I had my procedure yesterday, did have a bit of discomfort at the start but I think that was probably due to my nervousness. All OK and discharged at about 6.15. Felt shattered and had a good night's sleep. However, I have a wrist BPM monitor and I note that my heart rate is hitting 140 (not prolonged) on quite a few occasions,including at night when its generally below 70. I rarely hit this usually. I'm surmising its my heart settling down after a 'poke around' but if anyone can offer any view on this I'd be grateful
Right Heart Catheter - Update - Atrial Fibrillati...
Right Heart Catheter - Update

Hi Silvasava
I'm glad to hear that you're feeling ok.
Your heart could just be adding an extra beat here and there, but your monitor giving the impression it's doing it for a while.. Even normal people without any heart abnormalities have extra beats. I believe monitors do nothing but cause stress and I rarely use mine for that very reason, go by how you are feeling and please put that monitor away.
A good nights rest will have done you the world of good. Please let us know how you progress.
Best wishes for a successful outcome.
Thqnk you Jean, my rate rarely hits 140 and over the last 12 hours its hit it about half a dozen times, most unusual for me but it seems to be getting back to an acceptable level. I don't generally monitor just look at night before going to bed but not felt 100% just yet so I think it's probably just a reaction. I'll see how I go on tomorrow and update. Thanks again
Hi. I had my ablation a week ago today and have posted today's update saying my pulse, usually averaging 52 bpm had shot up to between 103 - 114 for around 20 mins.It's now floating between 77 and 85 so I think the 52bpm are now out of the window . It does mention this is common on the fact sheets from here and the ones I was given by the hospital. Also, frequently folk post/comment on here that it's happened to them.
Darned frustrating but apparently par for the course. Would say if its prolonged or your worried, have a chat to your arrhythmia nurse. Here's hoping to an otherwise good recovery for you.😊.
Thanks for that Ducky, I didn't have an ablation, mine was just to check the pressures in my heart but I'm experiencing spikes. I'll give it a few days as I think it may settle down, fingers crossed!

Hello, We have a many online patient resources available with advice about recovering from an Ablation, these can be found on For Patients \ Patient Resources \ Factsheets or Booklets heartrhythmalliance.org/afa... Take care, Tracy