Mom tricked me into eating a veggie ... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Mom tricked me into eating a veggie burger today

48 Replies

I wanted to cry the whole time, like where is the meat how can someone make a burger without chicken or beef. Then she broke my heart when i asked her where's the nutella she showed me RAWTELLA the vegan version

The world is a cruel place

48 Replies
courtjestah profile image

Do you have an issue with food?

in reply to courtjestah

Lol she's allergic to eating healthy

in reply to

Lol stop judging me, being vegan is not for me. I can't

in reply to courtjestah

Not at all,just a few severe allergies to a few things but i love food

courtjestah profile image
courtjestah in reply to

Ah. So mom is vegan and she’s trying to draw you into her cult?

in reply to courtjestah

Yesssss exactly

HearYou profile image

Oh, come on. If this is the worst thing in your life, please respond more to other members who are asking for support. Buy your burger on your own when you're out of the house. :)

in reply to HearYou

she deleted the posts she made this week when she was saying she wasn't doing so well these past few days so if eating a vegan burger is the only thing bad she went through today then we should be happy for her 😒😒 and she have been answering to other members

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to

OHHHHHH. HUmmmmm. Playing us,eh? :)

in reply to HearYou

How am i playing you i don't see any games here

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to

Meant Danielle.....and it is a bit of teasing, meaning she really is doing ok, even if she didn't like the veggie burger. I'm southern, near the tropics and "playin" someone is a common expression....with a smile attached :).

in reply to HearYou

You guys stop don't start an argument that's not what this post is for, both of you making me anxious

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to

No fight here....just a misunderstanding of an expression. :)

in reply to HearYou

Thank God lol and i am feeling better i had a great day today

in reply to

I delete post all the time if im feeling better after, i replied to the comments that were helpful

Did you thank your mum?..

in reply to

Lol i did 😊

in reply to

Good girl...make yourself a juicy beefy Burger and eat it infront of her..Lol..Shell be dribbling..

in reply to

Loool meanie ! Haha 🤣

in reply to

Hahahaha lol oh my God i totally should

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Now i want an actual burger 🍔 ... damnit!

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to

OH,oh....don't get her in trouble.....its still Mama's house. Better Danielle eats it when Danielle is out. :)

in reply to HearYou

Lol agree with Hearyou, but that would be hilarious what Hidden said

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to


Hopeful-Tinkerbell profile image
Hopeful-Tinkerbell in reply to

Excellent advice! ❤️ellinaki

HearYou profile image

Oh, Danielle, looks like you've been "outed." :)

in reply to HearYou

Please explain

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to

Explain what?xx

Starrlight profile image

You're funny, lady :)

in reply to Starrlight

Hey hun how you're feeling

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

Better thanks 💕 playing with my son :)

in reply to Starrlight

Yayyy im glad

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

Sweet you!!!

Lol funny xx

in reply to


Lmao lol we vegan live longer

You can't just eat burger without meat lol it goes against the burger law


hypercat54 profile image

I am veggie and veggie burgers are lovely! x

in reply to hypercat54

It definitely was different than regular burgers, so you're a vegan?

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

No not a vegan. I am actually a pescatarian which is someone who doesn't eat meat but does eat fish and everything else. Veggies don't eat meat or fish.but do all other foods. Vegans don't eat meat, fish, eggs, milk etc. ie any animal products at all.

I used to love meat but stopped eating it in protest against animal cruelty many years ago. x

Yes girl! Need my meat! You could order a pizza or a big ole steak n cheese! I love ellinakis idea! Make a big

ole burger! It wouldn’t get you in trouble. It would be funny in my opinion. Make her one too and say I ate yours now you eat mine! 😂😂😂😂 Not in a mean way just fun way.

in reply to Hopeful-Tinkerbell

😂😂😂😂😂 she comes home in 2 hours im also making fried chicken lol

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Hopeful-Tinkerbell

That's actually not funny HT. Most people who avoid meat do it for ethical reasons because they disagree with animal cruelty. It is a deep seated belief and not something to be mocked or derided. I wouldn't make fun of your deepest beliefs or anyone else's for that matter but you would mock ours? That's very impolite and disrespectful...

It's everyone's choice so enjoy your meat but don't rub it in our faces please. That's just showing ignorance. x

Hopeful-Tinkerbell profile image
Hopeful-Tinkerbell in reply to hypercat54

I had not read your post explaining not eating meat, vegans, vegetarians etc. I literally just saw that. I was responding to Danielle’s Post. Sorry.

in reply to hypercat54

She didn't mean it in that way, we respect everyone's choices

This wasn’t Danielle’s belief. I was just agreeing with her on eating beef. I am not passing judgement I promise. I have considered giving up meat. I absolutely did not mean that toward you at all. I was just playing with her because she wanted meat. I am very sorry that I offended you hypercat. I love animals as well. I hope you know I would never intentionally hurt anyone. I truly apologize. I didn’t feel I was mocking others beliefs only having fun with our shared believe. Please forgive me. I obviously did that in poor taste. ❤️

old-soul profile image

I eat meat, but never fathered a child in protest to global overpopulation, which is still going way out of control and is not only the cause of animal cruelty in the meat and dairy industries, but also the reason for mass doses of Roundup being used, no till farming causing a HUGE loss of top-soil, GMO seeds that are way less drought resistant, cause destabilization of the gene pools, and now cost 15 times more than seed did just a few years ago.

Vegetarians consume a lot of tofu, but not many realize 85% of all soy beans grown last year were from generically modified seed stock, and were dosed VERY heavily with herbicides, (Roundup being the most prevalent), and loads on insecticides too.

Yummmmm. Chemicals designed to poison plants AND animals too. Just like mom used to make. Add in a little polysaturated irradiated potassium ionized reconstituted hyper quntizine acetate esters and it will help you have strong, healthy weed-killing urine too, right?

I read food labels, avoid most products that use high fructose corn syrup, NEVER use chemical "sweeteners," and smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, but source my tobacco outside of US governed markets, so it is expanded by heat rather than chemically, and has no fire retardant or any of the other chemicals the US cigarette companies are now forced to add acording to Federal law.

Did you know people that heat there homes by burning wood in the winter have 3 times higher likelihood of developing COPD than pack a day cigarette smokers do? It's a fact, though not a well publicized one. There have also still been zero deaths caused by cannabis, but Ambian is still safer as a sleep aid, in spite of the fact that sometimes Ambien users sometimes kill off their families in the sleep and have no recall of doing so the next morning.

I think less people and more trees would be a good plan for the world we are building for our children, but you can't have trees AND 8 billion cell phones ready to ship (and growing) at the same time.

What can I say? I'm a grumpy old man who was taught as a child we need to protect our planet in order for our children to be safe. I guess we must have believed that because we didn't know that it was really cell phones and internet access that would protect them.

Even though I'm a grumbly old coot, I hope I'm at least still a LITTLE loveable!

Grrrrrr. Woof!

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