I have prostate cancer and my blood levels are low. What is a good trustworthy iron supplement to take?
Iron supplement : I have prostate... - Advanced Prostate...
Iron supplement

Not trying to be a smart ass, but occasional roast beef and a little chopped liver might go a long way.
Not being smart ass at all... ADT absolutely sucks the iron out of us...I had to get transfusion for anemia in 2023, and was given "iron pills" that caused terrible constipation and nausea and only brought my level of hemoglobin from 7 to 8 where it stayed and slowly began falling again back to 7....
So I bought the blood builder based on the reviews and along with it I began focusing on eating iron rich foods too, namely bison meat (lower in fat than beef but as much iron), cereals like Total and Grape Nuts (100% rda iron), canned clams that I bread and air fry... There's tons more iron rich foods...I now concentrate on looking at labels for iron content for everything I eat and along with the blood builder, which i absolutely believe plays it's part, my RBC and hemoglobin are now in the mid normal range and have held there for over a year...
Well you just decided my lunch. Roast beef sandwich . Thanks
And with tomato on the side
And with tomato on the side
I took iron supplement for 3 years but no impact on my blood. Finally I learnt iron infusion only increase blood level. I do currently every year
All iron supplements are hard on your body. They will make you very constipated. If you have anemia, low hematocrit, low hemoglobin I would suggest seeing a hematologist and they can give you an infusion of venofer which is just iron and does not upset your digestive tract.
DO NOT take iron supplements until you get blood tests. There a 5 blood tests that determine if you really are iron deficient.
My anemia was caused by ADT.
So true, I thought my anemia was from ADT. Ended up being a bad Aortic heart valve.
Yes! Enemia is a side affect of ADT. He needs to talk with his encoligist, and have further testing before going out and taking supplements.
This may not be iron deficiency. Low testosterone will cause anaemia because it reduces red blood cell production.
Other causes are low folate or B12 or direct involvement of marrow by PCa cells.
To be sure this is iron deficiency the blood film is the first clue, with a low MCV, then check blood ferritin.
No point taking fe supplements if you are not fe deficient.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for replying. I will definitely look into this matter.a lot closer. With PC though how can the lack of testosterone,the PC fuel, be balanced with a good quality of life? Our bodies really rely on testosterone.
How can a PC patient balance the loss of testosterone due to ADT. I took a break from all my ADT meds and all meds period for a little over 3 months and feel great. But my PSA has risen some and it's time for Lupron injection. Ugh!!! But it has helped me and hopefully this time around I won't need abiraterone and Prednisone too. Thank you so much for your reply
I should explain that estrogen is synthesised from testosterone. When estrogen is administered, it inhibits the pituitary hormones which control the whole sequence thru T to E.
By giving E you avoid a lot of the complications of low T - osteoporosis, metabolic syndrome etc. the main downside is breast enlargement which is not a big deal. Overall QOL is much better.
Had low MCV on my annual physical. GP told me to take B12 and the MO couple of weeks latter ran blood work and MCV was normal. Stopped the B12.
I am in the advanced stages of this disease and my recent blood tests showed very low iron levels. I believe your right it’s probably direct involvement of marrow by PACs cells. I had an oncologist explain to me that this could happen at some point. My PSA is over 200 and I have run out of treatments. Very weak and becoming lethargic.
I cook all my food on the stove top with my cast iron skillets , different sizes even in the oven . The cast iron will add iron to your body .
This is an interesting post, and the replies are very interesting.
I just had my quarterly blood work. While my PSA was still undetectable the CBC portion of the blood work was all in the red. I asked the MO about it. He said that all of my readings were just below the lower limit and he was not worried at this time, however we should watch it.
On a related note, by Red blood cell count has been in the red ever since radiation (1 year ago)
Thanks for starting the discussion and best wishes on your journey (adventure). I have started calling it my adventure.
My doctor prescribed and iron pill that's not over the counter and doesn't constipate me at all it's called Ferro-Sequel 25 mg.
Most men who are on any form of androgen depletion will be anemic because of the lack of testosterone. There are numerous causes of anemia and most Internal Medicine doctors should be able to diagnose the cause. If a man is really iron deficient it is because he is losing iron somehow. The cause should be determined because colon cancer is a common cause and must be excluded.
For 3 years I've had borderline so-called anemia. You can do a ferritin blood test. Reading up on this one learns that this is probably related to our therapies and is not something that you can fix by supplements or whatever. And as multiple replies above have pointed out, it's probably a bad idea. And the doctor above that just prescribed an iron supplement is probably incompetent. Apparently the underlying phenomena is very complex and unrelated to actual low iron. Doesn't mean it's not a problem.
Ive been borderline anemia since my diagnosis and starting ADT. I think that this is a problem that should be addressed and looked into more . I think PC patients can thrive more if there were a fix to it. I'm sure other people are very anemic due to having PC and ADT. I truly feel for them.
Hi Greens spinach, string beans, peas, carrots, pill supplements are good I just don't trust what else is in it for filler, but they have concentrated juice of you like that and here u goMeat and seafood: Lean red meat, poultry, oysters, mussels, and clams are all good sources of iron
Beans: Red kidney beans, chickpeas, edamame beans, and white beans are all high in iron
Dried fruits: Dried apricots, prunes, raisins, dates, and figs are all good sources of iron
Whole grains: Quinoa, enriched pasta, and enriched rice are all good sources of iron
Nuts: Nuts are a good source of nonheme iron
Eggs: Egg yolks are a good source of iron
Fortified foods: Fortified breakfast cereals, enriched breads, and enriched flours are all good sources of iron
Leafy greens: Swiss chard is a good source of iron for vegans
Other foods: Liver, tomatoes, citrus fruits, berries, kiwi fruit, melons, and capsicum are all good sources of iron . Cheers
I have similar problems. Went to a hemotologist who did a bone marrow biopsy and discovered I have myelodysplastic syndromes(MDS). Can be caused by chemo or radiation. It is rare, but I believe highly unDX. If it is , you are young enough to get a stem cell transplant. I am too old for one. Don't waste time.
Couple points to be made. I too struggled with blood levels while on ADT. However, I've dealt with that all of my life. I was born borderline anemic and have bounced in and out all my life. ---- I learned some about blood type and its relation to this. I am AB+, the third rarest blood, and I found that people with AB blood type have been found to have lower levels of gastric acid than other blood types. This upsets absorption of iron as well as certain vitamins - B12 being one. A couple of times during my 2 years on ADT my iron levels dropped below the range. My Hematologist/Oncologist was not overly alarmed as my hematocrit, and ferritin were in the ok range. Yes, red blood cell counts bounced, but I was not anemic. ---- I adjusted my diet to increase my iron intake and was able to improve my iron level. One point regarding iron: HEME iron (from red meat) is more easily absorbed than Non-HEME iron (plant & fish source). Spinach is an excellent iron source, but cooking it makes the iron more accessible to absorption. Consuming lots of leafy greens will provide lots of iron. Also, consuming foods with good levels of vitamin C improves absorption of iron. Other considerations, caffeine beverages (coffee) block iron absorption. If you take Calcium supplements you may be impeding iron absorption. Too much at one meal can lower absorption.
This may help in adapting your diet to make iron accessibility & absorption easier.
Following my earlier comment I to am an AB blood grouper…but my iron levels haven’t suffered as my b12 have
I’ve been taking iron supplements for anemia due to early chemo for several years now and it has really helped. I use a Ferritin supplement available on Amazon in a red and white box. I take in the evening after dinner, no constipation, no issues. I do get my iron levels checked every 4-6 months to make sure my levels don’t go too high, never an issue.
Can you share the name and strength of the supplement you take? I am also anemic. Oncologist says it is probably the treatments.
hi , I’m 60 and have had low iron count for over 3 years since chemo and on ADT. I am similar to you in starting from very high psa. My count is always under the low end. Oncologist and I discuss occasionally but doesn’t seem to affect me much and taking iron supplements can be dangerous with cancer so I’ve chosen to not do anything. I eat no meat so probably that doesn’t help. I eat all the suggested foods in other posts other than meat but hasn’t moved the count at all. My red blood cells are low as well. All seems to be a by product of the treatment
Aren't you glad you found this site? Lots of good info and great comradery (and sometimes a bit of humor). Keep posting!!!
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
I've been looking for a.site like this for a long time. So much information here . Lots of knowledge and people with similar issues. Words just can't express how happy I am .
On the other hand.. "One of the micronutrients that provides cancer cells the ability to grow and survive is iron. Its importance has been observed when cancer cells are introduced in iron-rich and iron-starving conditions. Iron-rich supply helps cancer cell growth, while iron starvation retards their growth (2, 3). "pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articl....
So ask your oncologist before taking any iron supply. Same goes with b12 supplements.
Recently had to deal with this. My hemoglobin and hematocrit slightly less than normal. Been a regular blood donor all my life, as in 45 yrs straight. I know it takes time to rebuild red blood cells. My MO and urology surgeon took a loot at things due to upcoming RP. The tests I had done:
Pernicious Anemia Cascade (rule out B12 deficiency)
PAC includes MMA, methylmalonic acid
Vitamin B12
Iron and Total Iron-Binding Capacity (low and high in my case)
Ferritin (low may indicate IDA)
sTFR - soluble transferrin receptor (high - indicated IDA, iron deficiency anemia)
Note all the good advice above about different supplements, types of iron, and foods that may block absorption.
I'm taking Feosol complete which includes heme iron. I make sure I avoid dairy, coffee, tannins, reservatrol (red wine) within 2 hours of taking my supplement.
Asides: the most heme iron you can get in your diet would be fried blood curds, a Thai dish I understand. And, while cast iron pans can contribute iron, it's minimal.
While most entries here indicate metabolic reasons and drug side effects as a cause for anemia, there are genetic reasons too. But these would cause a chronic condition, as some comments above already noted, and you would probably already know if you had one of them. Still, I was surprised to learn that hemochromatosis is one of the most common genetic disorders in the US.
when you say “my blood levels are low” do you mean your RBCs Hemoglobin and hematocrit are low ( indicating anemia)? Or do you mean direct tests of iron stores such as Ferritin? Taking more iron won’t make any difference at all unless iron deficiency is present. More common causes in men with PCa are from medication or “the anemia of chronic disease “ which do not respond to increased iron.
My husband is mildly anemic, they think it due to his radiation proctitis and ongoing rectal bleeding.
His MO recommended taking an iron supplement, but didn’t say how much .
Gastro doctors tested his iron and it was low normal.
He is holding off on iron supplementation for right now.
Wise to get iron and ferritin levels tested
Many many many years ago wasn’t feeling well so took wife’s pregnancy vitamin. Still wasn’t feeling well. Was actually feeling worse so took more of the pregnancy vitamins. The iron in them damn near killed me.
Iron supplements are free radicals. Could adversely affect your treatment. Get your iron thru food. Also worth checking your B12. Also try beet root juice and supplements
Beet root powder supplement has brought my iron levels back to normal while on adt. I am 12 years plant based diet. I believe there have been studies relating to iron supplements and PC being somewhat toxic. T A posted on that sometime ago
Thanks for the information. I just got some very root juice today. Gonna try it
As my ferritin level is relatively low, I've been taking iron bisglycinate for the past 2 weeks, every other day (14 mg of iron), pure and away from meals (with no digestive discomfort to date). According to my research, you should avoid taking iron with other nutrients, such as vitamin C, but also tea, coffee, dairy products, etc. Taking it every other day is justified by the fact that we have a mechanism that inhibits iron absorption for 48 hours after taking it (which seems logical when you know that, as others have said, iron is a substance that can be dangerous to take without precautions). So there's no point in taking it when it won't be absorbed and could have a negative effect on the intestinal microbiota. Nor is it recommended to take more than 10-30 g per dose. And, finally, iron therapy should be monitored with repeated ferritin determinations.
My understanding, as some other referred to, is that your ferritin levels will tell you if you have too little iron in your diet. I've been anemic for the past 2 years on ADT and got my ferritin level tested 1 year in and it was fine. I tried an experiment over a number of months with extra oranges (for folate) and other foods which may help increase RBC etc. , but it didn't move the needle.