My ear started ringing and sounding like I am underwater about an hour ago, and now I am worried because it didn’t go away! It also seems like it’s on the other side kinda. I read online that it can be a sign that there is an aneurysm (obviously unruptured) in head and my brain goes to that first! I am scared as can be now!
Ears ringing and I am worried! - Anxiety and Depre...
Ears ringing and I am worried!

Hi, ear ringing is common with anxiety. I do understand how you feel... my middle back has been aching lately and I am thinking heart attack and kidney failure. Hopefully, it will go away soon and you feel better.
When I normally get it it lasts maybe a minute tops, but now it is pressurized and things sound like old time radio in my left ear. No matter what I do the pressure seems to just keep building up. Definitely has me worried.
Hello, Yes anxiety, depression PTSD,all can cause Tinnitus. It is a common problem, I have had it since a child (I am 75 now) it is nothing to worry about - if you do then go see your Dr. My Mother had it it can run in familys, There are some good books you can read, do not believe everything you read on line - it can freak you out. an ear ringer of decades. Sprinkle 1
If it does not go away, see an ear nose and throat doctor.
Did you read my answer? I tried to help you, if you want to frighten yourself then I'd get to a Dr. who can confirm your issue. Sprinkle 1
Fluid in your middle ear can be treated. Why didn't you ask the doctor to treat it if you are worried. If you know it is fluid in your middle ear, why do you still think it may be an anuerism? You should go back to the ear nose & throat doctor for treatment.
I developed Tinnitus 3 years ago when I was forced to quit taking Xanax and Klonopin after being on them for more than 15 years for severe anxiety. The withdrawals were horrible and the worst is that I'm still going through Protracted Withdrawals that are way worse than the life threatening withdrawals I originally had. The Tinnitus I have changes tones and volume but it never goes away, only changes. There is no cure, they say the sounds are in the brain not the ears. Deaf people hear the noises. I can plug my ears and listen to other loud sounds and the tinnitus only gets louder, nothing stops it. It drives me crazy. Hope you get it checked soon, maybe you can get help if early enough.
I’ve had ringing in both ears for a couple of weeks now. Most of the time I can tune it out, but when I lay down to sleep it gets really bad. I haven’t googled anything about it because I don’t want to think I am dying. I’m mostly trying to ignore it because I believe it’s my anxiety.
There is also something called tinitius that it could more likely be I have had tinitius for years. And what you are describing sounds like it. I have an anuresum too and it is better not to jump to the worst scenero first. Youll worry yourself into something much worse, Be calm but see your dr. Excuse my bad spelling. Hope it turns out your ok. Also note if it tinitius there is treatment for it. Good luck.
It seems that others have addressed this already, but this sounds like tinnitus (plus fluid in the middle ear,apparently). For whatever reason I have had tinnitus for years. It can be from physical damage--lots of veterans subjected to loud noises have it--but I don't think it damages hearing or anything else. There are audiologists where I live who advertise that they can treat it. My brother used to work for a company that sold devices to treat this at home. (I haven't tried any treatments.) Also, my ears get plugged up (from ear wax, so gross, I know!) often, which leads to changes in the way I hear sounds, or leads to temporary hearing loss. Sometimes I can treat it at home and occasionally I have to go to the doctor. New symptoms or problems can be scary, especially when you're already dealing with other issues. And these sensations and strange sounds and changes in hearing can definitely be annoying! I hope you are feeling better now.
Some medicines can also cause tinnitus. The ringing in my left ear started late last year after my psychiatrist raised the dose of my Duloxetine (generic cymbalta). It also made my rocascea worse. My psychiatrist had me discontinue the Duloxetine after that, however my ear continues to have the ringing. Next month I am going to an ENT to have it checked out and will have a hearing test too. For me, it’s annoying, but it’s not so bad that I can’t deal with it. With my anxiety/OCD I also obsess over things and convince myself that I have health conditions I don’t have. For example, I recently convinced myself I was diabetic because I have periodontal disease and I was drinking a lot of water and going to the bathroom a lot. I got tested and am not diabetic, yet my anxiety and worrying about it made my thirst ( a side effect of bupropion) worse than it really was. The mind can make make your body do funny things. I also spend a lot of time on the internet researching health problems I have or think I have which just makes it worse because I obsess over it. So, I do understand how you feel and know that it’s possible to convince yourself you have a medical condition. I do hope you’ll call the ENT to address your concerns and see if you need to follow up with them. If you are still having problems after that, contact your family doctor and see if you need to see another specialist regarding your concerns. Good luck finding the answers to your ear ringing and other health concerns. It always helps me to know and helps relieve my worries.