Can anyone advise as to a better source for L-Arginine and L-Citruline combo without other additives? I've been taking this for awhile and recently heard that Folate (folic acid) is bad for us.
Can anyone advise as to a better source for L-Arginine and L-Citruline combo without other additives? I've been taking this for awhile and recently heard that Folate (folic acid) is bad for us.
Hmm... Ask Nal!😀
I’m also interested in L-citrulline but seeing varying information about the dose. Is 1500 mg a day what people use?
I began taking hmb supplements in pills and in protein shakes before hitting the gym and I believe that it slows down the wasting away of my muscles that began once I started adt. Could be a placebo effect but I don't hurt as much after training.
I use the L-Arginine/L-Citrulline combo for Nitric Oxide to keep my arteries open and healthy as well as a boost for weight lifting and wrestling. It also opens penis veins and turbocharges Viagra.
I use the powder form in the morning and evening for 24 hour coverage. What do you recommend?
I’m 52 and until cancer, was totally healthy. I am primarily interested in it for keeping penile blood vessels optimal during ADT and radiation (in conjunction with Cialis). I’ve never had erection issues and since being on ADT, it’s pretty much a limp fish.
It’s really depressing at 52 and the only thing the last urologist told me “it’s mind over matter”. Yes, I get how the biggest sex organ is your mind but I was hoping for a little more concrete advice.
When I was only on lupron, I tried to "take myself in hand" at least once a month even though I had zero libido in order to prevent lasting damages to the erectile function.
But I got on Abiraterone and received radiation therapy, I have not been able to perform at all in this aspect. Still under adt for almost another year. Hoping that things return to normal then.
This was the only brand I could find that did not have added ingredients. I mix it with Kambucha to kill the nasty taste.
Hi, This is L-Arginine that I've been using for months , I don't use L-Citruline.