Gm ladies n gentlemen, I’m here to give my results as I stated after stopping adt, post Rp, radiation n solely using ivermectin, cbd, turmeric n fish oil. My latest reading came in 1.34 down from 1.47 and continues to spiral down from starting this regiment at 1.92. Furthermore, prior to starting ivermectin, psa would shoot to to 6.7-7.7 when I would get off adt. I’m not saying this is for everyone but it’s thus far working for me after 9 months and something possible to look into especially when psa is in its infant stages and pca oligo metastatic. There are also some studies that show ivm to reverse adt castrate resistance once it starts if one chooses to continue to go that route…
declining psa #6: Gm ladies n gentlemen... - Advanced Prostate...
declining psa #6

Where are your metastasis?
I was looking forward to your post. That is great news.
I am also having some good results. (Gleason 8 and 2 Iliac chain lymph node Mets) Diagnosed Approx 4/1/23
Was on ADT ( Orgovyx 90 days and Zytiga+Pred for 60 days) and Ivermectin (starting approx 7/1) during and after IMRT (39 sessions completed 8/25) PSA dropped from 51... 6/1/23 to .9 ....8/22.
Liver enzymes sky rocketed on 8/22 labs. AST 270 and ALT 640. but PSA .2. Was told to stop ADT immediately as the Zytiga was the culprit. I complied but kept taking IVM, 6 mg, Melatonin 60 mg. Labs yesterday on 9/19. Normal liver levels and PSA dropped to .108
Next Labs and update Oct 17. Hopefully this trend will continue and ADT will be in my rear view mirror.
Wow that’s great news as well, my liver didn’t skyrocket but it did hit borderline high from the zytiga, and was grateful to get off of it. Thus far the ivm n cbd has done wonders in keeping the psa spiraling 🌀 down, hope it continues to do so for you. I’m taking 12 mg/4x wk but think I’ll drop it to 6 mg as well…keep up the good work…
12 mg first 4 days of week is exactly what my doc has me on. If no side effects why drop it down? Dose is important. I am grateful to both of you for reporting this. I am early in process. RP is on 11/18. I was wondering if IM would affect preop psa. Mine is 4.93. She wants me on it to discourage spread and afterward to “mop up” I am curious and think I’ll buy a psa soon.
If I had it to do all over again, I would’ve held off longer on the RP and given the ivm and cbd oil a chance. If psa continues to drop it may eventually kill all the cancer n if not the Rp can immediately be done, because it really sucks losing one’s prostate…!
If I could have a do-over I would have salvage ePLND starting with surgical bedside biopsy of common illiacs before salvage RT, perhaps with RP; not after salvage RT as I did. Was done at 0.10 - cancer found as far as paraaoritcs. Been six years, holding 0.03X range, six years, no ADT. Using phytochemical supps, Vit D - details in bio.
I found your post very interesting. Just finished reading an article on Ivermectin. Patient Zero Comes Back From Stage Four Cancer: Was It Ivermectin?
I'd be curious to the recipe you are following with Ivermectin.
Thanks for the post n info. I now take 12 mg once a week maintenance as psa drops consistently. I started at 12 mg/day four times a week until I was sure the cancer ♋️ was being killed. You can read previous posts to get the full rundown. I believe they may have found a cure w the ivm but they’ll never do clinical trials n leave it up to us to figure out. Hope this helps and lmk if I can help any other way
I am also following drugs repurposing, but to he honest, I always have to balance the two points of view:
ivermectin is something I am keeping an eye on!
I read the article, sadly politics has hijacked medicine to some to degree. Where is the real truth?
Balance….in general it’s a matter of media thirst of big words in their headings (except when the researchers manage their own media), but I tend not to like things that look too good to be true (like AOH1996 molecule) and things that are way too simple or anecdotal 😃 everything can work on a small sample of individuals, even spontaneous remission exists, hence also doing absolutely nothing works once in a while…
Let’s say that interventional studies (no matter who carries them out as long as done properly) are way more reliable than observational
To complete the should consider the benefit/risk ratio...for example I take vitamin D because I had barely normal levels in summer (31 when minimum of the normal range is 30)...I feel more comfy being around 55-65, more or less in the middle of the normal range. Some studies (observational) suggest that normal values that tend to the lower and upper limits expose you to prostate cancer and its progression. Risks of intoxication are very low with vit D unless you are really taking huge amounts for a long long time and I am keeping my levels checked every 3 months. In this case I feel the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks (plus I am on zometa, so I must take calcium supplements and they go very well with vit D). Only thing: I try to never use vitamins or supplements that give me 100% of RDA of anything unless my levels are objectively too low.
So as long as it does not harm you, I think it's worth trying. If it's not directly killing prostate cancer but helps your's still worth trying! It's better if we deal with one disease at a time.
Can you cite those “studies?” Otherwise I’m thinking… horse dewormer.
and here’s a really good article you can look up, great results
thank you. That is useful.