Hello everyone,
Wanted your help with the blood test results in order to ask the relevant questions to our MO
My dad is on 750 mg of zytiga and 5 mg of prednisone since August 2019. We had a quarterly PSA test today and the results have shown a slight increase from 0.001 to 0.007 - it is the same lab and I understand from the forum that it is still undetectable if rounded up to two decimals and we have to monitor it to see an increase in trend for another three PSA's
His last result was in August 2020 which showed an increase in sugar levels, high cholesterol and presence of protein in urine. The GP and MO said that the protein is present (+) which is fine, if it increases to ++ it will be a matter of concern, they started him on metformin and a combination of statin plus aspirin. He also took an ECG which was normal - the statin + aspirin caused some vertigo and we consulted a cardiologist who said its okay if he does not take it as the cholesterol were not that high. Then we noticed some facial swelling -to which our MO assistant said it was a known side effect of abiraterone acetate and prednisone and not to be worried and come back with the test results as per the schedule.
The abnormal test results/decrease during the current reports are:
Hemoglobin and RBC has shown a declining trend:
Feb20:14.7%, Aug20:13.6%, Nov20:13.2%
Feb20:4.78, Aug20:4.33, Nov20:4.2
ESR has increased from 18 in august 20 to 25 in november 20 (it was 30 in feb 20), NLR though normal has increased from 1.53 in Aug 20 to 2.05 currently.
Alkaline Phosphatase was 51 in Feb20, 33 in Aug 20 and is now 43 in Nov20 (He was taking zometa injections but has not taken them since Mar20 due to Covid)
While URIC Acid has always been low for him at 3-3.10 mg/DL, this time Sodium is at 132 (normal range 136-145) and so is Chloride lower at 97 (normal range: 98-107). Potassium is normal at 4.4.
Creatinine was 0.89, 0.91 and is now at 0.90
While in august, Protein was present in his urine, there was also presence of 4 epithelial and 4 squamous cell and 2 casts. Currently also protein and epithelial cells are marked as present (+). Negative protein is less than 10 Mg/dl, trace is 10mg/dl and + is 25 mg/dl.
Sorry for the long post, I would be grateful if you could help with my queries:
1. Given the marginal increase in PSA should we ask MO to advise testing as per the usual - in another 3 months or should we insist for doing it sooner?
2. Are the above results and facial swelling signs of taking low/more prednisone - like should the dose be adjusted from current 5 mg to 10 or 2.5 mg? or do they indicate some issues with the kidney (creatinine is normal) and we should insist and take a referral for a nephrologist ? In August the MO had said presence of protein is okay, we should be concerned if it goes to ++ i.e.: 75 mg/DL
3. I have read on the forum the ESR and NLR ratio are markers of inflammation - could the increased inflammation have caused the increase in PSA ? Could there be an infection somewhere? or does it indicate the cancer is progressing ?
4. Dad was diagnosed in July19 with a PSMA Pet CT scan - he has not had any scan since, should we insist for a PSMA Pet CT scan as the PSA has shown a rise? or will it not show anything at such low PSA level?
I know these are questions to be asked to the doctor, but what I have learnt is that MO's at times tend to focus only on treating Pca and not focus on its side effects - so we need to be vigilant and ask him relevant questions on treatment.