Hi! So I’ve been feeling very anxious about my heart lately. My heart has been weird since I was a little kid and I’ve been having a thorough check up recently but the doctors couldn’t find anything. So basically for two years now I’ve been having extra beats when exercising but recently I’ve started to experience extra beats daily in my everyday life. I’ve also been a bit dizzy lately, having a lot of chest pain (not necessarily in the heart region) and have been feeling that it’s heavy to breath. So I wonder if It’s my brain provoking these feelings because of the fear of dying (since I haven’t actually dropped dead yet and I’ve been having this for quite a while) or if I might should go and have a new check up. Anybody else who can relate or been having similar issues? Can anxiety really be this severe and continual?Thanks.
Anyone else? Help! : Hi! So I’ve been... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anyone else? Help!

Have to mention that I’m 20 years old
I am going thru the same thing! I also grt sharp pains in my chest that come and go quickly, sometimes my chest wall is sore to the touch, i get chest cramps and random aches that come outta no where and then leave, sometimes i feel I'm not breathing right lime i may be having a heart attack or heart failure and i automatically start panicking and sometimes when i have chest pains my left arm aches as well in certain spots its really never my whole left arm I've been to 2 different cardiologists, I've had tons of ekgs and multiple chest xrays, ive also had a 24hr heart monitor, a chest ultrasound, and a stress test which all have came back normal and they told me my heart looks good and that this is all apart of my Anxiety! In which I've been diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder
Though I’m very sad to hear that you’re struggling as well I have to say that it feels good not to be alone. I can definitely relate very much. Do you have any extra beats at all?
Yes I’ve been dealing with extra beats or skips since I turned 30 or maybe I was late twenties. Been checked out head to toe from cardiologist. Each time they find nothing so it is unfortunately anxiety. I take meds for the anxiety. That’s helping. I would see cardiologist to rule out anything. And if all clear, then it’s most likely anxiety. Hang in there!!
I’ve been doing some research and what I will do when I get home (I’m travelling at the moment) is that I’ll get a good check-up of my thyroid gland and hormones because apparently the can play a big part when you’re experiencing things like these. I would recommend you to do the same if you have already. Stay strong❤️