I'm new here and I dunno how to cope up with everything tht is hppening all around me. I've been waking up in the middle of the night and overthink bout lots of things, plus social media's pressure is getting to me I can't seem to go and be happy everyday. I've been trying things to forget my negativities but I can't. My heart's keeping on palpitating. I'm scared and really tired. I also cn't seem to tell my fmily of what I'm feeling I feel so useless. And my instincts brought me here. Idk what might hppen after this. But I hope I'll never give up on life.
I'm currently having anxiety attacks. - Anxiety and Depre...
I'm currently having anxiety attacks.

Hi Bleeink
Sorry you're going through this.
What's your situation like at home (no need to answer) what I mean is - Are you able to sit in a comfy chair and get wrapped up warm with a throw and one or 2 hot water bottles? Preferably in a quiet room? Or - Do you have any light-hearted DVDs such as an old, innocent Walt Disney Or old family comedy that you could watch to distract you and lighten the atmosphere?
When tired, everything gets worse. Peaceful rest and catching up on some sleep will help - if you can just get that far. Something nice to eat and your favourite hot drink maybe.
Praying you will have a peaceful evening and some sleep tonight.
God Bless x
Mary 🐥
You have already answered your issue - remove soc media from your life. Work. Work out. Enjoy.
Social media puts a lot of pressure on all of us even if we don’t realise it. We unconciously try to be re-makes of our idols. And that leads to unhealthy habits, body issues, self-image issues and can also manifest on mental health in form of anxiety ect. On the other hand, you said you live in a dorm and not home, maybe you miss home? Maybe you feel lonely in new town? Maybe you have anxiety about college, new classes, graduation etc? Did you consider seeing a therapist or someone you can talk to?
Well rn I miss home. Yes college and living in the city has been tough. And lots of things are even pressuring me rn. I don't know who to talk to. Except my mom. But she's too busy at work. And I'm truly humilliated in front of my friends bcuz of some stupid shitpost. Which I have to handle. And I hate it when people's mind are too shallow to post something 'bout me wherein I am not aware of.
What post? Have you been social media-bullied in some way? If so, it is so unfair and I think you should seek immediate help from someone from the University. Those things leave life long mark on person. I myself have a lot of body issues and self-image issues because of bullies. I am here to talk to you if you want. Everything is going to be better soon trust me❤️
I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. I am in the middle of one myself. As far as social media goes, believe it or not-you get used to not having it. You use it bc it’s there. I say delete accounts or put on hold for a while (I think you can do that). I just deleted and was just fine if not better without. I recently went back to both FB (keep in touch w family) and instagram. Mostly for sea critters, sharks and such. Love the ocean. But I find myself looking into pro Ana sites which as we all know are most definitely NOT helpful. I say give it a try. As long as it doesn’t isolate you. Still need to keep in touch w friends.
Well. I have to thank you bc responding to you has helped me calm down. So, thank you👍🏻. I have a good book that might help. It’s Mind over Mood. Grab a helpful book like this one instead of going online. Give it a shot. What’s a few weeks away from them? Take care
Anxiety can be very scary. I've had some pretty bad episodes and things that have helped me are:
1. Grounding myself/getting present: Focus on the space I'm in and my breath, in other words, getting out of my thoughts in my head that fuel that fight or flight response. Coherent breathing is great for this. Breathe into the count of six and exhale to the count of 6. Do this until you feel yourself coming down.
2. Guided meditations
3. Exercise/Yoga If you can get outdoors, even better.
4. Talk to someone. I know you said you don't want to bother your roommates, but is there anyone, a friend, family member, significant other I know that you can talk things through with? Online support is helpful, but I always find it even more helpful if I can talk to someone on the phone or in person. If you don't have anyone, or you prefer to text, communicate online, etc., then reach out to someone, anyone. Don't try to go this alone when you don't have to.
5. Write it down/journal. Write down your thoughts and feelings, What are you worried about? What is your fear surrounding what's happening? I have found that 99.9% of my worst case scenario fears never even come close to happening. Sometimes just by writing down everything that I'm feeling and worrying about, it helps take away the power of my fears.
In your case, I would also consider taking a break from social media. Anything you are seeing is more likely to fuel your anxiety rather than help it .
I wish you all the best and hope you get good rest and find ways to support yourself through these tough times.
I am sorry you are struggling. Maybe you could get off social media for a while. For me, massages help because it aids in releasing toxins from the body (drink water to flush them out). A tremendous help in relieving stress. I hope you can find that balance and are able to “breathe” and keep moving forward. God bless.