when someone tell you they dont keep in touch because i go into "my bipolar moods" too much. i really wanna just scream WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?. it hurt because i rarely speak to anyone and the close people i do ( which arent many ) and try to understand what i go thru never hurt me like this. i know i have issues but to throw it in my face as if im to blame for the lack of communication is a low blow. Then some people wonder why im so closed off. its not like i asked to feel this way all the damn time. shit now im crying. this sucks.
upset: when someone tell you they dont... - Anxiety and Depre...

Sadly, I find that unless you live it, you don't get it. There are so many people who dont understand anxiety or depression. We don't like to live the way we do. And we would give anything to just not feel the way we do. Heck, somedays, I wish I didn't feel at all because then things would be so much easier. Im sorry that you had to go through that. Keep those who support you no matter what close and try to chuck it up as their loss. Hugs
That is upsetting but now you know that she/he can't be one of your people. It's not a reflection of you because you are strong and you are being brace by reaching out to others for support. Don't take their weakness as your fault. They don't have the capacity to support you or understand. Keep your chin up there ARE people that can be supportive.
I feel you and can understand how upsetting this is. I'm going through my "stuff" now and in the deep dark recess of it and because of that I struggle with responding to other posts when I'm feeling so defeated but I wanted to just quickly say that I understand what you are going through. To say "bipolar moods" as if you are not even a person but some object to cast judgement upon is really rough to hear. It shows their true colors and as brightday put it, they are not your people. I wouldn't bother with people who try to label and put you down this way. Follow your heart and get those toxic people out of it.
Thanks photobeats I'm doing a little better and your right I'm not going to bother with this person anymore. I'm sorry your going thru your stuff right now really hope you feel better soon
One day at a time, right? Glad you are doing better. Sending prayers up and good thoughts.
Hi jewlz, What a small minded and mean spirited person to be so insensitive to you. The good part is now you know what they really are and can avoid them like the plague. It's always hurtful to be treated like this, but it isn't about you, it's about them. Celebrate yourself for being the kind of person you are even though you struggle. Pam