I keep thinking to myself I’m not gonna be around much longer this shits gonna kill me etc. can someone please tell me that I’m not the only one that’s had the thoughts before, I’m petrified of my own damn brain. But I noticed if I’m out and about doing things and not at home, it doesn’t seem to be anywhere as bad. Maybe I’m over thinking but I just wish this switch like feeling would go back on and this shit would stop. It’s stressing me out. I don’t know why this is. I feel like I’m going insane!
So crazy thoughts with heightened anx... - Anxiety and Depre...
So crazy thoughts with heightened anxiety

That’s how I am anymore. I think I need more distraction
I can totally relate, because I told my husband the same thing last week. He gave me a side eye and said, "girl, if you dont cut it out. You are not going to die" I know it's irrational thinking, but he doesn't know the hell I (we) go through internally.
Honestly, I just try my best to ignore it, because giving thought to it only manifests into worse feelings.
Staying busy doing things that you enjoy is one of the best ways to combat this. As you know, the symptoms aren't as strong when you're doing things, which means that it was irrational thinking all along.
Practice. Practice. Practice.
I just have this I can’t stand this I need relief now feeling. And the depersonalization kicked in again. I’ve been to a point before I was paranoid I’d take all the knives and cleaning stuff etc and made my relative take them just because I was paranoid. I know this will pass, but I think maybe because the new medicine just started it’s heightened
Yeah, some medications do heighten the anxiety temporarily. Just keep telling yourself that it WILL pass. Even if you dont believe it, your subconscious will believe it for you. Stay positive, stay hydrated, eat regularly, get enough rest and exercise if you can.
You are not the only one, I too have these thoughts. As you said when you're out and about it doesn't bother you much. A saying that is all so true is that idle time is the devils playground. Try to stay as busy as you can and that way the thoughts won't bother you as much.
I have thought I was dying for 3 years. This stuff is crazy. I have a hard time thinking rationally when my anxiety is high. I worry that I am going crazy, it is a terrible feeling.