I need help please! Anyone on Clonaze... - Anxiety and Depre...

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I need help please! Anyone on Clonazepam?

Suz65 profile image
5 Replies

I am suppose to take a whole .5 Clonazepam this morning and I am terrified!! I have been on a 1/2 of the .5 in the daytime and a whole .5 at bedtime.

I haven't had any issues with drowsiness during the day on the half. I am scared to increase to the whole because I don't know what it will do.

Right now I am running on lack of sleep and increased panic attacks. So I know most likely the increase will make me tired and sleepy.

Anyone on here using Clonazepam that can talk to me about what to expect?!?

Thank you

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Suz65 profile image
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5 Replies
monica44 profile image

I have been on it for at least a year-takes the edge off my panic-but does screw my memory. Also very habit forming. Take the least amount you can to control you. I have tried CBT and hypnosis-but still need meds.

Whonbarger1 profile image

I have been on Clonazepam for quite a while now and yes it will make you sleepy. I do .5 in am, .5 at 11:am and 1mg at bedtime. My doctor always, I mean always says if you feel too sleepy or talk to slowly, or dizzy. cut back on the clonazepam. Tell your doctor how you feel maybe there is something else you can try or use a different type of therapy like imaginary or cognitive behavior. If you do increase it have some one with you to watch you. Maybe take a nap around that time, most of all let your doctor know how you feel. You are not alone we are all different with different needs and reactions.

I'm on of clonazapam for 5 yrs. Now i'm on21/2mg I want to get off but i'm scared the anxiety will get worse. Going up to one is not bad but if you don't hav e to don't and please ask your doctor before you do anything. Please post me again if you need to. I don't think mine are working anymore and looking for a doctor to help me. I have no family support They act like i'm doing it on purpose. I'm lonely.

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I know what your going through so I feel for you. My problem is i'm scared of the anxiety

Whonbarger1 profile image

I have been on clonazapam for a good while now but on a small amount you should ask your doctor about decreasing it. slowly and carefully maybey in meantime they could put you on something else to put you on while decreasing the clonazapam. My doctors always says the same decrease if you feel sleepy you maybe on other meds that in combination makes you more sleepy. I agree imagery and cognative behavior even exercise a change in routine. There are many things you can do even a second doctor just to see what they think You should know your body let them know how you feel you are not alone find a activity to activate your mind stay busy and keep in contact with your family. Best wishes and prayers to you I will be cheering for you.

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