostly sleep? I am stressing about it, any suggestions would be great appreciated! It looks like great stuff, and high quality, worth the money it if works!!
Yea, I don't need the HIGH, just want to be calmer and sleep!!! I had my days of getting high in college- lol!!
I would definitely buy a bottle of charolettes Web and take that with you. It will help with the anxiety of the flight π« and definitely help you sleep. It's fantastic quality. I don't, and won't, buy any inferior CBD product other than CW.
there are a bunch of things from CW- what specififcally do you like for sleep and anxiety-? it is not cheap, so want to make sure I buy the right thing.
It's up to you...
1. Its is a small bottle and the potency is lower. If you're concerned or skeptical about the physical effects, try this first. 0.5 ml dose.
2. Is what I'd recommend. It's like 3x the volume of the small bottle. The dosage is 1.0 ml but you can always dispense the dose lower from the dosage stopper.
3. If you have good results from the first or second options, eventually you can get this stronger dosage formula if needed. This is the option I buy now.
thank you so much for all the detailed information and pictures... you have been a big help. I am going to order #1, to start with and see how that works. the medical marijana is actully making me more anxious, I was fine the first 2 nights, and now it is sending me off the wall. I know that happens with it and people with anxiety- so I am hoping I get better luck with the CW CBD oil. thank you again! I appreciate it.
Unfortunately sometimes pot will increase anxiety symptoms. Did you get a straight indica strain? You definitely don't need a sativa strain if that's what you got. You definitely need to request a heavy hitting indica that will relax you fully, mind and body.
I'm glad you're trying CW. Keep me updated. Glad to hear about your progress π
I checked and the vape pen- which I have not tried is Indica, I can't find on the label of the tincture or online what the tincture has. I now know what to ask for in the future. I think I took too much last night- the dropper is a bear to read, and I am really sensitive to meds- usually have to start on half of the usual dose. Curious to see how the vape works. Again, thank you for all your feedback, this is a learning curve for me. I just want some sleep and peace in my brain.
I wish I would have prepped you prior to going to the dispensary. That would have served you better then than now π€¦ sorry π
You can ask me ANYTHING. I'll always be forthcoming and straight forward. I want to take as much stigma away from psychedelic mental health treatment options and help teach others that there are alternatives to psyche meds. You don't know if they'll help until you try them. If you're struggling with years of failed pills, what do you have to lose? It's a much better way to medicate with natural options, imo. They're starting to become more main stream as more and more states are adopting legal usage.
Knowledge is Empowerment. Never stop learning!π€β£οΈ
thank you for all your help- I do have some questions. I ordered the CW CBD oil, I wanted to know if you use it daily? Do you use it for anxiety or sleep? I will start with the low dose of like you suggested. How does it make you feel- just relaxed in mind and body? and lastly, how long does a dose last for-a few hours? I so appreciate your help.
I've used cw on a daily basis. Usually right before going to work and in the evening before bed. It's a calming feeling, not intoxicating. You should be fully able to do any normal routine without issue. The physical feeling is subtle and maybe lasts a 2-3 hours.
thank you for your feedback, I am looking foward to try the CW oil. Will let you know how it goes. You have been a HUGE help to me...
You are SO welcome π€
Right now I'm starting this voluntary research initiative on microdosing. It's Worldwide in like 85 countries following psychedelic users AND non-users of psilocybin mushrooms for depression. They are compiling info over 3 months from volunteers and I'm starting today. Just gonna finish the intake process for the app. I downloaded it last night but wanted to be alert and focused when I actually started it.
I've already taken my 0.20 gram microdose this morning and yesterday I took 0.25 g. It's low enough that it doesn't elicit any physical symptoms. I've used magic mushrooms π for recreational usage since my 20s. So this is nothing new to me... only the fact that now the medical community is recognizing it's theraputic applications for mental health that were thwarted back in the 60s by politics and social stigma.
Watch this video titled "how Psilocybin mushrooms can save the world" by mycological and Psilocybin expert Paul Stamets. It was just posted earlier this month at an annual mycology conference. He's the Elvis of the mushroom world...a LITERAL rock star of shrooms.
We've had better luck surveying the terpene profile of each strain, and then trying different applications to see what is most comfortable. THC levels signal anxiety and worry the higher they get. Cannabis MD's are ideal in counseling for what would work best according to individual needs.
thanks for the feedback, I did find out even when the MD and dispenary guided me on what to get that high THC makes anxiety worse- it sure did, and I am sesitive to any thing new I try. Also going to try a CBD oil that was reccommended. Still try to find the sweet spot for the Medical MJ. hoping it does help in the long run...