I have not posted since I joined this great group. I'm taking 125 Sertaline for depression and it was increased from 100 less than 2 weeks ago. Since the increase my energy level is down to nothing. I'm on the sofa all day and have interest to do nothing. Also taking 0.5 mg Clonazapam (used to be 1 mg could not function and blood pressure went down) each evening for anxiety and that makes me dizzy, sleepy and takes my energy level further down.
When anxiety hits I feel a lot of mucus in my throat and feel I can't breath. A week ago ended up in the ER with chest pain and had to stay overnight because my enzyme levels spiked. After a clear CT and EKG and declined enzyme level doctor told me that my heart is just fine. I'm tired to be tired. I don't want to sit on the sofa all day but don't know how to keep going. I still think there is something wrong with me but could that be just anxiety related?
Is any one experiencing same issue? How do you deal with constant feeling of mucus in the throat? Appreciate your wisdom.