It’s getting worse but must hide it - Anxiety and Depre...

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It’s getting worse but must hide it

BMFL profile image
11 Replies

My depression and anxiety is getting much much worse. But as a medical profession I’m scared to have it revealed. I’m sorry the backlash to seeking help I will lose my license to work, my job and respect from coworkers.

I see how people, medical professionals, react and talk about people who have A & D. It’s not pretty.

I feeling like I’m losing control. I will finally lost it totally if I can’t work and support me and family.

Im. Lost.

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BMFL profile image
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11 Replies
fauxartist profile image

This disease does not discriminate as to who is effected by it, but your right, social stigma and ignorance still does sadly. Unless you share your situation with co-workers I don't see how they could know as long as you sought discrete counselling. And of course if you have to be drug tested as many do in the field....there should be some sort of non-disclosure policy if you have to disclose your on any medications. This should be no different than that of others who are in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction that work in medical, they too deserve discretion and respect as would you. I would talk to a lawyer to make sure your rights would be intact at your work, and there would be no repercussion to your being in therapy. I mean really....look at the level of active drug and alcohol, untreated anxiety and depression working in the field, how is you wanting to be in treatment not an asset or a liability.

hypercat54 profile image

Hi I have a friend who was a nurse and she told me it's basically the end of your career if your employers know you are suffering from any mental disorder including depression. It's definately a no no.

However aren't counsellors bound to secrecy? Or how about online counselling? There are ways round it. x

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to hypercat54

I think that depends on what country your in the cannot be fired for seeking treatment. I had many friends in the medical field that were in treatment..including charge nurses, floor nurse, ER nurse, and EMT's as well as respiratory therapists. We used to play cards and travel together for years. A guy who was an anaesthesiologist was in my group therapy in recovery. There is a confidentiality clause with therapists that they have to abide by....and unless the client is suicidal or threatens to harm someone, their records are sealed from outside.

Heck...even therapists have therapists.....maybe in the UK it's very different, if so, I wouldn't know.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to fauxartist

She didn't say you would get fired but you wouldn't get promotion or easily get another job with that on your records. x

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to hypercat54

is this in the UK....I don't know what it's like there....that sucks.

Lm92 profile image

Are you worried that a counselor would be connected with other medical professionals that would know you? If they speak about you, calling names, to others in the medical field, THEY are the ones that would be in danger of losing their license. Perhaps you can go to therapy in another town?

I hate that that stigma is there, but I know very well that it is. I'm not in the medical field, but I always feel like I have to be careful of who I tell about my mental status because it seems like whenever anyone hears the word depression they either think you're out for attention or want to off yourself.

CazO46 profile image

Hi BMFL, I don't think you need to share what's going on with anyone other than those you trust and are close to. I agree that a good place to start might be therapy perhaps combined with short term meds if you think that's right for you. Maybe seeing a medical professional from out of town that has no chance of knowing you. I guarantee that many of your work colleagues suffer depression, anxiety and stress but are too afraid to let anyone know . Given the pressure of your type of work it's not that surprising , we are all human and rely on one another for love and support . Right now is your time to reach out and get the support and compassion you so deserve 😍

AZ1970 profile image

I can relate. I had a breakdown and my substance abuse license was put on an inactive status. Get help. You don’t want to let it go too long. The last thing you need is to make a big mistake that harms someone. Our problem solving and judgment can become impaired. I say this with all the care in the world. Can you go on medical leave? Take some time to recoup?

There are a lot of medical professionals with anxiety and depression and of course HIPAA protects you. You may want to take a medical leave, as far as anyone else knows it can be for a myriad of issues. Take care of yourself before you really are driven to burn out.

Calm_mama profile image


I am so sorry you are suffering. I have a couple of thoughts that I hope will help:

First, if you click on my profile you will see that I recommend the same resources over and over for anxiety (and the inevitable depression that develops. There resources support a journey to recovery. So I hope you take a look!

Next, I have been a working healthcare professional for 24 years. I live in the US. I've worked everywhere from urgent care to university hospitals, to primary care, and now, geriatric home care and hospice. Now perhaps I have been lucky, but the settings in which I have worked have been unbelievably understanding of mental health issues in employees. I'm talking Docs who left for 6 months and went to rehab, Nurses who had lengthy inpatient stays; and other healthcare professionals who talk openly and freely about their anxiety, OCD, bipolar disorder, depression, etc. Here's what I think: I believe that the closer we get to being open about our anxiety and depression, the better it gets for us. I believe that working towards acceptance and embracing these symptoms is a big part of the formula for relief, and what could depict greater acceptance than talking about it? I believe that at some point people who are recovering are able to say, to just about everyone, "I have anxiety", "I have depression", and it somehow becomes lighter. It becomes less of a weight, less of a catastrophe as we let it spill from our mouths. I believe the truth sets us so incredibly free in so many ways - including a freedom from the entanglements of our minds. The other thing I've found is that the minute we share these things with others is when we start to truly find out who they are, what their struggles really are all about, and how likely it is that they can empathize on some level.

Now I cannot, of course, recommend that you shout it from the rooftops at work- your situation has nuances and dynamics that I couldn't possibly understand. But perhaps as a start you could consider sharing your situation with someone at work who you trust? Or maybe it would be better to talk things through with a therapist who can guide you on how to handle things right now?

Lastly, when you are feeling stronger (and you will!), you can start to correct your colleagues when they speak ill of anyone struggling with any mental health issue. That is unacceptable, unprofessional, and creates a very unhealthy climate where people cannot be the beautiful, imperfect humans that they are.

Keep us posted, all the best to you!

foreverbeach11 profile image

Hi BMFL. I'm sorry you are going through this. Therapist/counselors are bound to confidentiality. If any information regarding any clients is disclosed, they will lose their license/certification. Have you considered using your company's employee assistance program (EPA)? Most company's have a counselor line that is confidential that you can call for a referral. In order to help others, you want to be sure that you are well yourself. Maybe consider seeking a professional counselor for help. If you are uncomfortable with your local referrals, maybe consider going to the next town. There is hope and help may be available for you. Some things we need to keep to ourselves and not share with our coworkers. You are in my thoughts.

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