Can I end my life now!
Why do I need to live in this world? - Anxiety and Depre...
Why do I need to live in this world?
No you can't. Think about all those people that would give anything to still be here. People that got sick, fought in war etc. Value yourself and live because it's a blessing. It's the easy way out and we need to fight. The feelings you are having are temporary like everything else in life.
no absolute not what you do is call the Samaritans and speak to them talk to your family or even a friend.ive been in terrible life situations like you and somehow rode it out and come through and that's what you will hopefully do.whatever has got you to this point let it be an actual turning point in your life for the does change it does get better but we need to be committed and determined and not let setbacks stop us from getting better.please talk it does get better.
No, what if the after life is worse!
It only means jumping from one hell to another. Or I don't completely remember this life
You won't remember, you get to repeat the same mistakes again, over and over again. Might as well learn as much as you can in the life you are in and make the best out of it and be a advocate and share your knowledge. Maybe that's what we are here for, food for thought.
Have you sorted your insomnia out yet ?
No. It's been like that for years and years
That's going to be a big factor why you feel like this, please try the magnesium and mindfulness and hypnosis videos, you have nothing to lose by trying, I also have had sleeping problems for years, it's working for me, so it may work for you too
Chances are you don't actually want to not be here, you want to feel better. You want relief. And you WILL feel better and you WILL get relief. I agree with the others that you should probably reach out either to a hotline or go by the hospital if you're that close to the edge. We want you here!
I actually don't think hotlines help. And I'm not sure going to the hospital can ease any except giving more sleep. Except if the hospital could offer euthanasia, a forever death to me.
I don't know where you are, but the Samaritans always help, stay away from paid hotlines, because some of them are just their for their paycheck, the Samaritans are volunteers who listen for the goodness of their heart
I skimmed over some of your other posts. All I’ll say about ending your life is I wish you wouldn’t. You can call me selfish if you’d like and thats ok because technically it is. I don’t like people being in pain but it breaks my heart to know anyone is bad enough that they want to kill themselves.
I say this because you also asked if there is love in the world. The answer is an unequivocal yes. Absolutely. The problem with love is that what we’re taught is how love should be is almost never the case.
We’re taught that our friends and family love us they’ll do it in a certain way. It’s in nearly every book, movie, tv show, play and everything else that it can be. So when people don’t act that way, and trust me they almost certainly won’t, it hurts us. We feel alone and unloved.
This doesn’t mean they don’t love us. Yes, It could be that they’re selfish or even that they don’t, but it’s more likely that their way of expressing love is different than ours. For example to them it may not be important to talk to someone regularly to show you care. To people like me it is. That doesn’t make either group right or wrong, it just means that when you’re in the group that needs to talk and you’re interacting with people who don’t things will end badly if you take it personally and it’s hard not too.
The reality of love is, that it exists all around us without ever feeling noticeable. My requesting you not end your life may seem selfish to some, but others will see it as caring. I don’t know the vast majority of the people on this site but I love every single one of them at least a little because I know what it’s like to be in pain. Maybe not the exact same kind of pain, definitely not the same experiences but pain is pain. What is tolerable to one person isn’t always tolerable to another.
Just because you don’t feel love doesn’t mean it isn’t there. My parents can go months barely saying a word to me if they talk to me at all. I used to get upset because I’d try and talk to them and my siblings and it was like talking to a wall.
But when I accidentally let it slip one day that I was feeling a bit suicidal my dad dropped everything and drove 2 hours to see me. Just because I didnt feel like he loved me doesn’t mean that he doesn’t.
There are different kids of love. The basic love for a fellow human that comes from having a degree of empathy, the kind of love you have for a great friend, the love for your family, your pets, your children and your romantic partners. They’re all different but they’re no less valid.
I hope your afternoon improves and that you find a way to feel less alone and isolated. I’m not on here as often as I was but you’re certainly free to message me or post to the group any time you want. I wish you all the best! 🙂