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Anxiety and panic , would like advice and help ;)

Kevin160 profile image
31 Replies

Hey everyone , i would like to chat with anyone who might have gone through similar experiences like me , i currently suffer from severe stress and panic attacks , didnt have the easiest life so far and would like to chat with someone , just need a set of ears and advices or just support. Would appreciate the help

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Kevin160 profile image
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31 Replies
Stilltrying_ profile image

Hi there. I find that many of us on here have had difficult starts in life. I'm a bit lazy and not seen if you've made any other posts, (Oh I see you made two already but hopefully my answer still applies. )

It may be worth you using the "search" facility on here so you can read the experiences of other users. You don't mention if you have had counselling and so on or whether you can afford it ( which is a major issue if you can't I know) but of course any "talking" therapy including sharing your own experiences on here ( and even reading of others) should help a little.

Are you familiar with any help lines at all as sometimes they can help. I don't know what country you are in but a google search can often help find places where you can get some further help. I know of a site called 7cups . They are quite good. IMO.

Hope this helps.

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Stilltrying_

Well i dont think i ever had counselling , especially at school because i didnt like to talk about my problems there , im turning 17 and my family members dont believe this is a big deal as i think it is , so its not a matter of they cant afford it eventhough its pretty expensive where i reside, they offer me support but they all have their own problems , cancer runs in the family and cost us our share of problems , along of family fueds that pretty much tore my family apart , things are a bit better now but we dont seem to ever catch a break , something bad always happens , im still young so my parents dont actually see the severity and think im overreacting which i cant blame them , my brother used to complain about his physical and mental health all the time and whenever they took him to get checked he would always be fine , so i get why they might think im overreacting and i might be , but i just keep getting panic attacks , stress and scary thoughts that i cant seem to shake , i just wish i can relax and go back to my normal life where stress doesnt affect my eating and sleeping , and my mood , also where i can do nirmal activities again and dont worry about getting migraines and suffering panic attacks and just being on edge terrified of smth bad happening , and just going through with life like most of the people i know and all my friends that seem to not let anything stop them , but with me i have so many boundaries and my brain just takes over everything and i have had so much unlucky shit that its in my head that im cursedd lr smth idk , i hope i can find help

jkl5500 profile image
jkl5500 in reply to Kevin160

I had my first panic attack when I was 15. As far as your symptoms you described, I could have written much of your post. Because of your age, I'm not sure how you can get treatment without your parents' approval, so I suggest you have a long talk with them and tell them that you feel that you need therapy for your illness. At least, they can make an appointment with your regular doctor. Then you can tell him or her what's happening with you, and the doctor can explain to your parents that you need treatment. If your parents are doubtful, they will take the doctor's word more seriously. Then you can start the treatment that you need. Please talk to your parents very soon.

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to jkl5500

I talked to them a few times and they agreed that my problems are likely from stress and its psycological , but they see it that im young and too young for a therapist which tbh sounds dumb , they have been supportive and i know if i push them they will get me to a therapist , i just didnt want it to get to that and i know a therapist will likely just prescribe meds or something im worried that it wouldnt help and i feel like a therapist is a last resort , WHAT IF IT DIDNT HELP I WILL LOSE ALL HOPE! I get worried quickly and im worried about the future. Thanks for the help though im gonna do my best to get better

jkl5500 profile image
jkl5500 in reply to Kevin160

Just a suggestion: If you see a therapist who is not an MD, then he or she can't prescribe anything, because he/she is not an MD! Talk therapy would be very beneficial for you, and I strongly recommend it. Don't think that somehow, it will all get better by itself. And don't feel ashamed of seeing a therapist. Millions of people do, including little kids! You're NOT too young for therapy. I wish you well.

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to jkl5500

Thank you so much for your help , just know that you really helped me , i would not actually be ashamed of going to a therapist, i would very much love to , because i know its a normal thing for people to express their feelings especially if they have problems dealing with their problems , lots of love (:

Calm_mama profile image
Calm_mama in reply to Kevin160

Definitely not too young for therapy! Therapy is a gift and frankly most people should/need to see a therapist at some point in their lives. Lots of people get therapy, it's not/shouldn't be a last resort! Did you know: In the US, therapists and psychiatrists must enter therapy themselves as part of their training. Therapy is fantastic- I would definitely follow up with your folks and go find an awesome therapist you really connect with :) Talk therapy can help but most people benefit the most from CBT- cognitive behavioral therapy- for anxiety and depression. A good therapist knows many therapeutic modalities and weaves them into their work with a client. But for anxiety/depression, CBT is a must.

At your age, therapy is particularly helpful. There is so much neuroplasticity in the young brain!

I replied to your post from today too.

This is hard- I know. You've got lots of support here:) come and post lots and get/give that much needed social support to get through this:)

Mistykitten profile image
Mistykitten in reply to Calm_mama

I totally agree with 15500 and Calm Mama. Talk therapy Will help you. Give it a chance. I agree.... Start with your regular doctor. Insist your parents stay in the outer office while you speak with your doctor. Just remember, your doctor and your therapist (When start) cannot say anything to your parents without your permission. It's called patient/doctor confidentiality.

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Mistykitten

I will definitely try :) thank you so much

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Calm_mama

I appreciate your help and you are right ,and your support is really helpful..i Will definitely see what i can do with my parents regarding seeing a therapist ..they feel that since things are better the divorce and my mom is cancer free now and all the terrible things stopped happening that i dont need to talk about it anymore which i believe is wrong

I suffer Reactive Depression and I come on here to meet and converse with like minded people.

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Dilaw808 profile image

I’m sorry you had the same kind of day I did. I realize I didn’t even ask you how you were. You can always message me and let me know how you are doing. Take care


Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Dilaw808

Its fine im doing better now , i find some days im calmer and feel like im strong enough to face my thoughts , other times the thought of moving or going somewhere makes my stomach drop , i just fear things that were so simple to me and it makes me so dissapointed in myself. Im trying to stay positive but i think the longer you stay anxious the harder it gets , i talked my brother today and he helped me realize that my fears are irrational , and that anxiety wont kill me , eventhough i still worried that i will stay like this and i will start suffering heart disease or hypertension or something and i will no longer be able to lead a normal life

Dilaw808 profile image
Dilaw808 in reply to Kevin160

Don’t let yourself go there. Deal with the mental issues and fears so you won’t have tons of stress. I have tons of physical or health issues. A lot of my doctors say that stress is a killer and say when you hold all that stress it’s too much for your body. Hormones change and spikes or drops in other things change in your system. After a while it becomes to much and things manifest physically. You are okay. Physically you are good, you are young. Deal with the mental stuff (like anxiety and irrational fears and whatever else) and maybe or quite possibly you will not have the many illnesses, disease, or acute physical disasters in your older years. Life is hard. I won’t say it’s all rainbows and cotton candy, but what you do now with these feelings and fears can change the course of your life to one you don’t like. Please don’t think I am lecturing or coming at you strong. I’m truly concerned for you and want you to have a better life than some of us on here who are in our late thirties, forties, fifties and so on. Thinking of you!!!! I’m always here for you.

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Dilaw808

Yes ofcourse i totally understand , i admit my problems are much smaller than others here and i have many ways to solve my problems , i just wanted a set of ears and advices , which you absolutely did , you guys support me and help me alot , i feel myself becoming stronger when i hear stories about people who suffered anxiety and panic attacks like me , especially people who had way harder life than me , just makes me a bit more comfortable

Dilaw808 profile image
Dilaw808 in reply to Kevin160

That’s so good to hear. Just keep talking and processing and heal. Have a beautiful day.

Needtovent profile image

I too had panic attacks as a teen but never recognized them as such at that time. Over the years, i think i compartmentalized everything as a coping mechanism. Therapy likely would have helped me sort through things and perhaps helped me to recognize patterns that could have lessened the severity of subsequent attacks....they got more significant as life moved on. I agree that therapy doesn’t need to mean you go on meds. Hopefully your parents will help. Other thoughts might be to talk with a counselor at school or even your doctor. I”m pretty sure that now a days, doctors will take your concerns seriously - at your age you are now a young adult in their mind. Good luck

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Needtovent

I will def try to talk to more people and possibly try therapy if my parents can afford it , thank you so much for your help , good to know that my problems are not as rare as i thought and that there is a solution :)

Needtovent profile image
Needtovent in reply to Kevin160

Definitely solutions and better to address now. Therapy is often covered by health insurance with some sort of copay.

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Needtovent

Not with me its not covered , and its actually expensive , but we will see how it goes

kvolm2016 profile image

Hey Kevin, glad you reached out here for info and support. I have found lots of very knowledgeable and very helpful people here! I also wanted to add that if you are still in high school, your school counselor may be able to provide you with a referral to mental health services in your area. You might check out what they have to offer.

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to kvolm2016

Ya we had one but she quit or something and to be honest i dont even care its a crappy school i just wanna graduate and get it over with , but im going to try to go to a therapist , the only problemis that the session is very expensive and i dont think i can afford to go regularly

kvolm2016 profile image
kvolm2016 in reply to Kevin160

I am sorry that your school experience is not a good one. Are you close to graduating?

Regarding therapy, there are generally many options. Do you know how to go about finding a therapist or do you have someone who could help you research all this?

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to kvolm2016

Yes im a junior so im graduating in 2020 ..but it's fine i have a good support system and planning to start therapy..

kvolm2016 profile image
kvolm2016 in reply to Kevin160

glad to hear you are supported. Hope your school experience improves and you can just keep focused on the goal of graduation!

Hi just wanted you to know your not alone

I suffer from anxiety and depression since I was about 11 years old it's not easy to deal with it

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to

Thats great to hear ..i think my only fear is that i wont be able to control anxiety and i Will get a heart attack or something..i know its irrational but since its in my mind its difficult to ignore

in reply to Kevin160

I know how you feel about it I do think the same way too but the more you think like that the more you will suffer

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to

Yes very true , its becoming much easier to ignore the thoughts especially when you fight them with logic

Hello! I have severe social and general anxiety. I started talk therapy when I was 14. I'm currently in between therapists, but they really do help. Breathing exercises have been lifesavers for me. I'd also recommend finding songs or poems or pictures or places that calm you down and bring you back from that edge. One song that has helped me is Breathe by Jonny Diaz. Just keep in mind that when everything seems like it's just so much, it will get better. I saw something that said if you won't be worrying about it in 4 months, don't worry about it now. I hope calm thoughts, peaceful days, pleasant things, and a clear head for you. Good luck!

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to

Thats an amazing advice , cant wait to try these , you are right , im still trying to let go of thoughts that are not necessary and just scary and negative and irrational , its just like a learning process and you have to reprogram i guess , thanks for your kind wishes , i hope calm thoughts and peace to you 2 ;)

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