I'm new here, and new to support groups in general. I'm in my first semester of college and I'm struggling with finding the motivation to complete tasks. I'm wondering if anyone has any advice for ways to motivate myself in school when it feels like everything is pointless.
Student dealing with depression and a... - Anxiety and Depre...
Student dealing with depression and anxiety
What has worked in the past for you? I don't know how close your support system is (the one you had in high school). Are there some people around you with healthy hobbies that you could hang out with? i.e. friends who like to cook together, rather than drink heavily or party too much together, etc. (I remember the temptations of college). Is/are there any things/topics that you really care about? Maybe you could do one of these hobbies/topics, or read up about a topic you like, inbetween studying for your classes? i.e. Keep taking breaks and rewarding yourself? Or if you are really fortunate, maybe you like the subjects you are studying, and you might make something you enjoy doing into your career. But it sounds like you might just be doing general education requirements now, being first term. Maybe you can join a gym if you live in campus. That will help with energy. I hope some of these suggestions help. Take care.