Any tips or advice on how to deal with insomnia? It's been bad lately! I'm at my ends here.
How to help this insomnia? - Anxiety and Depre...
How to help this insomnia?
A couple of things come to mind. Here's a check list: no coffee or energy drinks after 4 pm. Cut off cellphone or computer use at least an hour before bedtime; take melatonin, magnesium, (both over the counter and inexpensive sleep aids) and drink a cup of chamomile tea, finally, read the Psalms in the Bible. The writer of the psalms often faced a crisis, but usually found a solution by the time the psalm ended. An added thought that seems to work to calm fears at night is thankful thoughts verbalized. Say out loud (quietly if you have a roommate) any and all things you're thankful for. Nothing is too insignificant. Hope it helps.
Thank you
I find that when I get hit with insomnia it helps not to fight it and continue to just lay in bed and try to sleep. That more than likely will not help and it can be so frustrating. The best thing I have found to do is to get up and do something relaxing and mindless such as reading or even doing a puzzle or something like that. Try to avoid television, it tends to make the insomnia worse for me. Hopefully this helps.
That's a good idea, I usually watch a movie or I'm on my phone. I'll read a book instead thank u

books work better for me too.
Read the bible. It gets better but very slowly.
Everything they posted is correct. I am a life long insomniac. I am so sorry for what you are going through. The only thing I covet is other people's ability to sleep.
Yours is recent and sudden. There is a reason. Dig and find it.
Bed is only for love and sleep. Read even leaning up to the bed but this trains your body that bed means sleep. A consistent evening routine helps too!