Does anyone suffers from agoraphobia,this is very new to me , I have generalized anxiety,but agoraphobia...sounds scarry
Something new for me,agoraphobia - Anxiety and Depre...
Something new for me,agoraphobia

Hi Madalina08, with severe anxiety can come Agoraphobia. I was house bound for several years. What happens is that the unresolved fears we have extend over into our world outside our home. Our mind falsely makes us think something bad will happen if we leave the house. Agora meaning fear of the open market place. It's all a lie though. Our subconscious mind feeds this fear into us. Working with a therapist can help you overcome this diagnosis. It can and it will go away. You are not the only one who has had this happen because of anxiety. You will be okay. Work on it one step at a time. With professional help you will win. xx
What sucks with this phobia is that if you don’t learn to work with it you will limit the places that you will go. I hadn’t been in mall in ages and I went yesterday I almost freaked out. The thing is that you have to know it’s coming and know what it is. I don’t know if it makes you dizzy or you want to throw up but it’s not pretty. Try listening to dr. Weekes audio boom on YouTube.
I will listen to Dr Weekes on yt, is a particular episode ? Thank you !1🙏
sometimes that link doesn't work, here's the same video, different link:
I just told my mother what i m dealing with every day with GAD ,and sayd that is all in my head ,I slamed the phone and start crying.
maybe this will help I look it up on googleAgoraphobia is an anxiety disorder that often develops after one or more panic attacks.
Symptoms include fear and avoidance of places and situations that might cause feelings of panic, entrapment, helplessness, or embarrassment.
Treatments include talk therapy and medication.
Madalina, agoraphobia is your mind trying to be helpful, it senses your anxiety and presumes that there is danger in the outside world so it wants you to stay within the 'safety' of your home. But of course it's not being helpful as staying home all the time restricts our ability to live life to the full.
But that is the reason for agoraphobia: there are no special dangers in the outside world, our mind is playing tricks on us.
The way forward is to accept your feelings and leave the confinement of your home. Just go for a walk outside and accept whatever symptoms your mind dreams up for you, accept them knowing you are in no danger and the bad feelings cannot harm you.
They don't feel nice but say "So what? I'm going to feel lousy but I will accept that for the time being. I can cope with the discomfort, it is no threat to me."
So get used to going out and accepting the feelings of panic. Say: "You are not going to bully me into becoming a recluse. You make me feel bad but I am still going outside, to the shopping mall, to a park, to a restaurant or to my job."
Do not shrink from the bad feelings, accept them utterly. Do not keep testing to see if they have gone. And because you now understand what is happening to you and you have a weapon called Acceptance to overcome your anxiety you will leave your home each day and walk the road to recovery.
This then is the message of Claire Weekes mentioned by Stephanie and calm_mama whose books and YouTube videos have helped untold thousands to recover from agoraphobia and reclaim the open spaces. I wish you well on the journey to recovery.
The old joke is true: the cure for agoraphobia is just around the corner😊
I was agoraphobic for fourteen years. I didn’t leave the house. I didn’t start out that way. My world slowly shrunk. I was able to overcome it. I used self help books. Many of them through the years. No doctor would make a house visit. Please if you can don’t avoid going out. Keep trying. Every small effort is a victory. It takes time and hard work. The most powerful tool i have found that helped me was staying in the situations that caused the panic attacks till the symptoms went away. While it might not be the right method for your situation I just wanted to share worked for me. Being agoraphobic is nothing to be afraid of. Its just like any other condition. The very word agoraphobic is Greek and means fear of the market place. It has been affecting people for millennia.
Yes and it really sucks. But depression has been harder for me the past couple of years