Stage 4 Prostate Cancer, Quadruple by... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Stage 4 Prostate Cancer, Quadruple bypass, & now a brain tumor!

Lynsi13 profile image
31 Replies

Hello health unlocked friends!

It's been a while since I posted here. I wanted to give an update. For a while my dad was doing pretty well, managing his stage 4 PC with Xtandi and Lupron and then August came and pretty much everything came undone.

In August dad told me he was having some pain in his arm that wouldn't go away. Not wasting any time, I took him to the hospital and there they discovered that he was in need of a bypass surgery. So, on September 10th he had a quadruple bypass.

Five weeks past his surgery we were looking toward cardio rehab and I started to see some declines in dad's mobility. Concerned, I reached out to his doctor who told me to take him to the ER.

Our local ER saw the scan and decided to transfer him to OSU James Cancer Hospital's ER. Dad and I sat in the hallway at the ER in the James waiting on a bed. They weren't overfilled, but understaffed and couldn't admit us for a long time.

Initially they said that dad had glioblastoma and at the very best that 13 months.. worst 4.5 months. We started him on palliative care. They suggested doing a biopsy and a surgery at the same time rather than just a biopsy and re-entering the brain another time. They were 95% sure it was glioblastoma.

Initial results, however were inconclusive. Within a week they determined that dad has Primary Central Nervous System (CNS) Lymphoma. The treatment is very challenging in that he must stay in the hospital until the chemo has cleared his system. It's administered every 14 days and last time it took him 7 days to clear it out of his system. He's had 2 rounds of chemo and is expected to have 5-7.

Honestly, I still can't wrap my head around all of it. For years I have been researching prostate cancer and the next thing I know I'm sitting at the end of a hall, all alone, (stupid covid protocols) being told that my dad was probably not going to live for another year.

We haven't been given a prognosis on the lymphoma and I'm not even sure I want one. When he was first diagnosed with prostate cancer they said 18 months to 3 years and that will be 7 years ago this June.

It's wild what can happen when you hear those words you fear most. I sat alone at the end of the neuro-floor wishing so much for someone to hug. I had to try to get myself together so that I could break the news to my dad. The doctor who had told me dad's diagnosis and prognosis was cold and indifferent. She pulled a chart up off her phone and just read the timelines for him as though it were the expiration date on a jug of milk. I was crying into that stupid mask.. soaking it through and trying to blow my nose with it on. I was a wreck.

I looked up and saw a young man staring straight at me. He had his hand on his heart and the most sympathizing face I have ever seen. In that second I recognized that he knew the pain I knew. I also saw that he had survived and he had surely moved forward, smiled again, and found joy again. I was so comforted. I knew we would get through it. So, I wiped my face and rejoined my dad.

That was back in November.

He's making small improvements. I actually moved him and mom into my house. Mom had a stoke several years ago that left her with tremendous deficits. I homeschool my two children, so it's crazy, but we're making do.

And, today he went for his PSA test. Hard to believe in the middle of all this we're still thinking about his PSA. It has been moving just ever so slightly upward and we've been watching it. They did a full body scan in December and he has no metastases. Nevertheless, if it keeps moving up his doctor might have to make some med changes.

Anyhow, I certainly didn't write this most to negate the seriousness of prostate cancer. I've been on this journey long enough to know how serious it is. Still, having been faced with something as scary as glioblastoma and even now brain cancer.. it makes me thankful that my dad's prostate cancer has been so "well behaved." (For lack of a better term.)

I recognize that I probably should be posting in another forum, but you guys are still my people.. even though I don't post often these days, I still read the posts and keep up.

If you made it this far, thanks! Hopefully I can return with some celebrations regarding my dad's PSA test results today. Sure would be nice if his current chemo could treat the prostate cancer as well, but I doubt it would be that easy.

Stay safe and well,


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Lynsi13 profile image
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31 Replies
Tall_Allen profile image

Prostate cancer and heart blockage and brain lymphoma - it is way too much!

My father had primary lymphoma in his brain (third ventricle). At the time, they didn't have chemo for it, but he had radiation. We were told it was very rare and fatal within months. He lived for 3.5 years.

Lynsi13 profile image
Lynsi13 in reply to Tall_Allen

It really is too much. I just keep reminding myself that it's only a season. For even my personal family it has been incredibly difficult. The covid restrictions are such that dad can only have one visitor per stay for the entire stay. I went with him and had to stay for 16 days away from my children and husband. And now they're living with me, which means less anxiety and time on the road going back and forth between my house and theirs, but also means my own family life has been cramped. It's the right thing to do, though.. so I just do it.

Anyhow, dad's really doing well. The doctor did say that this form of cancer is very responsive to chemo and I swear we're seeing improvements already! Like so much, half the battle is mental and just accepting that he has TWO forms of cancer is hard.

Nevertheless, we'll get through.

Thanks for the encouragement and for the story of your dad. Although I'm sure it wasn't enough, I'm glad you had 3.5 years! <3

mrscruffy profile image

Hang in there I know it is tough, I was sitting next to my dad when his oncologist told him they were out of treatment options, totally surreal. My dad's reply "guess we had better have a few beers" Truly a great man.

Lynsi13 profile image
Lynsi13 in reply to mrscruffy

Yes, there are some moments you will never forget! I'm sorry you had to go through that.

Sounds like your dad was a heck of a guy. I hope someday I can respond with grace and humor when I'm in the same situation!

mrscruffy profile image
mrscruffy in reply to Lynsi13

I lived with my father for the last 6 months of his life. Best time ever. When the chips are down we rise to the occasion

Shooter1 profile image
Shooter1 in reply to mrscruffy

Love that reply. "guess we had better have a few beers" sounds like something I need to remember for my time. 3 brothers who while get a kick out of it and even pickup the bill.

JWPMP profile image
JWPMP in reply to mrscruffy

What a moment! 🥲 I lost my Dad to Glioblastoma 10 years ago. He lived with us the last six months. The moments and his outlook were priceless and mean even more as time goes by. So grateful to have had them. Hugs to you

Lynsi13 profile image
Lynsi13 in reply to JWPMP

Thank you! Yes, you certainly understand. It's something you can't fully understand until you find yourself in that place!

SuppWife profile image

It’s good to hear from you. Your mom and dad are lucky to have such a loving and devoted daughter. What a blessing you are. I lost my dad two years ago today, not to cancer, but I miss him every day. ❤️🙏🏻

Lynsi13 profile image
Lynsi13 in reply to SuppWife

Thank you. They're wonderful parents. It's really the least I can do considering all they did for me. I'm sorry about your dad! That's a loss you'll never get over! 💓

Brundo profile image

Dear Lynsi13 my heart goes out to you and your family. I think that most of us can relate to the feelings you are experiencing. I take care of my parents in every way and have a family of my own as well. I feel wonderful and content knowing that I'm doing everything for everyone, I belive that God gives everyone a role that's best suited for them. The role also comes with immense struggle and feeling that sometimes you need to jump out of your skin. The only thing that you can do is take one day at the time. I try to find something I like and start planning even if it's months away. It could be a trip, or an event or even a picnic. I also do something creative, even if it's just for a little bit. This adds some joy and excitement to my life. My children are a major motivation in my life, as I'm sure yours are. Continue to have faith and don't waste your energy on insensative people. God has a final word not them ❤

Lynsi13 profile image
Lynsi13 in reply to Brundo

Thank you for your support and advice! I find myself deep in planning my spring garden anytime my mind needs a break. It helps to look forward to brighter days! And I appreciate your comment about God having roles for us. I always ask God to use me.. I never considered that this might be how he intends to do that! I'm very encouraged by that. Thank you!

Schwah profile image

I have a daughter with whom I am very close. I can not tell you how much her love snd kindness mean to me. Please know that you are appreciated more than you’ll ever know. Schwah

Lynsi13 profile image
Lynsi13 in reply to Schwah

Awe, I'm glad you have such a special relationship with your daughter! 💗 and, thank you! Dad tells me every day how much he loves me. He's an easy guy to love!

bellyhappy profile image

You are an awesome daughter and a mother ….and how you juggle between looking after your dad , mum and your two kids … you are God sent. Just want to send you my prayers for your dad and mum speedy recovery .

Lynsi13 profile image
Lynsi13 in reply to bellyhappy

Awe, thank you! And thank you for your prayers!

Justcallmeamy profile image

Sending love and prayers

Lynsi13 profile image
Lynsi13 in reply to Justcallmeamy

Thank you, truly!

CJ4J profile image

Thank you for sharing your update. I'm sure it has been quite the roller coaster for you. What an example of love and sacrifice you are teaching to your children. You will never regret the time spent caring for your parents. May God give you the strength for each day to manage all that you're doing 🙏. ((((Hugs)))) 💕

Lynsi13 profile image
Lynsi13 in reply to CJ4J

Thank you! Yes, I keep thinking about all the lessons my children are learning through this and of the gift of these days with Mema and Papa! If for no one but them, it would be worth it!

Muffin2019 profile image

You have alot on your plate, I wish you well with your parents. Keep the positive thoughts, if I was there you would get a hug but here is a virtual hug, reading your post i do not know how you do it, God bless. Keep posting.

Lynsi13 profile image
Lynsi13 in reply to Muffin2019

Thank you so much! I'll take that virtual hug! <3

keepinon profile image

You are a great daughter. I am sure your Dad loves and appreciates you very much. Times are tough right now but you will get through this. Thoughts are with you.

Lynsi13 profile image
Lynsi13 in reply to keepinon

Thanks so much. I know it's just a season. I keep telling myself that! It WILL get better! In the meantime, I'm trying to enjoy the good times as much as I can!

treedown profile image

Your doing a great job caring for your parents. They are blessed to have you.

j-o-h-n profile image

Hello Lyn,I guess you're Dad is now 77 years old. You should be voted daughter and mother of the decade. I understand the crying and blowing your nose in that silly mask we all wear. It's happened to me. If I were there I probably wouldn't have hugged you (I'm not a hugger) but probably would have comforted you with some silly talk or silly humor. I will say a prayer for your Mom, your Dad, the two Kids and for you. Please know that you have some very strong shoulders to lean on here. We are your brothers...

p.s To those that want to see a loving picture just view Lyn's first post here 3 years ago.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 01/22/2022 3:11 PM EST

Costarica1961 profile image

I got your hug!

Thank God for you Lynsi13! He has suffered so much . Please keep you self well in this storm . 😩💔🙏

Collarpurple profile image

I so wish I could have given you that hug❤️I have been at that spot all alone at a hospital

Please feel free to text me anytime


Gatun profile image

Too sad to comment much, I pray for you and family. Give your whole family a big hug from us all.

Grumpyswife profile image

I know that lonely and helpless feeling while waiting in the hospital. Stay strong and don't be afraid to ask for help.

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