Hey Guys...I have chronic anxiety/panic disorder with Agoraphobia...Today I managed to take a walk by myself in my local park...Ok...I was sweating even though its really cold here...and felt uncomfortable...like people were staring at me because they could see I was anxious, I know that's probably not the case...but I did it !!!! Has anyone else experienced feeling quite low and negative after actually doing something you haven't been able to for a long time?...I thought id be so happy....Confused..
Don't understand why I'm so unhappy a... - Anxiety and Depre...
Don't understand why I'm so unhappy and negative...I should be happy about today...

Probably stress have you given yourself a well done and a pat on the back. You did it well done.
Hi Aspergirl47,
My son suffers with your exact conditions, so I know how hard it is for you to go outside, so well done you, I can't express how pleased I feel for you, well done. How do you feel now? Tired I bet. Take things easy my friend. Hugs Gailxx
Hey....I sympathise with your son its horrible not feeling your free to go out anytime u choose... I wish him well Thank u ...I'm exhausted today...feel spaced out...it must have taken a lot from me...I also have Aspergers so it makes it more difficult..even smiling at people seems like an effort sometimes......but I guess I done it !!! I was going to try a small walk today but I'm knackered lol....Sending Hugs to both of you..xx
It feels uncomfortable at first but you did the right thing. You should give it another try tomorrow!
Hey...It was really uncomfortable lol I felt like everyone knew I was anxious...I feel really exhausted today....maybe a small walk to the local shop..i was going to stay in today but maybe best to try again...Does it get easier? I am guessing u have been there? Hugs and Thank u...xx
I know how you feel, Baby steps. I suffer from chronic anxiety also where I had to quit my job and I'm heavily in debt and maybe made the wrong decision? Too late for that what's done is done. I take medication when I need to. My doctor is worthless through. I keep telling myself to focus on today ONLY that everything is OKAY and that I'll deal with things as they come...so far so good, distracting myself with the holidays and spoke to a couple of organizations to do volunteer work. And swimming. Try changing your diet, eliminate sugar , Caffine things like that. Try a new hobbie? Good Luck and Happy Holidays
Thank u PJRR...Good advice I am having a real hard time cutting out caffeine and sugary snacks...I think my stress levels are resulting in me eating and drinking the wrong things...vicious circle...I have realized who I am surrounding myself with on a daily basis is making my Aspergers traits worse and my Ptsd....Negative people who never encourage me...I honestly have had more support from the lovely people on this site than I have in years at home...they seem to enjoy putting me down ...I will carry on with the baby steps...Happy Holidays to u also..