Hospital run : Just had panic attack... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Hospital run

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4 Replies

Just had panic attack just now, left house to go to hospital pulled up and was relaxed again. Been having panic attack now for 2 months hate it. Like my head is under pressure and I confused somewhat. Do anyone feel like this

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4 Replies

I’m sorry to hear that. Yes I’ve had dozens if not hundreds. For me I feel as if it’s hard to breath. My heart rate elevates and the more worked up I get the worse the symptoms feels. What have you tried to do to calm yourself? For myself medication and meditation were the most helpful tools I used to overcome this.

Hey there,

I've thankfully finally stopped driving to the ER to hang out, relax, and then's a panic attack. As of now, I wake up most days feeling that type of pressure, confused, and afraid I'm losing cognitive ability. Obviously I'm not as I'm typing this...but I absolutely understand what you mean and feel like. It's likely from all the stress, tension, anxiety, and panic you're experiencing. You probably aren't sleeping as well which is amplifying what you're feeling.

You've probably been preached to on this, but I'll try to be short, simple, and to the point. The best method, until you can follow up with a doctor, is to attempt deep breathing exercises, meditation, and mindfulness. These practices, while seemingly unhelpful during a panic attack, are extremely helpful to bring down the state of panic. You cannot fight the panic attack because it is your body's way of trying to keep you's a built in security alarm that unfortunately can go off with some slight nudges. I know it's easier to say this than do it, but if you can allow the panic to come on, peak, and then let it go, you'll be better off. Fighting it will make it worse. I know they feel horrendous and your body's alarm system just starts spitting out an awful diagnosis of the body every second, but a panic attack will not kill you. It can't, it's trying to save you....even though most times you don't need saving. Many of the drives I took ended in the parking lot with me doing a deep breathing exercise along to an audio app on my phone that has a gentle/soothing voice instructing you don't feel alone as you let the panic come and go.

When we start biting on the information our body is telling us, it's easy to believe the conclusions. This, that, and's happening! But it isn't....though I do recommend getting a check-up if you haven't, it helps so you can logically say: I'm okay, I just had this checked out. It's an easy pit to fall into. One book I read said to try to imagine your anxiety/panic as a stupid cartoon character with an equally stupid name. Pedro Attmire McDoogle...hairy, annoying, and cross-eyed. Whatever it takes. You tell Pedro he can bother you all he likes, but you don't have time for him today. He can make your heart rate go up or maybe make the breathing feel difficult....but you're bored by him. He will get none of your attention and he can leave a message if it's incredibly dire...our people will call his people. Meanwhile, you're just going to focus on the breath....eyes closed if you like. Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth steadily. If your mind wonders from where you feel the breath (let's say your nose), this is okay and expected. It helps rewire the brain into a better focus. We acknowledge where our mind wondered, make note if we like, and return immediately to the breath and what we're focusing on. If you need to, make a little chant to reinforce what you're doing..."I'm okay, this is normal, and I'm okay." Make one up and believe every word of it.

If you aren't already on medication for panic and anxiety, it would be wise to go ahead and make an appointment with your doctor. Both of you can decide what the next option is...medicine, therapy, a psychiatrist, or whatever sounds like it will work. Once you great treatment and use the beneficial practices above (mindfulness, deep breathing, meditation....almost exact if not very similar). There are also alternative therapies such as acupuncture, massages, aromatherapy, and more that you can try. This is no way to live and suffer, but you can and will come out of this "fog" you likely feel you're in. Know that help is always around the corner....a phone call, a drive to the emergency room, or someone around you. You can always count on support on this website. There's no shame in driving for help, setting yourself up outside, and seeing if the panic goes....if it goes away, well you have your answer.

I really hope you find yourself out from under the pressure of anxiety and absolutely sucks, but it will come and then go. Make sure to practice some self-love and kindness because it helps to be sympathetic to yourself while you deal with all of these strong thoughts and bodily sensations. Know that they're normal and many people suffer the same things. It's easy to get angry, frustrated, and sad, so be kind to yourself. Please take care and try some of those practices...they have videos/sessions on YouTube and apps on phones specifically to help with anxiety and panic when they come at the least opportune times in our lives. It will be okay and you can get out of this panic rut. I hope this helped and I truly wish you a panic free day as soon as possible. Best wishes and thoughts while you cope and manage; let us know how you's always great to hear when someone has a good day, week, or month.

Burs profile image
Burs in reply to

Hi veritas9983. That was a very good explanation of a panic att, and some brill techniques for dealing with them, more helpful than most docs. Love burs xxx

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