Hi! I'm new to this site and wanted to see what it's all about. I've suffered from GAD for the past 6 years, but it really spiraled out of control about two years ago. I'm doing a lot better now, but with school starting up again so soon I've really felt a peak in my anxiety. I'm here hoping to find people who can relate.
Hi! I'm new here..: Hi! I'm new to this... - Anxiety and Depre...
Hi! I'm new here..

Hi willaofthewoods I'd like to Welcome you to this amazing support group.
I was diagnosed with GAD years ago and made to think it couldn't be that bad
since it stood for GENERAL ANXIETY DISORDER... It certainly didn't sound earth
shattering but I can totally understand how it has affected you. What allowed
it to spiral out of control? Knowing the triggers for your anxiety can help you
work in eliminating the symptoms.
Medication and Therapy can help but it's more about finding Acceptance that
anxiety is not a life sentence as well as finding other methods to help you through.
Whenever there are changes in our lives, anxiety will rear it's ugly head. But it
doesn't have to take control. We have the power within us to bring down those
symptoms. I'm glad you have reached out to us and look forward to seeing you
interacting with all of us who understand what it's like. Maybe we can help get
you on the right path before school starts. xx
Hi Agora1,
Thanks for your comment, it means a lot to me. Change is a huge trigger, and starting school is probably the biggest one I'm currently facing. When I first began college I had a lot of panic attacks and excessive worry that eventually led to depression and self-harm. I've learned a lot of coping mechanisms and haven't harmed myself in over a year but with the start of my final year of school approaching, I feel overwhelmed and weighted down. At the beginning of each semester I start to worry I'm going to have a breakdown again like the ones I had my first and second years. I have come so far and know once everything gets started I will be fine, but it's the waiting for it to get started that really has me on edge. Plus I have been out of the country all summer and am doing long distance with my boyfriend, so basically there is a lot of change going on at once! Knowing it is and will be ok though doesn't stop me from worrying about it. Sorry, I know that's a lot to throw at you but it feels good to get it off my chest.
Willa, thank you for sharing that. There is always a story behind our anxiety that brings it to the surface. I can see where all this is coming from both with school
and your relationship. First, I'd like to congratulate you in not having harmed
yourself in over a year. That's a big step forward and I'm proud of you. x
You have a lot of positives going for you. Having learned a lot of coping mechanisms
as well as "knowing it is and will be ok" is strategy in itself. Remember, what we think
is what we get. Right now it's more about anticipatory anxiety than reality. It's going to
be okay. Having found this forum will help you have an outlet, a safe one at that, to come to whenever stress overtakes you.
Right now, I would suggest you go back to your coping methods. I use Meditation
and DeepBreathing 3x a day, everyday. Being prepared will allow you to face each
challenge/change with more confidence that you can and will do this. You've got
this Willa. xx
literally same! I just starter school again and it's been horrible especially today..
I’m older but understand. Talk yourself through it make some social stories that read every day twice a day about situations that make you anxious. “Going to school I’ll have new classes and that can make me anxious. I know other people feel that way too about or maybe just about other things. I know when I’m in school I’ll simply find out what things are about so I can just listen relax and let things go. I’m happy to go to school and get my education I’m proud of myself”
Do you see how you address the fear talk your way through it and finish with positive self help about you and it’s all true you should be proud
Welcome. It’s a great site with good people.