Hello all, my Dad is here in Florida with me right now. The Dr. he saw at Cleveland Clinic advised Docetaxel and then Xofigo after that. He advised to discontinue Xtandi right away. His psa 9/19/19 was 16 and Psa drawn last week was 18. He has multiple bone mets. He is in some significant pain now that he is here, and he was having trouble with insurance getting set up to begin Docetaxel. We are still waiting to hear back from University hospitals to set up the first treatment which he will fly home for. He has to see an oncologist at University Hospitals first to then start the Docetaxel and that is the hold-up- getting him in with someone there.
We have two questions:
1. Should he try Zyitiga again just so he is hitting it with something while we get this appointment worked out? He was last one Zytiga in 2018. He went to Xtandi after that.
2. For pain, he has hydrocodone. He is going to take one now, but has not taken that since about 2017 at initial diagnosis. He takes aleve or tylenol and does not like to take pain killers. He took Tramadol that he was prescribed and that did not help. He also thinks some of the pain could be due to a kidney stone he knows he has that now seems to be moving. What works best for you for pain?
So- should he take Zytiga since he has it? Anyone have any thoughts that may help us? He feels pretty bad at the moment. Many thanks for any help you can offer.
We will be calling University hospitals on Monday morning; I should say I will be calling and making sure they do not put him off again. Many thanks-