So how has everyone been? I was doing awesome till a few minutes ago. I just got this awful feeling of dread. Like omg I even got so dizzy, I know it's my anxieties but when it gets me out of the blue it scares me. I hope it subsides soon.
Hello: So how has everyone been? I was... - Anxiety and Depre...

Ya me too .. I do deep breathing for about 10 min and it goes away. Or I pop a Xanax under my tongue and in 5 min it goes away. By the time you read this it’s probably going away
Yes it's gone away but my dizzy spell is still with me.
If it’s not low sugar maybe blood pressure do you have a blood pressure cuff.
What if it's super high, then I panic and really go into full blown anxiety. Now I'm scaring myself sweet Jesus.
You know if it’s high it could be from the anxiety attack. You just have to take it to see what it is and when the dizzy spell passes take it again so you know if you have high blood pressure. If at worse case you do it’s not a big deal they will just treat it with a beta blocker. I bet you’ve had this a number of times and you’ve always come through it just fine. But anxiety does cause dizzy spells
You are right so so right. I work myself up for no reason only to feel better later on. God I hate that I do this to myself. But I will take my blood pressure. Thank you so much. You are awesome
Me too I get a symptom I’ve had 1000 times and think it’s the first time I’ve ever felt this way !! Then after I say to myself self I had that same symptom for the past 20 years lol. Anxiety is a twisted disorder.
That's how I've been lately. So I checked my blood pressure it was a bit high 145/93. But I think that was my anxiety
Ya that’s not bad it’s from your anxiety you’ll be just fine.
I dislike these darn anxieties. So how long have u suffered with anxieties?
I’m 47 now started when I was 18
I started when I had my first kid, at the age of 20. I would go years with out an anxiety then once I had one I would have it for almost a year then I would get better. It's a vicious cycle.
I get dizzy spells from my anxiety too. I’m a hairstylist and I thought I was going to drop out on the floor in the middle of doing someone’s hair the other day.
Omg and what did you do? How bad are your dizzy spells? I'm sorry you get them.
I just worked through it..i thought i was going to have to sit down for a minute before i finished my client but it went away. I don’t get them very often. I’m also prone to fainting after I get injections, or any other procedure done. I fainted on the table at my gyno appt, naked from the waist down! It was horrible. My nerves just so worked up. I’m having another procedure done in a couple of weeks that I’m super nervous about. I’ll probably faint then too. I hope not though!