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Oxygen level drops when sitting and standing

Eve2311 profile image
12 Replies

Hello everyone, I was hoping to see if anyone has experienced or would know why my oxygen level drops when I stand up. I had one of those finger monitors. I get dizzy and lightheaded like I’m going to pass out. Then when I lay down, after standing, my chest pounds. I only get up to use the bathroom, that’s how bad it is now. I have researched online and I know different things can cause these feelings yet it’s different because it only falls when I get up. It’s like a positional thing, I’ve read maybe it’s a heart defect, like there’s a hole POF, I’m 18, have health, social, and general anxiety. I do not take any meds and at this time I am not seeing anyone. Has anyone heard of this type of 02 falling with standing? I’m so scared and don’t want to go to the ED. Thank you for any info. Hope everyone is doing okay.

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Eve2311 profile image
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12 Replies
Figgins42 profile image

I don't know about the oxygen level drop, but I do know that I have something very similar to this and I've seen a Cardiologist for it after it put me in the ER. I can't diagnose you because I'm not a Doctor, but I can tell you it sounds like what I experience, and I was diagnosed with Orthostasia or Orthostatic hypotension, which is a dip or drop in your blood pressure upon standing or sitting up. It can happen if you lie flat, too. My Doctor had me lie flat, then get up and she checked my blood pressure a few times that way. I've also had a stress test and two echocardiograms. Lying flat and then rising quickly can make it worse. Heat can make it worse. I was walking in the city and felt like the sidewalk was coming up at me. You get light-headed with this condition, even dizzy. Stay hydrated.

I'm wondering why at 18 you're wearing an O2 monitor? Have you seen a Cardiologist? I would make an appointment and get it checked out. My Cardiologist acted like it wasn't a big deal but it is very unsettling, so I know how scared you must be. You have your age on your side but still, take the right medical steps.

Eve2311 profile image
Eve2311 in reply to Figgins42

Thank you for responding!!! I saw a cardiologist two years ago for heart palpitations, I wore a heart monitor for two weeks but all was fine, my Ekg was fine too. She ended up saying that I just need to increase my water. At that time because I was so concerned I got one of those finger things to check my heart rate, so that’s why I have it. I know I shouldn’t keep checking it but I can’t help it. When I’m just laying down resting my 02 is 99, 98 and as soon as I stand up it drops to 94, 93, that seems low and ive read it’s not suppose to go close to 80. When I was at the doctors just a few weeks ago about not feeling good etc they did a test where they checked my blood pressure sitting standing and laying down, they said it was okay. I sometimes feel they might be missing something. I really do appreciate you responding to my post, it’s the first time I’ve ever done anything like this, reaching out. Thank you!!!!!

Nom-D-Ploom profile image
Nom-D-Ploom in reply to Eve2311

The advice from Figgins42 is very accurate regarding orthostatic hypotension. Is it vertigo? An ENT can diagnose that. Have they tested your thyroid? Sometimes the symptoms you describe can be a panic attack. Other causes could be low testosterone. Does it happen when you are away from your home? If so it could be agoraphobia. Understand that this is all guesswork. Emotions can have a very powerful effect on the body, and every human is unique, so that no 2 people will react exactly the same to stress. The best advice is to report all events to your doctor. Keep working with him/her until you get the answers you need.

hypercat54 profile image

Hi I am surprised you are using an oxygen monitor unless you have a lung condition as that's whom they are meant for. My advice is to stop using it as it is only making making your health anxiety worse.

You only need to worry if your oxygen levels (sats) regularly drop to the mid 80's or below and remain there for some time as that means you could have a lung condition and might need oxygen to support your organs. What does the level drop to? And what is it normally? x

Eve2311 profile image
Eve2311 in reply to hypercat54

Thank you for your response!! This is the first time I’ve reached out like this. I’m not sure if you can see my reply to figgins42 or not, I explained there that I got that little finger monitor when I was having chest palpitations two years ago. My resting 02 is 99, 98 then when I sit up fully or stand it drops to 94, 93, I read somewhere that that was too low. When I go from standing to laying down my chest pounds and hurts so bad, and I get scared and think I’m having a heart attack. I don’t think I really am but I keep thinking it. I know I shouldn’t be constantly checking my sat rate and pulse but I’m haveing a hard time stopping that now. I just feel something is really wrong with my heart for me to be feeling this bad for the last two weeks. I know what my anxiety feels like and this just seems like something way more physical. Thanks for your reply, it helps! I’ll try to relax and get that off my finger. Hope you are well.

Figgins42 profile image
Figgins42 in reply to Eve2311

I agree with hypercat, the finger monitor is only making your anxiety worse. I can relate. I take my blood pressure often. Honestly, since you've been to specialists and been checked out recently, I would try to focus on that - that you had good results! Your ekg was fine, you even wore a heart monitor for 2 weeks and that was good, too. The palps could be like your Doc said, from dehydration and from anxiety. Keep drinking that water! More water than you think! Especially for people with anxiety. We dehydrate easily. Put that finger thingy in the drawer unless your Doctor instructed you to wear it! As someone with health anxiety, focusing on all the things that "could" go wrong only make it more of a phobia. It's good to take precautions with your health and I applaud you for that, but don't become a prisoner to what your mind tricks you into thinking is happening. And follow-up with that Specialist if you feel something isn't right!

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Figgins42

You don't wear the finger one. It's just used as and when. x

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Eve2311

An oxygen level of 93 is completely fine so stop worrying. It's only if it drops to the mid 80's that there could be problems.

Does it have a heart monitor on it too? What does it show? x

Eve2311 profile image
Eve2311 in reply to hypercat54

It just has pulse/oxygen numbers. I’ll try to put it away. Thanks for all the good advice and the prompt support!! Hope each of you are well💕

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Eve2311

Eve it's become an obsession now which is hard to break but needs

to be done to quiet down your anxiety. There is no need for an individual

to monitor their vitals on a daily basis. Your doctor is the professional

who knows your health history and can safely take care of you.

Please try putting it aside, I've been there with the b/p monitor and know

what overuse can do to our anxiety issues. :) xx

Itsjustmeagain profile image

Hi may I ask how long this has happened? (You may have answered I may have missed it)

At least since it has gotten bad?

What altitude do you live at?

There's lots of factors that can cause it

Doesn't mean it's life threatening esp if you saw Dr.

I have Somalia issues at times.

But if it really has got worse maybe you should go back to Dr.

Eve2311 profile image
Eve2311 in reply to Itsjustmeagain

Hello, thank you for your concern. The altitude here in ct is not bad. Although I’ve read that people who do live in high altitude areas can have problems because of that. I havent felt good for a long time but Its gotten worse since February, and this past week was really bad with my heart was racing and chest pain and dizzyness. I did end up going to the ER the other night and having a really good doctor. He thinks I may have POTS because I have all the symptoms and my anxiety doesn’t help. He even told me to throw away the store bought finger monitor I was constantly checking. ( just like other community members here have suggested. thank you guys) He wants me to follow up with my primary and see about further testing, so I’ll do that. I’m sorry but I’m unfamiliar with what you said you sometimes have issues with. Does it cause you pain?

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