I am new here and I am happy to have found this group. My BP shoot up last month all tests are normal and Doctor said I have anxiety. As of now I am still on the process of "getting to know" what causes my anxiety, hoping what other members had experienced and shared here will give light to me :).
Glad have found this group: I am new... - Anxiety and Depre...
Glad have found this group

Hi I'm new to this site too. Anxiety is shitty
I got diagnosed about almost 4 years ago and there’s days when it’s hard and there’s days that are good. It’s a scary feeling
Thanks for sharing, then I must be ready for the hard days!
I think the reasons behind anxiety can be as varied as all the people who have it... as well as the symptoms that it can create...
My bpspikes with anxiety as well.
So far a good therapist and talking to others has helped me the most.
Hope you feel better...
Hey KYMuffin,
Anxiety is a complicated little bugger. Each and every one of us experiences it differently...while you might have an increase in your pulse/blood pressure, some people feel "out of body" experiences, dizziness, and so much more. The list of anxiety symptoms is almost endless! You're in good company here and welcome aboard!
As for what causes your anxiety...much like everything else...it will vary person to person. Some people are anxious over their health, social situations, and from leaving their "safe place" (agoraphobia). So, you'll want to identify when your anxious what's going on inside of you and around you. Is it a tense moment, is a large group of people you're unfamiliar with, or maybe you don't feel close enough to an exit in a movie theater (truly a real "thing")? Try to make notes....what you felt, why you think you felt it, and maybe give it a 1-10 rating. Ex: Today I was around a lot of people and I felt really dizzy, when I walked away from this, I felt better....I would say I was 4 out of a 10 in anxiety. Taking this to your doctor, a therapist, or even a psychiatrist can drastically help you reduce your anxiety or at least cope with it. As you learn your triggers, you can learn how to cope with it in a healthy way.
You may have been prescribed medication as anxiety is usually treated by a doctor using anti-depressant medications. If you were, I hope they help out. If you weren't, there are many things you can do that will help you immensely during an anxiety attack or anxious moment. One of the best of all is deep breathing exercises. It's exactly as it sounds, but there are important keys. Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth...let the air fill your belly as it goes in, and deflate as you breathe out. As you breathe, focus on whatever part of the breathing is most prominent in feeling. Maybe you feel the breathing in your throat. Focus on that and only that as you breathe in and out. As you do this, your brain will think about other things...what's coming up, dates, meals, and so on. That's perfectly okay...just dismiss them or make a note that you'll get to them later. Return to the thought of whatever you are feeling when you're breathing...in and out. As you do this, your body should begin to relax a little and we hope the anxiety subsides because this sort of breathing calms the body's nervous system.
More helpful tidbits (similar to the above) is mindfulness and meditation. They both focus on breathing. I have found several mindfulness sessions that actually also encourage scrunching and stretching muscles (tension release) and also shaking a limb/your body to get rid of the anxious nervous energy. There's even more for sleep, depression, and self-love....all important things in mental health. Other things that are semi-popular are acupuncture and aromatherapy. Acupuncture, for myself, has been amazing since I tried it.
I've had anxiety for about 17 years and it shows up whenever it likes...and sometimes disappears for awhile. It ranges from uncomfortable and annoying to feeling like it takes parts of my life away (missing events, outings). My blood pressure and pulse increases while I feel like I can't breathe, get dizzy, and feel weak. Truly uncomfortable and frightening, but having worked on some of these, it's gotten better. I use a beta-blocker to reduce the high heart rate/blood pressure...it's really done the trick. I can't promote drugs on here obviously, but if your doctor goes that route, they are helpful.
The most important part of all is to realize anxiety is manageable and it's good to stay on top of it. You might find therapy or medication as a good way to do so. Regardless of what you opt for, try to remain optimistic and positive through it all. There will be tough days...and this website is a great place to come when you need some support. Best of luck and know you aren't alone!

Hey there! Thanks for the kind words and advises, I have actually stumbled on this group while searching on how to manage anxiety and depression and the first advise that I have read was yours to one of the member here 'named 'Pppppp' something like that And so, reading what you typed for him comforted me too, felt like I belong to this group that is why I joined to read more of your advises and those of others too.