AF AND DIET: After having AF on... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Gillybean123 profile image
26 Replies

After having AF on and off for a week I have decided I am going to lose a stone in weight. I don’t eat red meat, I don’t drink never smoked. I have always stuck to the Slimming World rules but something stops me from losing weight. Have low fat everything but my weight stays the same which is 12stone 5lbs, is anyone else on the Mediterranean diet. Or has anyone got any suggestions For a good healthy heart diet. I walk my dogs but don’t get very far with them as I struggle a bit. Think losing a bit of weight would help the AF episodes. It is the only thing left that I can think of. Thanks in advance. X Happiness to everyone don’t let the 🧙‍♀️ and ghouls get to you tonight. Wooooo!!!!

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Gillybean123 profile image
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26 Replies
BobD profile image

As has been said many time. diets don't work. Life style does. Since my wife gave up work and started cooking proper food rather than buying stuff I lost a stone. Just done a 7 day BP chart for my GP and note that compared with 2020 when I did similar. my BP is 20/10 lower.

Gillybean123 profile image
Gillybean123 in reply to BobD

can I borrow your wife for a few days. I promise to send her back. Xx

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Gillybean123

Yep BobD nailed it. I had a lightbulb moment at least 10yrs ago now when unexpectedly attending a talk on food. What was suggested was simple food, prepared from scratch and what might surprise you full fat (for the brain & more) grass fed organic meat and dairy (raw when possible), all in moderation of course. After years of dieting and weight up and down, I now weigh what I did at 18yo (BMI 23). No AF either.

Sorry, I won't tell my wife about your post. She prepares most of our meals and would be right over, always volunteering to cook for others!

Gillybean123 profile image
Gillybean123 in reply to secondtry

do you mean eat raw meat?

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Gillybean123

Raw dairy only but back in the day I liked steak tartare, which seems to have disappeared off most menus now.

Gillybean123 profile image
Gillybean123 in reply to secondtry

My husband went out with his new boss many years ago and his Boss ordered steak Tartare. Hubby was a very young man at the time. He said I couldn’t believe he had ordered him raw steak. I know it is highly flavored and seasoned. I would have loved to have seen his face.


I know this appears to be a weird answer, BUT, it is genuine. Have you ever considered hypnosis.

I used this approach to stopping smoking after many failed attempt to stop by other means. I stopped in October 1985. From 40 cigarettes a day ( and some) to nil after one consultation.

I think a first step might be a chat to your local surgery.


Gillybean123 profile image
Gillybean123 in reply to

I have an app. On the 9th and the specialist nurse on phone tomorrow. Will ask the question. Thankyou

oh Gillybean123, I so sympathise with you! I have the same problem, light lunch and dinner but the weight stays steady. I blame the medication, perhaps unfairly. I’m as active as possible given the heart problems but just can’t burn it off. There must be a way, but I haven’t found it yet. We’ll keep trying.

Cheers, David.

Threecats profile image

Hi Gillybean

You have my sympathies! I, too, followed Slimming World for about 6 months but got nowhere with it. That was a few years ago. They included something called Syns, I think it was called but all that did was just encourage the continued eating of stuff that wasn't doing me any good! Like you, I was low fat everything and over the time lost the grand amount of 2lbs - the same 2lbs I constantly kept gaining and losing!

Fed up with that and with feeling constantly hungry, I was noodling around on the net and came across the keto diet and how beneficial it was for migraines, something I suffered with almost weekly. I ditched the low fat for a moderate fat, low carb approach and successfully lost three stone doing so! Mind you, I needed to, I was 5ft 3" on a good day and decidedly dumpy! Now I'm not so dumpy but sadly, still just as short!😀

That was around 9 years ago and I've kept it off, thank goodness. I now follow a more relaxed diet but keeping the carb sources to sweet pots, root veg and a smaller amount of ordinary pots that I tend to eat with their skins on to increase fibre intake. I have plenty of olive oil ( extra virgin) loads of veggies, beans and lentils ( happily I love all three!) some meat - chicken and beef are my preferences, eggs, oily fish three times a week ( that one's a bit of a challenge as I'm not really a fish fan) a handful of nuts as a snack if needed and seeds too. Fruit-wise I have berries, apples and a half a banana daily. Looks like a lot now I've written it down! I also try to eat within an 8 hour window leaving the rest of the time for digestion.

Apologies for rattling on but hopefully some of the above will be helpful to you. Good luck in your endeavours!

Gillybean123 profile image
Gillybean123 in reply to Threecats

yes well that sounds a bit like the Med diet. Is keto diet safe if we have AF though?

Threecats profile image
Threecats in reply to Gillybean123

I don’t follow the ultra low carb approach that the hardcore keto diet suggests, so I can’t speak for that but I’ve not had any problems with the approach I’ve adopted. The only thing I would say, from my own experience, is to make changes gradually, my ticker certainly doesn’t like dramatic changes in anything!

Gillybean123 profile image
Gillybean123 in reply to Threecats

When you say an 8 hour window is that between meals. How do you get three meals in. X

Threecats profile image
Threecats in reply to Gillybean123

I try and have all my meals between 10am and 6pm . If, at the weekend, I have a big breakfast then I might skip lunch , or just have some nuts and then have an earlier dinner. The timings are not set in stone though and I adapt to suit what’s happening that day, if necessary.

Hennerton profile image

I am convinced that diets don’t work long term. What really works is changing the way you eat and yes, you mention the Mediterranean diet. It is wonderful but don’t think of it as a diet. It is simply the right way to eat. I will try not to sound like a cracked record but the mantra should be “ cook all your own food and ensure that your plate is mostly filled with fresh veggies, You simply have to change the way you live and eat. The first thing I think of when I get up is “what are we eating today? “ It is a bore and I long for someone to come in every day and cook for me but failing that joy, I have to do it myself. I never buy ready made meals. Just the thought of where they have been makes me shudder. Cook your own, know where it has been ( farm shops are great for local fresh veggies, eggs and milk) and quite quickly you will find your weight disappearing. Oh and don’t buy anything that calls itself low fat, because proper fat is good for you and keeps you from craving a quick fix of something that will give you no proper nutrition. Use beautiful butter, delicious cheeses and full fat milk and you will never crave something that is worthless to your health.

Gillybean123 profile image
Gillybean123 in reply to Hennerton

thank you I will look into this. I have what i call real butter as a treat for Christmas and my Birthday.

kkatz profile image

slimming world has never worked for me.WW does but as a snacker I find it quite limiting in choice of low point foods.If you are a snacker or drinker then might not work.Calorie counting works for me.Nutracheck is a brilliant app.Bit tedious counting everything but you can save as favourites & build recipes.I set a very low loss & between that & WW I have lost a stone since my heaviest last March and 12lb since I put my mind to it in May.

Gillybean123 profile image
Gillybean123 in reply to kkatz

well done. I did WW years ago and it did work but I can’t afford the price now. Thank you.

kkatz profile image
kkatz in reply to Gillybean123

as I said you could look at Calorie counting .Have a look at nutracheck they do a free trial.

FindingCaradoc profile image
FindingCaradoc in reply to kkatz

Another vote for Nutracheck! 😀 I started using it in 2015 and lost 2st in about 6 months (13 down to 11) - it has stayed off - in fact I’m presently 10.5 st - as you mentioned it takes a bit of effort to set up and sometimes I weigh things BUT once I have a feel for portion sizes I just do it by eye - I have also started tracking key nutrients in the last couple of years using the same App

Geza10 profile image

Try the 5-2 I use it if I throw a few pounds on at xmass /after holls it does work if you are strict good luck

Gillybean123 profile image
Gillybean123 in reply to Geza10

what does 5-2-1 mean? Please

Thomas45 profile image

A blood test showed I was in the pre-diabetes range and so action was need to lose weight. I'm on an NHS course run by Reeds.

If you eat less than your body uses you will lose weight. If you then have a walk for 30 minutes a day you should lose more weight. Walking is not easy for me as I have foot drop on my right foot. I use an orthotic which is attached to my leg and fits under my insole that helps me to walk. I can no longer drive so gave my car away. I try to walk for longer because I walk slowly with a stick to help with balance.

I don't enjoy eating meat, or poultry but I eat sardines, tinned or fresh, tinned mackerel and salmon which I poach in water.

I like red wine but I don't drink much. The last bottle of red wine lasted me six weeks.

I am just under 6'7" tall and despite losing 2.5 stones in the last year I am still overweight aeed to lose another stone to be a healthy weight .

For snacks I eat walnuts or fruit instead of biscuits.

If I had a meal at a friend's house I would eat what was given me, but I don't eat out or have takeaways.

Geza10 profile image

Hi its called the 5-2 its been around for a few years

5 days you eat your normal intake of food,2 days you restrict your intake

800cal for a lady 1000 for a man this can drop down if you can cope with it.

any 2 days a week i.e. Monday/ Wednesday or Tuesday/ Thursday I keep it away from the weekend as we all like to relax sat/sun

Try not to eat after 6pm the night before you start

Then start your breakfast 11am and 4pm last meal

I eat mixed fresh fruit in the morning evening meal fish and veg steamed

it may seem hard but 2 days will pass quick and when you see the weight drop its worth it

good luck Geza10

Geza10 profile image

Sorry plenty of water as this will stop you feeling hungry

Dr-Gohan profile image

Hello Gilybean, Life style is the best focus. Genetics, and age are not under our control so Life style and Luck are all thats left. I would appreciate hearing from you following your listening to this Cardiac Surgeon give an informal talk about what he is doing after 20 years as Chief of the Cardiac Department at the Cleveland Clinic.

Dr. Caldwell Esesseltyn has spent the last ten years saving hopeless cases. He insn't selling anything and freely sharing what he discovered concerning Heart health. I found him while doing research about Diet following my Cryoablation Proceedure in April of 2021. I was determined to change my life style. Good and be well.

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