just looking for some advise.
i was diagnosed in 2015 with OCD & diagnosed with PND in march. I suffered with Suicidal intrusive thoughts that caused extreme distress & anxiety in turn lowered my mood too.
i had a short stay as a voluntary patient in a unit so i could get rest & be safe.
i have never made plans or attempted anything in actual fact im quiet frightened of it.
i was started on 15mg of mirt was on that dose around 5 weeks, i had a really good 4 weeks and seemed to perk up the thoughts slowed down the less i paid attention to them but by week 5 i dipped again and was struggling so my psychiatrist said the dosage wasnt high enough so she increased me to 30mg ive been on the 30's 5 weeks just going into my 6th week, i had 3 weeks really good and again ive dipped & the thoughts are back. the last few mornings ive felt like i want to just stay in bed and sleep i had an awful very grapgic nightmare last night which is unusual for me & i woke up really distressed. im starting to think maybe Mirt isnt the right medication for me?
i dont recieve any therapy and see a CPN once every 2 weeks :/