Hi guys. I used to eat a ketogenic diet for around 2 years (preAF)and am thinking of trying it again to help lose weight. I’m just wondering if anyone has any experience of this diet with AF. I know some cardiologist swear by the benefits to the heart. However I’m a bit wary of triggering my AF off.
Ketogenic diet and AF: Hi guys. I used... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Ketogenic diet and AF

You'll probably find out by trial and error! Personally I find that very low calorie diets trigger AF.
I have AF and have been following the LCHF forum for many months. I have lost 1.5 stones and feel much better for it. My Flecanide is now controlling the symptoms which is wasn’t before and all good.

Oh right. That’s good to hear. Thank you
Last year I tried ketogenic diet and ended up to the ER and cardioversion. Ketogenic diet can trigger AF.
If you try it be sure to get enough minerals and especially kalium. I would take one banana every day.
I've been keto/very low-carb for 2-3 years and it hasn't affected my AF. I'd say it's helped keep it at bay a little simply because of the lack of hunger, not filling myself up, and lack of sugar that all go with the food we eat. The main thing is that I only eat natural food, nothing out of a packet or processed, zero alcohol, nothing so-called low-fat/unnatural etc etc.
My GP swears by it. Best thing I ever did to be honest, and no longer prediabetic (with no drugs).
The only issue I could see is cholesterol. Everything in my blood improved, but my cholesterol went up a bit, but doctor not bothered and neither am I.

Great thank you Cyrtis

Since the shutdown, I have gone back to basics no ready-meals lost 8lbs I want to improve my health, I have af. And asthma . Starting to feel the benefits already
PS. One mistake I made for a while was not get enough salt. When you actually cut out all the manufactured stuff, you're salt intake can go too low.

Yes I was keto for 2 years and was good to eat all fresh food. I took minerals everyday and also magnesium which I still take now.
I've been doing strict keto plus 16:8 fasting for just over 2 months. I've lost 8 kgs and had no incidence of AF. Touch wood that continues! Hope it goes well, if you're going back to it.
Other than anecdotal comments, there does not appear to have been much research into the long term benefits of the diet. There are concerns if not done properly people might just load up on e.g. butter and bacon and cause the issues they are trying to avoid. I would speak to a dietitian and get solid advice if I were you.
Hi, I pretty much try to eat keto friendly foods as was diagnosed pre diabetic. So far has kept my hba1c reading under control. No issues with relating it to AF episodes. Good luck.
I followed a low carb diet to lose weight [ I lost 18 lbs ] and found my episodes reduced, my EP said an Australian study had found a link between weight loss [ within reason ] and a reduction in episodes
I found the book inflammation spectrum by Dr William Cole very helpful in eating different foods and as a result lose weight. Some foods are not helpful to our hearts and everyone is different. Super informative and results and feeling better.
Hi. I gave up gluten and it has completely stopped my PAF episodes which were frequent. It reduced bloating, I lost some weight, and of course it meant less carbs. It could be one or all of these that stopped my AF I don't really know but it worked and I am AF free for 7 months and off all meds.
I was put on a Gluten Free diet by my doctor in 2007. It did not do a darn thing for my AFib, probably because commercial GF products are even higher in carbs than their regular counterpart.
I have now been on Keto for 14 months. All my numbers are down. Weight is down 42 pounds, BP down 45 points, Triglycerides down from 130 to 75, HDL is way up and LDL is the same, after an initial increase at 6 months (which my cardiologist said is normal). My ratio is considered excellent.
The number of A Fib episodes has gone from several every week to 1 in 14 months, which was a test. I deliberately ate a boatload of candy to "prove" to my wife that being low carb had nothing to do with my AFib. Still trying to live that one down. As a result, I have only taken 2 Flecainide pills in well over a year. I also no longer need to nap after every carb laden meal and have loads of energy and more stamina.
My diet consists of avocados, free range organic eggs, grass fed and finished lamb and beef, salmon, shrimp, free range chicken, sugar free dark chocolate, and a wide range of organic vegetables across the rainbow. The only fruits I consume are organic strawberries and raspberries. The only sweeteners I use are stevia and a monk fruit blend and I use coconut cream in my coffee because I realized dairy causes me huge amounts of gas which contributes to my A Fib. My coffee and tea are both decaf and, along with lots of water, are the only things I drink.
My wife makes me jam from organic frozen berries every week with the monkfruit blend and chia seeds, which increases my fiber intake. She also bakes a bread from a mix sold in the US by a nutritionist. It contains almond flour and psyllium husk and is high fiber and low carb. It does not contain any yeast since my wife is highly allergic to yeast.
It Is a good thing I am doing so well since my cardiologist is only seeing patients in the emergency room. Our county judge has shut down all non-emergency doctor, dentist and eye visits.

Well that sounds great! My brother had similar results on keto. Came off all bp and diabetic meds. Glad it’s all going well for you and thanks for all the info 👍
Jaws66 says"There are concerns if not done properly people might just load up on e.g. butter and bacon and cause the issues they are trying to avoid." This was what I sadly did prior to getting sudden persistent AF. Since I've been back in rhythm following a cardioversion in January I have cut out cheese, butter, bacon and any processed meats apart from an initial trial of baon and parma ham - which produced a few ectopics, so I've completely avoided them since. I haven't yet tried going back to keto. Enough potassium seems to be important with keto too.
I see. I suppose I will gave to bite the bullet and see how it goes. Thanks.
Absolutely important to get enough electrolytes. The doctor recommended upping my consumption of Himalayan Pink salt, which has a lower sodium content, but contains lot of other important ingredients. If I get a leg cramp I make my way to the kitchen and dip my finger in the jar of Himalayan salt on the counter a couple of times. By the time I get back to bed it is gone and stays gone the rest of the night. Natural meats, eggs, fish, veggies etc have pretty much no salt.
My wife put me on keto, but she was being guided by a board certified nutritionist, so I never went in for the bacon and butter diet, although you do have to up your fat intake. I did that through nuts, avocados, olive oil.

That’s right the pink Himalayan salt is the only salt I use. And you’re right there is a balance to be found in the high fats fruit veg and meat and ensuring all your minerals and vitamins are adequate.
Im pescatarian and followed a strict low carb moderate fat diet and was in ketosis for about 5 years. I lost 17 Kgs and reduced my HBA1c levels from prediabetic to normal levels.I put on a little weight due to excessive peanuts and two years ago developed AF, I noted the often quoted Chinese research into low carb causing AF and took this to low carb forums who took issue with the study and the fact that it was not really low carb more reduced carb levels. The high fat issue does not sit well with mainstream cardiac guidelines possibly but the low carb movements view is that no research has demonstrated a link between saturated fat and heart disease. I have fallen off the low carb wagon a little, currently enjoying fruit and some tuber vegetables. I however like some are left wondering if my extended keto diet exacerbated or caused my AF or was it just bad luck.
Interesting I’m sure it didn’t cause my AF as I’ve only had it for 5 months and was not keto for a couple of years prior to it. I did feel better on it and read lots of articles as to the research and background. I’m finding the home isolation is all too easy to comfort eat. I don't need to lose a lot of weight however it’s creeping up and I’m hungry all the time. On keto I never felt hungry due to the high fat content. I think I’m going to give it another go but am just ray about triggering a big AF episode.
Thanks for your input
I tried it but it didn’t suit me at all - I need a certain amount of carbs I found so I think you are right - it’s very individual.
What I did was increase my fat intake by using avocados, nuts, olive oil, eggs whilst increasing my green veg intake, decreasing root veg and not eating nearly as much fruit as I used to. Hardly any bread, no biscuits/cake etc. What I kept was my overnight oats with half a banana - works for me. I lost about 12-14lbs over about 6 months which I was happy with. My weight is now stable and although still overweight - I feel good, relatively healthy considering and never hungry which mean I can sustain my routines.
I need to take my meds with food x4 daily so I can’t do more than 12 hours fast without something.
Hopefully logging on to a webinar Friday:AFIB:natural treatment approach:Think the doc is a Keto advocate.