Today I wanted to share my passion for something that means a lot to me, music. I wanted to get in touch with my subconscious mind and reflect on the impact music has had on me during times of distress. You see, my father and grandfather both played music for a living. They went around playing for people in rural towns in a far away region down in south Mexico. It's how they made a living and without it I probably would not be here.
I discovered my love for music during my early teen years. To be more specific Rock music. I recall that while all the other kids were jamming out to the latest hip hop hits or while all my family was dancing around to the classic Latin songs I was in my room attentive to the radio playing; I was listening to the one and only Rock station that we had with my cassette waiting to record the good songs that I loved in terrible static quality. It wasn't until I began doing summer work that I bought a better stereo player and I began to be able to afford my own CDs in high quality. To be honest I miss those days where I would drive half an hour to the music store and get lost in the amazing album collections. The smell, sight, and sound of it is something that I will never forget.
The Foo Fighters is a band that I really got into about 2 or 3 years ago. I grew up listening to a few of their hits but I never really dug deep into their music until recently. I find that lately I've been having a tendency to go back in time and rediscover a lot of artists from the 80's, 90s, and early 00's that I either ignored or did not have a chance to get to know. My music taste is now broad and my love and respect for music goes pass the Rock genre and into other worlds. But overall the Foo Fighters stand out amongst my collection of artists simply because they have been part of one of the hardest times of my life. Their music found me when I was at my lowest point.
Times Like These is a song by The Foo Fighters that you have to hear to understand. It's a song that motivates me to push forward despite how ugly things get. I got emotional the first time I heard an acoustic version of it because it made me think of the places and people that I had seen and met. I did not want those memories to fade away any time soon because they are what held me together through the darkest times. The Best Of You is another great song with a similar message. It basically pushes you to be the best version of yourself and live each day like if it were your last. "Run" is a newer song that has been the anthem of my life for a while. The music video is hilarious, but the lyrics are deep. From my perspective the song is about questioning how satisfied you are with your reality. If you feel oppressed or suppressed there's always a way out. There's always a way to "run" and free your soul. The Foo Fighters have a song for everyone. It's just a matter of listening. I could go on all day and compliment this guys, but I'll let you be the judge if you decide to check them out. What is something that gives meaning and inspiration to your life. Perhaps a music artist?