Hi friends! Does anyone have a tough time getting enough sleep? I've been up more than a day with no sleep! Ugh. Does anyone take prescription sleep aids? If so can you tell me what medication? Hoping to find an answer to getting quality sleep. Thank you everyone!!
Insomnia: Hi friends! Does anyone have... - Anxiety and Depre...

Have you tried melatonin?
Yeah I've tried everything. I take a Wal-Mart brand sleeping pill at the moment. In the last hour I've taken 7 50 mg sleeping pills in hopes I can sleep. What used to work was honey and milk. I thought yeah right that's going to work but it does help. I just don't have any honey. Thanks
Melatonin is rather gentle as a sleep aid. It's not going to knock you out. So if you're really having a tough time it may not do much.
That sounds like a lot of sleeping pills. Does it contain diphenhydramine - the ingredient in Tylenol PM and benadryl? If so, some people have had the opposite effect (made them wired).
I've had many bouts of insomnia over the years, and one mistake I made was "trying" to fall asleep at bedtime. I realized that you can't "try" to fall asleep, but you CAN fall asleep. The less I think about it, the better I usually do.
Oh that's great that it works for you. So you get lots of sleep now? I can give that a shot. Thanks for the advice
You know how it is when you slept lousy last night, and now it's bedtime and you're dead tired, and you think "Now at last I'll sleep well!" , and you sleep crappy again? That's when you start pressing, and trying to sleep the next night. It doesn't work. You should distract yourself up to bedtime by watching TV or something, and just go to bed like nothing's wrong. You'll be a lot more relaxed, and you should do better.
All I can do is try it. I've been up over a day and was sure tonight I would of slept 8 hours but but only slept 1 hour if that earlier tonight. I totally agree with you on getting crappy sleep and then do it again. Its a nightmare.
Oh yeah its a beautiful area and so much more quiet. That's all I can do is watch tv. Thanks for the message
I have tried various meds to help sleep (I also have a sleep disorder along with depression. So blessed).
Ambien is a popular med but some people have had weird reactions to it. I fall into a shallow sleep and then wake up. Sometimes I'll eat something, watch tv or post weird things in forums while in a zombie like trance. Other times I'll fall right asleep and stay asleep.
Klonipin is what I usually take. It is a benzo and I tend to stay asleep longer than while on Ambien. I'm still drowsy when I wake up.
I have also tried Seroquel. I have had deep sleep and vivid dreams with this med. Again this one makes me drowsy when I wake up.
Tylenol PM worked for awhile but now it doesn't have any effect.
Yeah I'm blessed too lol. I suffer bipolar2, anxiety, severe depression, ADHD and seizures. Not getting any sleep causes seizures, I used to take those pm type meds unfortunately it stopped working.
Do you take anything for anxiety? Benzodiazepines are usually prescribed for that. I'm not sure if valium or Xanax are in that family.
Thanks for your advice. Ambien scares me a little bit. I'm shocked that klonopin helped with sleep. I'm a lot,like you. Drowsy when I wake up and barely fall asleep then wake up. Its beyond frustrating.
I have a prescription for Ambien and I go back and forth on it. I cut them in half now.
Klonipin is a mild benzo. I take two 0.5 mg tablets. I want to stop taking them but am afraid I won't get sleep. A side effect is that it impairs memory but so does lack of sleep.
I used to take klonopin for my anxiety but I abused them and had to stop taking it. The withdrawals from stopping klonopin were soooo bad. My meds do that too with the memory loss. Isn't Ambien the one that ppl die from taking to many?
Great, now I won't sleep because I'm afraid of Klonipin withdraws.π
Will I experience that if I stop taking it? I just take the two 0.5 mg tablets. Not sure if that is a lot.
I don't about people dying directly from Ambien but there are people who drove after taking them with bad consequences.
Btw, I took Ambien an hour ago so if I say weird things I am blaming it on them. Wish I could blame all the stupid stuff I say all day long on them.
That's so funny about saying weird things! My klonopin withdrawals were only bad for a short time if I remember correctly. It was probably bad cause I was taking kik 20 a day. I'd use up a months supply in a few days. If your only on .5 mg you should be fine. No problem at all. I didn't mean to freak ya out. Your so funny btw!! That dose of klonopin is a very low dose. I think you shouldn't have any withdrawal symptoms. I just had panic attacks coming off of it that,put,me in the hospital.
Ambien probably works good but I'm just scared to take them. Was the Ambien working good for you?
Yeah, if i felt like i would have trouble falling asleep (like i drank a lot of caffeine), I would take it as long as I knew that I would at least 8 hours of sleep after the 1 hour it took to kick in.
There are some doctors that won't prescribe them because of the things people have done under the influence (my sister woke up with popcorn all over her bed. She didn't remember eating them).
Lunesta is another sleep med but it leaves a mettalic taste in your mouth.
Do you take addirol or something similar for ADHD? From what I understand they keep people up.
Maybe continually conversing with me will put you sleep. I have that effect on women. πͺ
Lol your so funny. I'm just grateful your talking with me about this issue. I'm going to try and get on adderol cause the ADHD is a pain too. Thanks again for your help. I appreciate it!! πππ
Conversing with you has been awesome!! Your a great person and I thank you for talking with me
A "great person"? Wow, I could sit you down and show you where you are wrong in that one. I could do a whole PowerPoint presentation.
Were you able to sleep last night?
I got sleep finally yesterday slept all day!! Finally was exhausted enough to sleep. I was a horrible and violent alcoholic drug addict for 25 years. I used to be called asshole by my,mom!! I was a shitty mean person. Opposite now. So I could do a good power point presentation on being bad too!!! Lol.. Your so funny!! Have a great Sundayπππ