Taking back my life. Looking forward to a better year. You never know what's around that next bend in the road!
Glad I found this site!: Taking back my... - Anxiety and Depre...
Glad I found this site!

Good for you! Chasing happiness is all about trying to have something more than you have in the present moment....contentment on the other hand is being happy with what you've got.
Chasing happiness can lead to discontentment, always comparing your situation to others....If there's one thing I've learnt is that you must slow things down and savour every minute of life. Sure, some things could be better for all of us, but they could always be much worse!
Tomorrows dreams and wishes are often the things we have right now! We just don't realise it till they've gone.
I am happier because I live my own life and don't try to imitate others, don't try to impress or be a certain way to please. I am myself, take it or leave it.
When you look at social media, everyone puts their best face on, everyone posts great pics of themselves, their homes, their holidays, their lifestyles......everyone is always busy doing something great, going somewhere exotic etc...full of confidence and surrounded by friends and it can make you feel pressure to be the same. My daughter is 18 and she was tired and not wanting to go out and I said to her to stay in then, watch a movie.....but she said 'I have to be seen to be doing something'.....it's all down to the social media thing, all her friends forever posting what they are doing, who they are with......gosh am I glad to be old enough not to worry about all that! Give me a beer and a pizza and I'm happy!
It's funny that depressed people can be so optimistic. I make myself smile sometimes how positive I can be. I guess you see the more important things when you are sensitive.
I love the images you have chosen on your page. Yes, it's true, you never know what's around the next bend and it is a wonderful way to look at life.
I hope you find real happiness by enjoying what you already have!
Thank you! You have said many things that apply to myself. It's nice to hear from you!
P.S. About the images: I took the Highway in Northern CA just south of Arcata. I turned around to go back and catch it. The avatar is one that an exchange student took of me.
I love the rays of light coming through those wonderful twisted branches! It reminds me of better days ahead, leaving the darkness behind....and the hope of what lies around the bend.
It is a very powerful image and one full of inspiration. I think images mean a lot to us when they also capture a moment in our own lives. They not only capture the moment but they capture our emotions too.
I am sure you will fit right in to this lovely bunch of people on here.
Great attitude there Fun-Guy!
Yep, you never know. Be true to ourselves and live day to day in the present moment. Everything we need to be happy is already there within us
Great photo Fun-Guy, keep thinking positive. You'd be surprise in
what lies ahead for us when we do. xx
When I was young I loved photography, you have picked up on the movement of the light radiating through the trees, do you attend any Photo Clubs, I found photography was a great mood riser, it is a diversion well worth while especially when you have so much talent
hopefully its a great year ahead for you love your picture as well.