I sent this in a private message to someone, but I think it should go here too.
I have been a true medical cannabis user since 2014, but more like 2010 in reality. I smoked a lot of joints, which was just the norm here, even if I don;t like it. I got vaporisers (I have 5 different ones) over the last couple of years, but still struggling to kick the tobacco (from a pipe nowadays). Nobody is perfect eh? Most recently I made edibles and a homemade e-cig oxidised cannabis glycerine, which you can hit all day and only if you really abuse it you can knock yourself out. I did this one time as a test, I was all sleepy and in bed by 7pm.
I tried gabapentin, sinemet, baclophen and another one, can;t remember, and I suffered all the side-effects without any benefits. And since my last visit to the neurologist, where despite having a tonne of questions, I taught her stuff about AMN. I am done with doctors.
I get by on a mix of my tincture and some regular cannabis, cos in reality my tincture isn't really strong enough (cannabis neither if we are being honest). But this does work for me and definitely better than no weed at all! I use one other med, Toviaz, to control my bladder flow too.
I think cannabis helps physically and psychologically. And if you are interested I can go into more detail. My tincture is 100% CBD and around 20% THC.