Greedy pig!!: Hi all Had a row with my... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Greedy pig!!

booboo73 profile image
76 Replies

Hi all

Had a row with my other half last night about my bad diet. I had a gastric bypass years ago lost 14 stone and I can eat normally now but just eat rubbish. Af has reared its very ugly head again and I will never admit he's right but I think he is. I just eat toast, cups of tea constantly anything on hand to stop me feeling sick and can easily do without food ( oh and a full box of can be such a greedy pig when I'm low !! ) it's really knocked me for 6 these new episodes and feel awful. I bought magnesium but went in AF 10 mins later so my paranoia won't let me take them again. my iron levels are really low and just feel crap.

Any advice about what I can eat to help curb the AF and out a bit of colour in my cheeks.... I do look awful and feeling really depressed again.... just a basic diet and also how much water should I drink daily?

I've got myself in a bit if a mess I think and need to feel positive again xx (and stop smoking but that's another post later!!)

Sara xxxx

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booboo73 profile image
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76 Replies
Lorlaw70 profile image

Hi Sara

I am so sorry to hear your going through such a hard time.

I am a greedy pig too and need to shed weight. I have found the low carb diet works really well combined with the Mediterranean diet. I use these cookbooks in combination together. I eat lots of vegetables and fish and on occasions have red meat.

But being on a diet is not the only thing we need to do. Look at how we use and abuse food. When I am feeling crap about myself I use comfort food like chocolate crisps and chips etc to make myself feel better but it is short lived.

It's about making life style changes and attitude to help us shed the weight. Easier said than done I am afraid. I use meditation to help me but I know that is not for everyone. Talking about your fears is always good. AF is horrible to live with and the constant fear is just unbearable at times.

I have a friend that needs to shed weight and that helps me, do you have someone that can do it with you?

BTW I smoked too and gave it up a few years ago but I am now addicted to e cigs so need to address that one aswell at some point.

It's not easy Sara but if you want to talk I am more than happy to listen.

I remember you gave me wise words of wisdom when i was going through with my ablation you gave me a lot of comfort - i hope i can extend the favour to you now.

Can you do any gentle walking or is your AF so bad that you cant?

I am sure you will get loads of fantastic advice on this forum.


booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to Lorlaw70

Thank you Laura for that lovely reply... Meditaranian sounds good I shall definatly think about that ... I'm going shopping shortly so will stock up. i thonk I've just got in a terrible rut of just to be honest not caring about my health... I have had years of depression and the reoccurance of AF has just added to that. I can go days without eating anything decent which is ridiculous ... I need a huge kick up my bum.

how's your ablation doing... a great success I hope? xxxc

Lorlaw70 profile image
Lorlaw70 in reply to booboo73

Hi Sara

Depression is utterly horrible Sara. You can get into a cycle of despair so easily with it and with that the bloody awful AF which makes you anxious

I worked as a service manager of a mental health charity and I have seen first hand what poor mental health can do to people. But you can take control of it with the help and support of people who understand what you are going through.

The change of life style is the first step (I hate the word diet!) You are taking back control. Do things that you can control and are achievable and in little steps.

Reading your posts and having experienced myself of your kind words to me you are a really caring person who responds with kindness to others try and show yourself some of those kind words that you express to others.

Take one day at a time and try not to have expectations. We are all remarkable people who have unique different strengths we can draw upon. Sometimes we just need reminded of how lovely we can all be.

My ablation was deemed a success but I still have anxiety incase it comes back! I have a lot of stress in my life at the moment which means my blood pressure is a little on the high side but I am trying to keep calm by using meditation along with the breathing exercises. Thank you for asking.

You take care


booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to Lorlaw70

Hi x I'm so glad your ablation is all good. I understand the anxiety too well. . but I have to deal with it as we all do. I'm grateful now when I have a 'well' day and don't want to take nothing for granted. I have had my fill of anti depressants ... Started on them at 14 till I was 42.. I don't want to go back on them although my doc thinks its a good idea. I think helping myself regarding a healthy diet is a good starting point and guess what I said no to a big cream bun today... First time ever !! Keep in touch lovely lady xxxxx

pusillanimous profile image
pusillanimous in reply to booboo73

The Mediterranean diet, as consumed by the people of Southern Italy, Greece, Spain etc. has been proved scientifically to be the healthiest as a preventive tool against many non-communicable diseases, and it is so easy to follow, just cut down dramatically on red meat especially, eat plenty of fruit and veggies and nuts, it's really most enjoyable - yes spoil yourself with a treat of you choice, but in my opinion, it is tasty and satisfying, but then again, as a child I was known as the rabbit in my family because I ate green salads - lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes without a spot of salt or dressing, and still do !

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to pusillanimous

She has low iron! The last thing she should be doing is cutting down on red meat.

pusillanimous profile image
pusillanimous in reply to FancyPants54

But her increase in consumption of green veg, especially spinach, nuts and seeds and whole- wheat bread and the eggs and poultry will provide the iron she needs -8mg a day if she is around 50, twice that if she is younger.

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to pusillanimous

No, it won't. If she's short of iron a daily maintenance dose will not fix it. It needs a concerted push with iron rich foods and supplements and then careful watching of a maintenance dose. You can't get enough iron from greens and eggs alone. I've had a problem with iron for years. I eat eggs almost daily. Still my levels drop. Only blood products do it.

Tapanac profile image
Tapanac in reply to FancyPants54

GP and iron tablets?

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to Tapanac

I'm on them but levels still not good. I dont really like meat but im gonna get some decent steak ... I'm sure I can force that down! Xxx

LaceyLady profile image
LaceyLady in reply to booboo73

As him about pernicious anaemia

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to FancyPants54

What supplements will be best for people who are vegan to get iron levels up?

LaceyLady profile image
LaceyLady in reply to Padayn01

My friend said her friend eats marmite every day. You either love it or hate it😜

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to LaceyLady

Great idea marmite

LaceyLady profile image
LaceyLady in reply to Padayn01

Get some good nutrition books to make sure you’re eating as well as possible.

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to LaceyLady

Thanks x

LaceyLady profile image
LaceyLady in reply to FancyPants54

Yes!! You must go to your dr and get a blood test, anaemia is serious. The best source of Vit B12 for iron is red meat! You may need a supplement and the fact you’ve had a gastric operation might mean your not absorbing enough nutrients, minerals and vitamins. You need dietary advice from a nutritionist/dietician.

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to LaceyLady

Hi... I'm on supplements from my Doc... Levels still low. He mentioned an iron infusion if they don't go up. I know everything about calories but nothing about vitamins so I will think about seeing a nutritionist, thank you xccc

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to booboo73

Chicken and egg? There is some evidence that poor diet can lead to depression. I think you know what the problem is - you just have to summon up the determination to change. That is the hard part- I have good discipline diet wise but my sleep hygiene is awful! Is there some way you could get back into the habit of cooking a proper meal - just one a day to start off with? Sail past the ailes in the supermarket that sell rubbish . Once it is in the cupboard it's harder to resist. With more nutritious food you might feel less depressed.

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to Auriculaire

I know I feel much more positive eating better already.... I think knowing that im actually doing something is helping immensely ... Small steps ! Xxx

Omniscient1 profile image

Laura has written the post I would have done, all good advice. Don't forget you've already successfully climbed a mountain those years ago.

I would also recommend the low carb aka the blood sugar diet. I'd also recommend the BBC couch to 5k app (people in your ear guiding you through gentle running) even if you deliberately chose not to progress



booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to Omniscient1

Thank you Gary. My mother in law follows the blood sugar diet... I may just bend her ear. She also has AF and tries her best diet wise. I'm not sure about running but walking is a must... I tend to hide away when AF is on the cards as I have dramatic visions of collapsing in public with my skirt blowing up with a handsome rugby team walking past of course!!

Omniscient1 profile image
Omniscient1 in reply to booboo73

You may struggle to find a handsome rugby team in Bradford (I feel qualified to comment as am in exotic Steeton, far, far to the North). On the running thing I totally get that,but suggested the app as it's frankly brilliant. Mrs O and I go out once or twice a week which is enough for fitness and mental wellness.



booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to Omniscient1

Saw a sign for Steeton today I'm sure...we were heading towards Skipton. Beatigul this time of year x

CDreamer profile image

Hi Sara - great advice which I totally agree with, however, since you have had a gastric bypass I think it would be good to have the support and advice of a nutritionist, not a dietician, a nutritionist. BANT are the best guidelines to follow as they have the best research base - much better than the NHS is my opinion and much more specific

It’s really hard to do this stuff on your own and I think you will need help and support and for once, I am going to suggest someone - Emma Ellice-Flint - mainly because she operates an online support programme and her recipes are really easy to follow and delicious. Have a look and see what you think:-

The 7-day programme may be a good place to start as all the work thinking about what to eat and how is done for you.

I’ve met Emma, lovely lady and very committed and she does 1:1 consults if you need.

I would also suggest joining the Healthy Eating forum here on HU for daily motivation and emotional support - they are a great inspirational group.

I do hope you are able to make some changes.

Water - the advice is 6-8 glasses per day minimum.

Very best wishes - CD

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to CDreamer

Thanks ...just had a look at the links.... Bant looks great. I have to do something as I need an iron infusion and all my bloods are not right... I need to give myself the best chance as I will be on ablation no 3 and if that's not sucessful will be a pace and ablate but with all the research I've done its doesn't seem such a bad option. Hope you're doing OK XXX

Hennerton profile image

I am not sure what you want members to say, because actually you know all the answers to what you should eat. You recognise that a box of chocolates is not going to improve the way you look or put colour in your cheeks. You know that fruit and vegetables and proper home cooked food will improve your mental and physical state.

You do not mention exercise and fresh air. Do you ever walk in the countryside and look at trees and listen to bird song? Do you ever sit on a log in the middle of some woods and listen to the peace? These are the things I do regularly to keep myself from feeling down. Life is hard and we have to get through it any way we can. I have a young daughter who is probably never going to beat the cancer she has been fighting for the past three years. Our whole family is living with that hanging over us but we all go on keeping her spirits up.

Try to stop looking inwards and start to get out into peaceful places. It costs nothing and the exercise you get at the same time will definitely put colour in your cheeks. Stay away from ugliness and depressing shopping centres.

Our countryside is beautiful and absolutely free. Use it.

I promise I am trying to help you, so please don't take this as a nag.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Hennerton

I’m so sorry about your daughter and positive attitude and appreciation of what we do have is vey important.

It is also sometimes very difficult to lift your head out of the depths of despondency when everyday occurrences make us feel so bleak and hopeless. So well done Sara for reaching out - often that first step really is the hardest.

Well done you and your family Hennerton.

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to CDreamer

I too am sorry for you and your family. Andy, my partner has just been diagnosed with cancer again and we are just awaiting results from more tests. It scares me to death. I totally agree with finding the beauty in things... I love nature. Even through it was a foggy day today the colours of the trees were amazing. We are normally in Norfolk on a cruiser this time of year and its stunning but had to skip it due to Andy's illness but all been well we will be there in spring. Wishing you and your family well Hennerton xxx

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to booboo73

That's a really stressful time for you both - best wishes xx

Hennerton profile image
Hennerton in reply to booboo73

Thanks Booboo and I truly hope that your partner will get good news that something can be done to help him.

My daughter has been told that lots of new treatments will be coming along in the next two years and she is desperately trying to keep going until then. In the meantime she started an online fundraiser to get her to Germany for treatment not available here. We, as a family, have raised nearly £100,000. She just needs to get well enough to undergo the treatment, after being on a trial drug of immunotherapy that damaged her badly and nearly killed her before the cancer. There are always things to try so do not lose hope. xxx

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Hi Sara

I understand where you are right now, I'm a pig too, but fortunately have never been fat. I like to say that I came from a family of big eaters, but you know what we were all skinny! I can only guess it was because we didn't eat in between meals and living on a farm my dad grew all of our vegetables and often provided the meat too. Mum cooked our main meals and they were all wholesome. We rarely had sweets or cake and we lived miles from any shops.

A few years ago I noticed that every time I ate cake I would become aware of my heartbeat, didn't like the feeling at all so stopped having it. I never ever dreamt it would be possible that I would start disliking cake, but now the thought of having any doesn't appeal at all.

Please, please cut out all the sugar and rubbishy foods you are eating, you'll find that you will feel so much better. Never, ever buy rubbish food then it's not on hand when you crave it.

I never have biscuits, cake or sweets in my house. I'm afraid it's a bit like being an alcoholic, but a sweet food one. Alcoholics wouldn't keep drink in the house would they? Likewise we mustn't have sweet stuff and rubbish food, because we just can't stop at eating just a little of it!

Hidden has told us clearly that he's discovered sugar was causing his AF.

Smoking, well only two people smoked in my family and they both had lung cancer, one died and the other now has just three quarters left of one of her lungs and that makes it a little difficult for her to get her breath when she exerts herself. Please stop now, as that too is another addiction.

Big hug my friend - you can do it, or at the very least cut down.


Jalia profile image
Jalia in reply to jeanjeannie50

Jean, you are so right about not eating between meals . Leaving 5 hours or so between meals is good advice ( wish I could always follow it ). My mother in law never ate between meals , had a large appetite and was as slim as a rake. She also was brought up on a farm ( in Australia ) .

Unfortunately if you are feeling low it is so easy to fall into a cycle of existing on cups of tea/coffee and snacks without ever bothering to cook a proper balanced meal.

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hi Jean.... Think I was having a meltdown this morning.... Feel so much better for everyone's support and some fresh air. Since A,&e last week I've been scared to move so just used it as an excuse to watch box sets and eat rubbish. But enough now... Going shopping to morrow for healthy food. Will deal with the cigs later.

I would have loved to have lived on a farm. I always wanted to marry a farmer but Andy's works in computers so that fantasy is out of the window. He's just telling me off now about cigs as I type....arghhh . I hate it because he right. Love to you Jean xxxxx

in reply to booboo73

Hiya booboo,

I just been following all these brilliant posts, AND, to varying degrees I agree with everyone.

Just one thought though, when you are ready to do it .... on giving up cigs ..... have you ever considered trying hypnosis ?

Back in the day, when I was young and stupid, I was a 40 a day man, and puffed a pipe to. (I was like a bloody chimney) I needed a bigger car for my growing family but couldn't afford it ........... so gave up smoking. I went to a Hypnotist and had a long session, part counselling and part hypnosis and I've never smoked since ......... that was October 1983. WARNING, with hypnosis it is always most succcessful when YOU WANT to do something, that desire must come from WITHIN.

I not only have never smoked since BUT I have never wanted to smoke again .... ever.

May the force be with you.


Bagrat profile image
Bagrat in reply to

I have a friend who has just started a course of hypnotherapy to help her keep off the sweet stuff so you could maybe have a double whammy. As Hidden has said it's only part of the deal. You really have to want to stop.

Change is very difficult as it changes relationships too. You have got comfortable in your present routine. As your OH has health problems too, eating healthy together may be a good way forward. Good for you for sharing your situation it's a great way to get support.

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to

I am considering the hypnotherapy... I enquired a while ago its £80/a session. I need to take action though its really is beyond stupid smoking, especially with AF.xx

Buffafly profile image

Hi, can't add much to the lovely helpful posts above except to say I was fortunate in having a very strict mother who rationed treats. So I grew up brainwashed to feel that chocolates, for example, come in ones and I feel very daring if I eat two at once. I brought my children up the same way, partly because I appreciated my mother's attitude and partly because all my husband's family, who had no mental diet regulator, were obese - he is still overweight despite my best efforts. I know it is incredibly difficult to retrain your brain but I think it is the only way to go if you want your 'dieting' efforts to last, so I hope the advice already given helps.

I can also recommend Tai Chi as long as you choose a 'beginner's' style class - our teacher is great and gives tips on well-being as well as the exercises.

Best wishes 💜

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to Buffafly

My mum was very strict also as we grew up but unfortunately as soon as I got my greedy little hands on money I went crazy buying what I wanted. I had a hole in the heart when I was small and was spoilt rotten by my Dad who used to sneak me treats and mum couldn't understand why I was putting weight on ! But my Mums side were all slim and my Dads were all big. My brother is slim. Guess I take after my Dad! Hope your going okay x x x

booboo73 profile image


Sorry I haven't replied til now ... My others half was sick of my miserable face and we went for a drive on his orders to cheer me up. We went up to Howarth and Ilkley Moor (bah tat).

Feeling a bit better and bursting with ideas thanks to you all about a healthy diet. Going to Aldi tomorrow to stock up. Something's got to help these ectopics plus need to be as for as a flea for ablation no 3. Thank you all xxbxxc XXX

Hennerton profile image
Hennerton in reply to booboo73

I hope the moor worked its magic. Good luck with your new lifestyle/diet and you are fortunate to have a good man to help you and be kind to you. I think this will be your turning point...

Sfhmgusa profile image

I know exactly how you feel with if it is there eat it and want to add my simple rule which is to try to eat a rainbow every day. Something red something orange ... you get the picture 😀it is simple and quite fun too ( toast counts as the colour of the jam or marmalade for me! )

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to Sfhmgusa

I love the rainbow idea... It will stick with me forever that will. ( especially the marmalade idea!!) Xxxx

Roto profile image

It's a tough life..I dont believe in drinking 5-6-7 glasses of water or taking magnesium supplements... it never "cured my Paf" an Ablation did piggy weakness are biscuits cakes and were all creatures of habit I only have these as treats not everyday food maybe once a week..ask yourself how long have you survived without anti can reclaim your can be as positive as you like but what really works is action..perhaps start with a stop smoking clinic...only you alone can make these decisions you have the power of choice...good luck and choose wisely

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to Roto

You are so right. I need to take action. My other half finds it hilarious about all the lists and plans I write down...any never do anything about it. I have actually stuck to my mini plans this week ... Water and lots of fruit and veg... Next week cut out sugar in tea and 5000 steps. Small steps. Xxx

Roto profile image
Roto in reply to booboo73

Dont be too hard on yourself...small steps and eat a little less gets you there...extreme doesnt work in the long run

Sean_C profile image

Fantastic advice above from the caring members, so I only have one point to add. There are a great many diets out there and pretty much any of them, if followed, will help you lose weight and improve your health. The most important thing though, is adherence. Adopting a diet that you cannot maintain (as in a life change, not a temporary diet) has the potential to cause you to pick the weight back up once you stop (and some are very hard to follow for any length of time). Yo yo dieting and weight is a real issue for many.

Think about what you like and don’t like and use the resources linked to above to choose a diet that suits you. And take it slow, the body doesn’t like drastic change and tries to fight it.

I wish you everything of the best on your journey.


booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to Sean_C

Thank you Sean. Ive had some lovely messages and you're right its such a brilliant forum. Xxx

booboo73 profile image

Thank you all so much I will reply more later.

I went to bed feeling really positive thanks to you all...the at 2.30am woke sweating in Fast AF at 165. Luckily it's buggered off af5er 6 hrs but i feel awful and very fed up...3rd time now in a week. After a week still waiting for a reply about medication from the nurses. Just wanted to text before I go back to bed and hopefully I will wake up full of positivity again. You are all so lovely thank you xxxxx

Shcldavies profile image

Yes, you need to do the following:

Get your iron up, without it your potassium will be depleted and that in itself could trigger arrhythmia's and it will also significantly reduce and benefit from taking magnesium.

Drink water first thing in the morning before anything else and keep hydrated throughout the day. watch you don't take too much.

Leave at least 12 (preferably 14 but not longer than 16) hours between your last food in the evening and first food in the morning. This will also help to get your metabolism working as it should and this in turn will reduce/eliminate food cravings.

If you take PPIs try to reduce them (the doc reduced mine by half and they still worked)

Stop smoking (sorry) and limit intake of caffeine and alcoholic (and low/zero alcohol) drinks.

You will need to do this for some time for it to take effect (I suggest at least 6 weeks but we are all different), as it will take this time to get your cellular electrolytes back to some form of normality.

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to Shcldavies

Great advice. I didn't realise till my doc said low iron can trigger AF ... I bought magnesium straight away but went in fast AF ten mins later so scared to take any more now ( bloody £20 wasted lol). Thanks xxc

Shcldavies profile image
Shcldavies in reply to booboo73

I am pretty sure its not the magnesium causing the AF, magnesium will try to balance your electrolytes to make your heart work as it should. However if you don't have the right electrolytes to balance then it can't do its job, it also cannot do its job if its not there in sufficient quantities. My guess is that your iron deficiency has depleted your potassium (and probably your magnesium) which is one of your key electrolytes for a healthy heart.

Ianc2 profile image

Stop eating at 7pm. Get a good mound of veg on your plate, Investigate the great variety of salads. Sugar is a body wrecking drug so get rid, get a fitbit or similar for Xmas and get out for half an hours continuous walking every day. You can also record the amount of water you drink, fitbit reckon on 2.25 litres per day.

I am 74 and as you get older time seems to go faster. Get out and enjoy life, use it or lose it.

FancyPants54 profile image

The most important thing you need to do right now is address that low iron. Nothing else will make you feel better until that is sorted out. You need to be eating liver, black pudding or pate twice a week and taking a good iron supplement with vitamin C to help it absorb and you much ask your GP to help you keep track of your levels. You want Ferritin to be at least 70. You also need decent levels of Folate and B12. Low iron will make you feel terrible. Defeated and tired and pale and lethargic. Your hair will also shed more.

Please address this, diets are so hard and depressing and needs doing at some point because toast and tea won't give you any nutrients, but sorting out iron is much more straight-forward.

victip profile image
victip in reply to FancyPants54

Wow Fancy. You know alot.

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to FancyPants54

I'm on Ferritin Sulphate and B12. My levels have improved slightly. But I am a 100% to blame as my dies is/was horrendous. I look terrible my skin is white. But I'm on the right track now with the healthy grub. Thanks xxxx

allserene profile image
allserene in reply to booboo73

Ferritin ? Here is a light heated aside..

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to allserene

My brain isn't functioning... Ferrous Sulphate 600gm daily xxx

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to allserene

Haha just seen the link !! Xxc

allserene profile image

Lots of folk saying sugar is a trigger..I am a sugarholic.. I love Bertie Bassets licorice allsorts which you can buy here in Wisconsin... and my wife has em under lock and key and allows me 7 occasionally and 13 as treat.. I feel like a poodle. Yesterday I had 2 pints of strong beer which I tried to spin out over 2 hours...I got some mild ectopics when I got home and slumped on the couch (another trigger for me). I drank 2 pints of water and I slowly settled down by bedtime... SO.. careful with sugar/booze and drink plenty of water...That is my plan... Florida for a week in few days, so that will be challenge.. I will pack my beta blockers and apixaban just in case... Otherwise I am taking no pills

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to allserene

Made me laugh... Like a poodle !!! Have a great holiday xxx

concup profile image


Very interesting reading indeed!!

I guess it confirms we are all different and what works for some doesnt for others.As someone who has stuggled with weight issues most of my adult life I can truly say I have tried everything except surgery,and thats not to say I havent thought about it!

One thing I will say is that to much carbohydrate in your diet is a wrecking ball.Everyone talks about sugar,and one assumes that just sugar is bad,but,thanks to the devious food industry sugar comes in many,many "disguises" so if you want to lose weight,COUNT YOUR CARBS!!

Aim for 100g a day then work down to around 40g. Dont try to do it overnight,just cut down gradually., and accept you may have some "bad" days,but dont worry,certainly dont feel guilty,just get back on track ASAP.

It took me over 3 months to get down to 40g,and along with using the 16/8 fasting regime I have lost over 25kg and kept it off for nearly 2 years, and believe me I eat heaps of food!!

But thats me,it may not work for you,but I reckon its worth a try!!

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to concup

Thanks... I've never really thought about carbs...just eaten plenty. My downfall is carbs and salt... Not a good combo. I will look into measuring the amount I have. I'm thinking about hot buttered pastry now since I've typed about it. Hmmmm. XXX

MazzyB profile image

wouldn’t get too stressed out about eating a bit more your mind will stop you going too crazy! I think you should drink 2 litres of water a day! hope you get sorted.

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to MazzyB

Definitely doing the water. I'm taking it casual this week as I tend to become obsessive and stressed and that's no good. I do feel better already. XXX

Coco51 profile image

Hi there. I am glad to read you are feeling more positive. It's so hard to break these cycles of despair, anxiety and depression. It takes all your courage and strength and I really sympathise.

When my AF went persistent night and day I was poleaxed with the most awful anxiety. Like you I had videos playing in my head of collapsing in public and people stepping over me. It was difficult to leave the house.

Long story short I found the Anxiety UK website, which is full of information about the different sorts of therapy. Through it I very quickly made contact with a wonderful psychologist who is also a hypnotherapist. We got on really well and I saw her 8 times over 4 months. You pay according to your income and below a certain income it's free. It helped me so much.

Hypnotherapy is a great treatment and after a while I learnt how to self- hypnotise. When things get too much I know what to do and can calm myself down and stop the downward spiral. But as someone said already, you need to want to change. As I think you do. It could help with smoking and rubbish eating, and give you some control. If you want to try here's the link. But whether you do or not, very best wishes.

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to Coco51

Thanks for the email and that you understand. I have looked at the website and there are some great ideas and tips. I'm certainly considering hypnotherapy... Thanks so much for the link xxxx

You know what to do but refuse to do it, it would seem. If you really decide to stop smoking and stop eating so much crap you will find it a lot easier than you may think- just make the decision to stop. You should drink around two litres of water a day, I think. Buy one of the new metal containers and keep it filled and drink regularly from it whenever you think of eating some of your usual crap!

I too did not have success with the magnesium supplements which I'm quite pleased about as they were pretty expensive!

Try meditation or mindfulness- there are classes available and stuff online. And yoga is recommended by many- I intend to return to classes which I used to attend regularly before taking up Pilates and now Tai Chi. And walking is great!

Diet- we have juice in the morning- orange (or apple from our apple trees at the moment) with either porridge (when really cold) or home made organic muesli with dried fruit, nuts and seeds, fresh fruit, soya yogurt and milk. Then a slice of my home made organic wholemeal bread with honey and herbal tea.

Other meals are never too large and mostly plant based with some oily fish as they are supposed to be good for us. As we keep chickens, we always have a good supply of eggs to be cooked in many ways. We grow plenty of green vegetables so always have a good choice supplemented by organic produce from the farmers market and supermarkets.

You know what to do really and your husband seems very supportive so get on with it and good luck!

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to

Thank you and your diet sounds lovely. Home made apple juice, bread and museli ....Can I move in!!

I also keep chickens and I love them.... I only have four but they are little buggers at the moment pecking each other and I had to buy some eggs this week ... Not a patch on my chickies eggs.


in reply to booboo73

Glad you didn't take my comments too badly. I'm not quite saintly as we do have the odd piece of organic fair trade chocolate - the dark stuff - in the evening but there are so many things you could eat that wont be bad for you like fruit and nuts, seeds and raisins, etc. I've never been overweight and just put on a little when I first went on the pill many many years ago and with the menopause but not very much so I guess it is easy for me to say!

I don't suppose your chickens would welcome a cockerel or two for some male company- we have a group of them as the bantams we have go broody and we couldn't kill the cockerels-

LaceyLady profile image

Maybe join Slimming World? You’d get goid duet and exercise advice plus support💗

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to LaceyLady

I have considered that but I have discovered weight loss resources online and it calculates all the nutrients, calories ect what I eat if i type in daily.... Its about £12 a month so I may give that a go xx

Mouchkin profile image
Mouchkin in reply to booboo73

Firstly you are a brave woman to share so openly ..and I admire you for this. You have so many worries that I am not surprised that you have scuttled off to have a tuck in to comfort yourself! Plan some treats...days out etc to reward yourself.

I did Slimming World and it is so healthy. Going to the group keeps one focused and with a good bunch of people can be incredibly supportive and fun. I lost weight slowly and steadily and have maintained it.

Let us know how you get on. Xx

Guitar335 profile image

booboo73 I just want to send my very best wishes to you. Good luck fighting your demons. None of us are perfect and it really sounds like you know what to do. The challenge is making it happen and many of us struggle in this wonderful group of supportive people.

You may not get every day right, and today may not be perfect but if you get more things right tomorrow than the day before then you are making progress. Baby steps and take one day at a time.

Good luck

booboo73 profile image
booboo73 in reply to Guitar335

Thanks for that lovely reply xxx You are right...I'm doing baby steps ...I'm in and out of AF so havnt got the energy to go hell for leather and in my experience I end up failing if I get too obsessed. Once I tried to stop smoking and stick to 800kcals a day ... Lasted 12 hours lol !!! Xxx

LaceyLady profile image

Good luck 💗💗💗

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