Good evening! Anyone out there who can't sleep for a few days? I'm so exhausted but just can't get that restful nice quality sleep. I'm hating life and having no sleep causes me to be in crappy mood the next day. Plus if I don't get any sleep I have seizures due to epilepsy! God life is so fun!! 😱 lol. Anyhoo I hope everyone is sleeping good cause someone has too!! I just learned tonight that my ADHD can cause insomnia so yippee fun fun!!
Another sleepless night😱😲😵😭 - Anxiety and Depre...
Another sleepless night😱😲😵😭

I’m so sorry to hear about you not getting your sleep lovedogs.
I really hope that improves, I know when I don’t sleep it adds to me feeling awful.
Sending nice vibes your way and hope you can get some sleep soon
🌺🌼🌺🌼 xx

Thank you Olivia!! I could use good vibes for sure! I'm super tired cause I've only had a few hours sleep in 3 days! Omg!! Are you doing ok? I may fall asleep I guess hopefully anyways!!
Ah yes I’m not bad at all. Busy weekend, and feeling tired too.
It’s just awful when sleep doesn’t come. I feel for you ..I hope you fall asleep and get some much needed rest.
Hugs 🤗 to you
🌺🌼🌺🌼 xx

I'm so happy your doing good!! Hugs to you too!! I think I slept an hour or two which ill take. That's pretty good!! I feel ok pretty rested!! Yay!!!
That’s soooo good to hear. So glad you got a bit of sleep.

Thanks! Did you get any good sleep?
I was very blessed to get a full nights sleep. The meditation helped.
I have a couple of appointments 😩 and therapy, so not a great day, it helps I had some sleep...
And tomorrow those appointments will be over 😊
Every good wish to you 🌺🌼🌺🌼 xx

I hope your appts go smooth!! Yes full nights sleep is a blessing! Good to hear you slept thru till morning!! Ok well you have a very blessed day and God bless!☺

What type of meditation do you do?