I want to try CBD oil for my pain relief but have been told as I’m on apixaban anticoagulant I can’t use it as it thins the blood and can also make your heart race is there anyone out that that has afib and on an anticoagulant that has used CBD oil and been ok would really like to give it a try as my local Holland and barratt health shop has it in stock
CBD oil : I want to try CBD oil for my... - Atrial Fibrillati...
CBD oil

If a doctor or a pharmacist told you - heed their advice!
If not consult both before trying. AntiCoagulants are not to be messed with as the risk of internal bleeds will be increased.
I was reading about it the other day and Holland and Barrett told me they don’t recommend it for people on apixaban, I also take apixaban, they told me to check with my Doctor. I know someone who takes it and it apparently it’s changed their life completely. Best to check with your doctor or pharmacist.
I used cbd and getting an ablation was hard, it binds to your opiate receptors and makes surgery and pain meds more difficult, it did help me pre ablation though immensely. Jusy remember it takes months to purge
I take apixaban and use cannibis concurrently. I have found no literature that shows apixaban metabolism is affected by CBD or THC. No doctor has thought they're could be a problem. That said apparently some people find THC to be a trigger for their AFib. I have not had that problem
I've been using CBD from Holland and Barrett with Apixaban without realising there was a possible interaction. Haven't noticed any negative effects.
I take eliqus and I called my blood Doctor before tying cbd oil and they say there is no interference with the blood thinners.
I know this thread is old but thought that I would reply. The reason for not using CBD with apixaban has nothing to do with it 'thinning your blood.' It has to do with the fact that CBD is a powerful inhibitor of the liver enzyme that metabolizes apixaban (and many other medications). The enzyme is called CYP3A4. If this enzyme is inhibited it could allow more of the drug to enter your systemic bloodstream than normal. Normally, you swallow a medication, it goes through your stomach and into the small intestine. Then it goes into your bloodstream and passes through the liver. Enzymes inside the liver break the medication down. For most drugs, much of the dose is destroyed, something called the first pass effect. If you have enough CBD in your system, it binds to the end of the enzyme protein chain known as the catalytic or active site. (This is temporary, as in for only a few hours after ingesting CBD, but should still be taken under advisement.) If the CBD is bound to the enzymes at the time, they can't bind to the molecules of the medication passing through your liver. So instead of a large part of the medication being broken down, it passes unchanged into your systemic bloodstream. This could lead to an overdose of this medication. With something like apixaban, that could lead to uncontrolled bleeding around your heart, in your eye, brain, abdomen or spine. This is not something to be trifled with. Theoretically, you could mix the two but it would need to be done WITH THE STRICT KNOWLEDGE, CONSENT AND SUPERVISION OF A DOCTOR. Don't go by the guidelines of "Oh yeah, I mix cannabis and this medication and I'm fine." This could literally get you killed.
Here's some more information about this.
This is a study about how CBD inhibits liver enzymes:
Here's information about what enzymes break down Eliquis. It's pretty far down so you've got to scroll a bit:
Here's information about what can happen if you overdose on Eliquis:
Just came across your reference, I am curious whether taking CBD oil 6 hours away from an Apixeban time and regular LFTs (Liver tests) and doing this with own GPs knowledge might be a sensible trial for someone like me with pretty good reasons to want to try CBD oil??
I require same advice but I haven’t had a heart attack ..mine was irregular heart beat which rectified its self ...
Has anyone any further information on this. This was 2 years ago?
CBD will not work if you take blood thinners, but butter doesn't contain blood thinners. So if you are dealing with high blood pressure or high cholesterol, you may have to reduce your butter intake, especially if you also have high prolactin levels. But it's not sure yet. You will need to test your blood pressure, cholesterol, and prolactin levels before using CBD to know what steps you need to take. That's what we did when our doggie had health problems. We researched information about CBD rentonreporter.com/national.... Sorry to compare your case to my dog's