Does anyone take taurine as a supplement? One of the things that it can be used for his weight loss and can be helpful in fat metabolism. Just a thought.
Taurine Supplementation: Does anyone take... - AMN EASIER
Taurine Supplementation

Back in my drinking days, I used to take a lot of Taurine.
Those energy drinks, the half-way decent ones at least, they contain Taurine (though most of the energy hit they give comes from industrial quantities of caffeine and sugar).
Go to Asia (the rich bits), and the energy drinks can run you $50-$100 a bottle, that's a one hit bottle as well. They got all sorts in, the more Taurine, the more expensive. They aren't loaded with all that sugar like Red Bull. They work as well.
As I am sure you are aware Red Bull, bull, Taurus, so Taurine. Not sure why it's a red bull though.
Taurine is an amino acid, I tried as many as I could first when I was boozing, then later when my AMN hit, for the fatigue. And Taurine is good. It really gives you a lift, makes you feel "brighter" (for a very short time).
I like Taurine, used to buy bulk powder, it's cheap, like $30 per kilo:
I wasn't aware of any other uses, but I wouldn't be surprised.