Hi there, I just wanted to introduce my dads situation and maybe get some feedback from others you either may have been in his same situation or just to shed light on his prognosis.
My dad had an lrp (robotic prostatectomy) in May of 2016. He had a Gleason 4+4 very agressive form of prostate cancer so he opted for surgical removal. His PSA was undetectable for a few months after. Slowly his PSA started to rise (0.5 - 2) over a few months. He did radiation 30 sessions followed by hormonal therapy shots (2 shots every 3 months or so). His PSA remained low in 2017 however started to rise towards the end of 2018.
PSA went up to 180 and then 230 within a month. I had him started on eligard and some other strong hormonal shots while we got some more CT's done. The CTs showed that his prostate cancer had moved to the omentum (peritoneal area) several mesenteric nodules appeared.
The shots helped and brought his psa down to 13.1 and then 9.1 in about 2 months time. I'm currently awaiting the results from a psa we did yesterday. In February we started on Zytiga in combination with prednisone.
I believe the prostate cancer spread to his abdominal area after the LRP by accident (most likely) but could've moved to the peritoneal area through the blood. It's very rare and uncommon for the cancer to have moved here on its own. Usually it goes to the bones or lymph nodes.
Anyhow, our current oncologist thinks he will hopefully be good up to 2 years with Zytiga but then it will become resistant and he will need to have chemo done. She has given us about a 4 year average lifespan but only God knows that.
I'd like to hear from anyone else with knowledge of prostate cancer moving to the peritoneal area and if there are any tips or advice for his prognosis. I'm watching all the studies like a hawk and even having different hospitals compare CT scans to see how the nodules have progressed. The two CTs we have showing the nodules were performed at different hospitals so I had to provide each hospital with the CT imagery for comparison. My dad is 66 years old next week.
Thanks for reading this and good luck to everyone else in a similar situation!