Just found this site merely by scrolling through the web, thought this would relief the weight and try anything that helps.
Hi, I'm new here: Just found this site... - Anxiety and Depre...
Hi, I'm new here

Welcome aboard! It helps me a lot to interact with like-minded folks on here.
faaaturr, Welcome to this support site. We are a group of men and women of all ages who deal with mental health issues. This is a safe place to come to for support, understanding and help. We exchange our own experiences and learn from each other. It works because we are a caring group. When you feel comfortable, we will be but a message away in getting to know you. Hi faaaturr, I'm Agora1, I'm glad you found us. x
teemo1 Agora1 Hey! thanks for the warm welcome, this is very new for me I never post stories or experiences to a site before. I really hope this would work, Thanks again for the welcome.. its really nice
Let me start by telling you a little bit about myself. My name is Agora because I was Agoraphobic for 5 years. Yep, never left the house in that time. My anxiety was over the
top and choose to make me afraid to leave my safety zone. Through medication and intense therapy, I managed to work on myself and try different methods to help me get unstuck. After all was said and done, I found that for me, meditation and deep breathing are my key to shutting out anxiety. Of course, I learned to accept that anxiety was not harmful. That the physical symptoms came from the negative thoughts in my mind. It took time but has gotten much better and easier to deal with. Our stories may all be different but the emotional and physical pain we feel is the same. x
I'm so happy for you It's great to hear you dealt with it and learned it so well.. Guess I'll try, I found out that I had anxiety around 2 years ago. Thought everyone had this and its a normal thing to cry and breakdown(in closed spaces). but eventually the feeling and my thought they got out of control. I try to pull myself up and not to be burden to anyone, thus closing myself out. only 1-2 people know but still I feel pulling them down with me. I feel even more depressed as they said just stop and go on with the days. I can't even go out anymore because the way people look at me.. I gave up with my dreams.. my future, I even cut off the relationship with my closest friends and loved ones. just because I even can't help myself, I just cant help them anymore and that's just making me feel even worse.. I cant open up to them, I tried once and I feel its only making the environment, the vibe even worse to speak out. They never look at me the same way. It feels so bad, so sad.
faaaturr, you are not alone in your explanation of what anxiety and depression can do to our lives. It is a very lonely feeling. We don't want to burden others and yet even if we did, they wouldn't understand. It takes people who have gone through it themselves in realizing what it's like to live like this. It does rob you of a full life. Until we learn how to deal with our anxiousness and stress and sadness, we are only existing, we've lost the joy for living. I'm glad you are here my friend.
We will teach each other through our experiences. We will hold each other's hand while we take this journey together. We will no longer feel alone. You have found a friend x
Welcome friend. You have come to the right place !! This is a fab community of like minded people who want to desperately help. You will not be judged and take it from me, it's saved my life.....
Thinking of you
Shadow xx
Good Morning faaaturr, 😊
I've only posted a few things myself. Being recently new myself. I have found this group of people to be, helpful, uplifting and understanding.
I want to say 'Welcome'. I'm here for you or anyone when not too busy with life.. ☺
I hope that you find all the support that you need here. 😊