Does love exist in this world?
If love do exist, why everyone seems so selfish?
To me, I would rather leave this world without even taking anything with me.
I feel like this world is just like hell because there's no love.
Does love exist in this world?
If love do exist, why everyone seems so selfish?
To me, I would rather leave this world without even taking anything with me.
I feel like this world is just like hell because there's no love.
there is love, you can give yourself love, spoil yourself make your own self happy. Its hard but doesn't hurt to try....
You are love, love is in us
yes..... I absolutely know there is.... and there is a lot of love here my friend.... even in this virtual world there are kind, loving and caring people, because many of us here have had to deal with the cruelty of stigma, have endured abuse as children and adults, and suffered great loss. So we understand....
I have been here for a number of months and made friends who literally have saved me many days I had felt complete despair.....showed me that there are good people in this world. In my real world for the first time in my life, I have let someone love me unconditionally, and it's the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. That was about 8 years ago and still going strong. It happened out of the blue when I too had given up on ever having love in my life. It can be a cold and callous world....but being more selective with who you let into your inner circle and putting up boundaries can make a lot of difference in your feeling secure. There are no guarantees in happens, change happens, and bad things happen to good people.... all you can do is be the best person you can be. We cannot control how others will act, but if we react rather than act .....we are no better.
I too believe we make our world as best as we can to a certain extent....I do my best to surround myself with things that make me happy....not material things, simple things....
my cat is sleeping on the bed purring as I'm typing. I have a fire going to warm the house, I am painting a new picture today and I love the colors. Even though things don't always go the way I would what....there are more good things than a few bad.......and I can focus on the good things, or stay angry and upset I didn't get my way...
What and who has upset you to come to this conclusion? Many people have difficult relationships within families- they feel responsible for the unwanted comments and criticism made to feel everything that goes wrong is their fault. This is not true. You need to ask yourself why am|I upset and work through it with a counsellor. Can you talk about it or is it too painful?
It is my theory that love is slowly becoming a thing of the past. There was much more of it in the past . When I was a little kid a teenager and a young man it seemed to be everywhere. Back in 1967 the Beatles were chosen to represent Great Britain in the first satellite world wide tv special. They sang All You Need Is Love. I loved the song. It gave me the chills. I remember thinking "our generation is going to make a difference". This was in 1967. Well we made a difference all right. The world we live in today is ugly to the extreme. Nothing but greed, hypocrisy, extreme violence, terrorism, political correctness and a total lack of respect for others. The number of really good men and women is dwindling rapidly. If they suddenly developed time travel I would be one of the first to volunteer. I would go back to 1958, somewhere around there and live the rest of my life in peace. The conformity would be a pain in the ass, but it would be worth it.....robertcass