Hey everyone. Wishing you all a happy Valentine's day. I wrote this for my beloved awhile back. Nothing makes me happier than she does. I hope I make her just as happy. Love and goodwill across all of ADAA land today!
If A Poet Fell In Love (A Valentine's... - Anxiety and Depre...
If A Poet Fell In Love (A Valentine's Day Poem by JEG325)

So sweet. I love it!
JEG, nothing touches a woman's heart more than a Love Poem written
by her special man. Today is a special day for a special couple.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentines Day to You,too! And to everyone suffering from lonliness or depression. May you find a love within yourselves...then someday someone new may come to YOU! Seeking love with no further a due. God bless and may cupid strike at the right time...and everything will be just fine!
A reply and a poem, how awesome. Thank you, my friend. Sue and I met right here on this site. We couldn't be happier. It proves that good things can come from bad. I have a writing group on this site + plus several chat lines if you are interested. All I have to do is add your username and you are in. But, as long as I know you, you are no longer friendless!
Sounds great! ☆Happy☆ ♡Valentine's♡ ☆Day☆
To you too. I will add you to chatlines 2B & 4 + chatline 5 as soon as I launch it! Have a blessed day!
I don't really understand about the chat lines. Keep me posted and I'll do my best. Lately, I've been depressed and have written a few poems with a negative tone. But I will try to create some with a positive message. I'm really inspired now!
Chatlines are ran from my pm. They have a small group of 12 to 16 people who sort of become their own little family. As soon as I add you username to the chatlines anytime they are active you will be notifed, You may then chat like you are here.....Your chat button will light up orange and when you tap it it will show the chatline that's active. You may type a message in the message box at the bottom of the page, hit send and join the conversation. If more than one chatline is active when you tap the chat button, you simply click on to which one you're going to talk on first and then repeat the steps above. I am the moderator/admin for my chatlines. I am around quite often. The writing group isa very small group of people 4 to 6, usually that meet M-W-F from 7 to 9pm EST. IF not enough people show the meeting is cancelled by me. Sometimes we just shoot the bull mostly and don't talk about our writing. We have set it up so that if you completely join our activities anyone or the whole group could write a poem together. I have been known to co-write with one or more people outside of the meeting too. It's all good. If you want to get onboard with us, you will not be very lonely anymore. Someone's almost always on Circle Of Friends 2B. The newer chatlines vary depending on who's in the mix. Chatlines 3 & 4 are not very active. Unless you say no. You can be in 2B, the new one, which is 5, when I launch it, and the writing group, which functions as a normal but, not very active chatline outside of the meetings. I am on all chatlines and like I say, I can be reached quite often. Have an awesome day, my friend!
That's great about the inspiration. Run with it, my friend! (Write whatever occurs to you!)
I have been out with an elderly couple for the last few hours. We went to Wendy's then took a ride to bring someone home. I also had to pick up some essentials like laundry detergent and light bulbs. It is cold and started snowing up here.
Very nice, this one is my favorite. 🥰

Mine too. Also, it was appropriate for the day. Sue helped me hone and sharpen it for posting. Thank you for you reply, good friend of mine!
Well done! A worthy effort!
I'm a little confused. So please excuse me. I'm just getting used to this new lap top as well as computers and smart phones.