I’m hoping to get the support and motivation of others who are going through the same journey as I. I’m 68 and battling severe anxiety and depression. I’m sure relating to others will make my day a little brighter.
I’m new here: I’m hoping to get the... - Anxiety and Depre...
I’m new here

I understand you! Oh welcome to the site, here is a safe place for you to get the support , everyone is so kind & caring...me included! Are you able to take your mind to a happy place or time? Focusing on the positive does help, however I know how difficult that can be at times! Does it come & go for you? Are you seeking any other help by a Dr.? I'm here for you! Wishing you joy!!! XXX

Thks for your reply. Means a lot
My pleasure!!! Sending you positive vibes!!!! XXX

I do see a psychologist. I lot has to do with my recent retirement after 48yrs, moving and now living with my daughter who is not to happy about the responsibility. I’m trying to find something to do with my time but have not been very lucky.
Okay is there any hobby you like to do? Crafts, knitting , cooking, gardening, doing a puzzle? I find if I keep myself busy I'm in a better place, this week has been difficult for me so I totally understand where you are coming from! Big hugs for you!!! XXX
Wow, after forty eight years- that is quite an accomplishment ! What kind of job? At any rate is there any way you could live near but not with your daughter- like in a senior complex? Also, is there a way you could find activities at a senior center or volunteer? At any rate, I hope you are well physically.
I was Regional Director for a big franchise in the Caribbean. It was quite an experience. Physically I am well. Believe me, I’ve been trying to find something to do appropriate for my age but it hasn’t been easy. I’m sure I will soon
You worked in the Carribean?? Wow. Sounds like an exciting position. At any rate- glad you are healthy . Does doing activities at a senior center interest you? I know some people who moved to 55plus communities. Apparently some are more geared to elderly and assisted living while others are geared more to the younger seniors ( yup) with more activities, get togethers etc. Sounds like you are going through quite an adjustment with your daughter. Glad you came to this site- there are such nice sincere people here. I know what you mean by the challenges of aging. Some people say, " You look good for your age." I always like the little hook at the end"for your age." What's up with this golden years stuff also? The golden years can be tarnished!
Hello and Welcome Korsa!
This is a great forum for support and motivation! I understand how you feel and suffer mostly, with depression. I’m in remission right now from my symptoms and am very grateful! I’m so glad you’re here! Wishing you the best! 🙂

I would love to hear how you got to the point of remission
It’s lengthy and too redundant to post here! I can message you with the info if you like!
Yes I would love to know also!!!
You’ve read my posts anxiety! You’ve probably heard it all before! Lol!! Just simple things that help get me through! Let me know!
Oh okay you changed your picture, hahaha, sometimes I'm a little slow, hahaha!!! Have a joy filled day!!! Love & Hugs!!! XXX
You do the same! 🌷🌞🌷
I'm not in a good place this week, ugh!!! By the way you made a comment about walking past the mirror....you my dear are still one beautiful lady!!!! Don't sell yourself short! Love & Hugs!!! XXX
I must be honest...you know that isn’t an up-to-date picture! 😏
That's okay! I still bet you are beautiful! I feel like we put to much on the outside package, which really doesn't matter as much as having a beautiful soul!!! XXX
Just saying hello korsa🙋🏻♂️
Hi! I've never talked to you before so I thought I'd pop by & wish you a joy filled day!!! XXX

Thank you, you too you always have something encouraging and uplifting to say to people on here my pleasure to say hello🙂🙋🏻♂️Xx
Well it's very nice to meet you!!! Thank you for your kind words!!! You are always encouraging & uplifting also, that's how we all should be! Love & Hugs!!! XXX
Hello my friend. I am soooo surprised by the “hellos” I’ve received in such a short time. This has made me smile
Hi Korsa...Welcome I can relate...I have been a carer for my son ....he has Autism...for a number of years now, and now hes an adult I guess I never stopped to think of myself and what id be doing later on....so I'm here 48 and feel lost...suffering awful anxiety/depression ...not knowing what to do with myself...so I can really understand what youre going through...its tough....lots of lovely people on here ..chat anytime
Thks. I look forward to chatting with people who would understand and helping others anyway I can.
Sending you a big hug
I will be 48 in September and I too have a disabled adult son. He will be 19 in February. I’ve also got an amazing daughter who is 16. My whole life has been devoted to caring for both of my kids and trying to find out what’s wrong with my son. He is definitely on the spectrum and has been diagnosed with a severe sleep disorder called Non24. I lost child support and insurance for him and spiraled down since. I’m fighting social security to get him on disability and it makes me feel hopeless and stuck in constant state of terror that my sons needs won’t get met. My daughter starts her senior year in fall and is college bound after graduation. My normal routines with my kids as they grow, my finances, and life are changing so fast that massive anxiety has crept in and made a miserable home in my head and chest. Every morning is a battle, but by evening I’m less restless and more at peace.
Hi Korsa ! Welcome! Well, we have one thing in common, well 2 if we include the depression. I am a senior also. Been battling depression as far back as I can remember. I came from an alcoholic family which caused major family dysfunction. My depression came on strong as an adult. I've been hospitalized several times when I've been deep in my black hole and/ or suicidal. I don't really want to die, just want the pain to go away. I have anger outbursts that make me very dangerous to myself. I'm slowly learning to withdraw from the situation to calm things down but its really scary cause when I'm in that state of mind its not good. I have some medical issues also That leave me very frustrated. I have one daughter and 5 awesome grandchildren. Let's keep in touch and tell me more about yourself and your depression/anxiety.
Hey Lyn842, my battle started full blast 3 years ago. I have never been suicidal BUT I totally understand you because sometimes we may believe it’s the only way to end this. I hear you my friend. But things, like this community, is one way to find some relief. The anger is more frustration than anything else. Sometimes my days begin with tears and more questions than answers. I go out and take a good long walk and that helps. Keep in touch please
Hi Korsa,
Welcome. I am also near retirement age but my husband and friends still work and have many years ahead of productive work. Because of my anxiety/depression I lost my jobs, I had two, and am trying to find something to do with all of my time. I hope that you can find some things to do to feel productive again. My husband comes home all the time and sees me just sitting here having done nothing so I can understand how you may feel a burden to your daughter. Keep in touch, you area welcome to message me.