I am feeling very down today. Feeling hopeless. What is the point of living? It seems so pointless. I do not add value to anybody. I don't do anything special in my life. I have nothing to offer. I just feel emptiness and pain. I'm tired of waking up everyday and feeling like this
Hopeless: I am feeling very down today... - Anxiety and Depre...

I'm so sorry for you, I can relate and it's so horrible. There is a point to living though even if it might not feel like that way now. Things can and will get better. We never know what is around the next corner. I felt like you only a few months ago but am now feeling much brighter and able to start living again. I am so glad I didn't act on my feelings then as now I can use my experiences to help others. Even if at the moment you feel like you don't add value to anyone that will be your depression talking and not the truth. You have so much potential to help others when you are recovered so hang on and keep fighting it. Keep talking to us and we will support you to keep going.
It's worth making an appointment with you doctor or mental health team and letting them know how you feel so that they are able to give you some support too. If you are in the uk the Samaritans are great, the call is free and will not show up on your bill.
Thinking of you
what helped you get better? medication?

yes mainly although not alone. i tried therapy and it made me worse. trying to do a little more each day helped and getting support from the crisis team so i could stay out of inpatient. i think its a mix of things.
I'm not getting good responses from my Dr anymore. My therapist suggested seeing someone else for a 2nd opinion. The meds she has me on are not helping my mood
if the meds are making you worse talk to her about coming off them. as long as you reduce a little at a time it is possible. then after that there might be something else she can suggest??? at the same time try to put in place things like exercise and eating properly as they always ask about them and like to see you are trying alternatives if you want to come off meds. is there more than one gp at your surgery- if so make an appointment with someone else
I've had those days. I'm trying my best and it feels like I'm getting no where. I'm trying to be positive though. Spending time with love ones I feel is the best cure. I feel often life is pointless bc I'm not making any head way. But at times I do have a break through that keeps me going. I'm dealing with schizophrenia, anxiety, depression and agoraphobia so trust me I know what it's like to want to give up and somedays I do. I wish you all the best.
wow, i thought i was reading my own post. your words are identical to mine. thats the depression dialogue. when i was feeling better i couldnt imagine saying those things, but now in the depths of a very bad depression i use the exact words. i dont know my purpose, life is too difficult to live, i do not heal, teach, do good for others.?i just exist. i have a loving family, but i get no joy .

The words just won't go away. They are still ruminating in my mind. I don't know how to make it stop.
i do find if i put music on sort of loud it dulls the thoughts in my head, i also listen to you tube videos on guided meditation for depression. i lie down on my bed and listen, they are very calming. i changed drs after 20 years with same one. he's trying a slight change in meds, only been 3 weeks though
Depression Dialouge....exact description. Wow!
Have you tried going to serve somewhere? To volunteer? To do something for someone else? Sometimes-sometimes, THAT is a reall turning point!!!! Maybe checking on an elderly neighbor? Volunteering at a soup kitchen! We ALL can be useful to soneone else, even at our lowest!
Alao, just getting out around other people, perhaps the livrary? Coffee shop?
You are valuable. You do matter. Someone is hoping you will stop by, just as you are hoping someone does!!!! Make the first move💪🏻🙌🏻👍🏻