No side effects at all from Prozac? - Anxiety and Depre...

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No side effects at all from Prozac?

20 Replies

Hello, I visited a psychiatrist for the first time about 7 weeks ago and she put me on 20 mg of Prozac daily. I’ve been taking it ever since and haven’t experienced any negative side effects to the best of my knowledge, other than some slight drowsiness, but it’s helped immensely with my depression in addition to my social anxiety and OCD. Was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience with Prozac, either significantly benefiting from it and/or not having any side effects, since it seems like a lot of people on it do end up with unpleasant side effects for at least the first few weeks. Thanks!

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20 Replies
fauxartist profile image

I'm very glad Prozac is working for you and has made such a good improvement in your life. I wouldn't worry about anything now, if it works don't fix it. Others like me had to go through trial and error. And that's just because everyone is different. I had taken Prozac was not the right med for me, I needed an antidepressant like lexipro...started with paxil, cylexia...and finally lexipro works best for me, and I'm on the next to lowest dose.

in reply to fauxartist

Thank you for your response! :-)

Sprinkle1 profile image

Welcome to Prozac, I was given a prescription 30 years ago, I took it with fear. My fear was unjustified, the side effects were minimal and lasted a few short weeks. I am sorry to say I built up a tolerance to it after about 10 years. I wish I could still take it. Next was Zoloft, same story and since then the pill roulette has been making my life hell. So if it works for you GREAT. I have a friend that has been on it about 40 years so lets hope it is the med for your brain. I wish you well and write to us and keep us informed we need each others support. I send you love, hugs and keep well wishes. Sprinkle 1

in reply to Sprinkle1

Thank you for your reply! Fingers crossed that it does continue to work for me, but I’ll keep the possibility of having to switch meds in the back of my mind just in case it happens down the road so I won’t be too overwhelmed with the idea of it.

Aspergirl47 profile image

Hey...Unfortunately...this didn't work for me....Hope it does for u :) All the best x

in reply to Aspergirl47

Thank you! If you haven’t found one that works for you, I wish you the best of luck!

Mormortg2001 profile image

I had the same positive results as you. Took it for 8yrs.

in reply to Mormortg2001

Thank you for your response! If you don’t mind my asking, what made you stop taking it? Did you develop a tolerance for it or did you eventually overcome your depression/mental health condition?

3wooddriver profile image

Im on 40mg right now and I dont think its very effective. I dont think any of the ssris work for me actually, so dont let it discourage you. Ive tried Zoloft and Lexapro as well and neither of those helped. As far as the prozac, my stomach has been acting quite weird since Ive upped the dosage. Im not sure if its side effects of the prozac or something else, but aches and pains are normal for me, indigestion, constipation, etc. Better luck to you and glad to hear its helped you immensely!

in reply to 3wooddriver

Thank you! Hope you find something else that works for you!

tarpley1972 profile image

When I first started taking Prozac (20 mg) I had horrible heartburn....stomach problems went away within a few weeks. For at least 15 years the Prozac worked great....and probably still would if I had any way to get a prescription for it. With out it I shall swim in my ocean of gray, and be thankful for my cat to hang out with me.

in reply to tarpley1972

Thanks for your response! Wishing you luck on your journey.

RChance profile image
RChance in reply to tarpley1972

You can get Prozac without a prescription in Mexico. About $30 US for 300 20mg pills.

Mormortg2001 profile image

No side effects that were significantly troublesome!

talkies profile image

I had no problems with it and took it for over 20 years. I wish you all the best😀

in reply to talkies

That’s incredible! Good to hear it worked for so long.

Krazie profile image

I was given prozac when it first came out on the market. It was called the 'happy pill'. Nothing happened for the first month. I didn't sleep, but i think that was due to my worsening depression. After the first month, boy! I felt so super great that I wondered why it had taken so long to come out. To say I was ecstatic would be an understatement. I only told the doctor that I felt much better. I was in a whirlwind of excitement. I don't remember why I was taken off of it, but nothing ever compared to that first experience with prozac. Years later, I took prozac again. It did not have the same affect. In fact, it didn't have much of an affect at all. I tried zoloft, with feelings like a zombie. I settled on celexa, which I have been taking for about 15 years. Never had any side effects, but recently, it has stopped working. I am having depression - the online depression test says severe - but I am tired of taking medications. I will just wait a while and see what happens. I am going to try GABA and magnesium supplements.

Agora1 profile image

You are blessed prozacpal. Your doctor found the right medication and the right dose just for you. Your body accepted it and now your mind will benefit from it. My best xx

can i reply to this post even though it's a year old? I've been on prozac since 2002 and i didn't think I had any side effects except for drowsiness. But I gained 50lbs and only years later did i connect the weight gain to the prozac. Sadly, I've never been able to get back down to my pre-prozac weight. But i feel better!

SusanZYX profile image

I'm on Fluoxetine and it definitely helps my depression. That said, I'm on a high dose--140 mgs-- which worries me. I'm curious as to the max dose of Fluoxetine/ Prozac others have been prescribed for depression and/or OCD. The instructions list a max recommended dose of 80 mg.

I'm glad your'e doing well on it so far!

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