Radiation followed by zytiga or Zytiga - Advanced Prostate...

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Radiation followed by zytiga or Zytiga

Summm profile image
22 Replies

Hello Everyone.

My father 63 Years, diagnosed in May 2017, with metastatic PC, gleason score 9. He was put on firmagon, after 5 months disease got hormone refractory. He was in pains so put on Docetaxel since December 17, underwent orchiedectomy in April this year. Now the Psa are rising again and time to stop Docetaxel. He is in very bad pains with HB declining ( due to bone marrow involvement). He finds difficult getting off his bed without support. Medical onco and radiologist are suggestin radiation for 2 spots but say wont be very helpful. After that they inte d to start Zytiga.

Really in a bad situation. Any advice would be of help to whether we should go ahead with radiation when it wont relieve much of pain since the diswase is in the entire leg and multiple locations in the spine.

How soon do you think Zytiga would start acting and for how much time do you all think zytiga will remain effective.

Thanks so much for reading and answering. Sending positive and healing vibes to you and your loved ones.

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Summm profile image
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22 Replies


Zytiga kept my PSA down for almost two years (2015-2017), but doctors say it is very much individual, so better give it a try. After that I did Chemo, which worked for six months. Now I am on XTandi for already seven months and it starts not working so I do not know what will come next.

Wish you luck and do not give up.

Summm profile image
Summm in reply to

Thanks for giving hope AraikJ.

Well the doctors have agrees to out him on Zytiga and no radiation for now. I hope it helos him and his symptoms get better.

Sorry to know that Xtandi wont work for you. Our inco did mention about Provenge. You might want to consider discussing it with your doctor. Sending healing and prayers your way. stay strong and smiling.

Tall_Allen profile image

I would try Xofigo first - he may get more pain relief from it than from Zytiga.

Summm profile image
Summm in reply to Tall_Allen

Thanks Tall_Allen for writing in.

I will discuss about xofigo with the doctor again. Also the pains with zytiga that you mentioned and ive read about too.

Well it is a little complicated to say, he is a heart patient too with angioplasty done 17 years back, also he is thaellasemic minor and his bone marrow is malignant too.

So doctors mean to try Zytiga for 4 weeks and see how it affects his condition. The doctors also spoke about provenge... but after having seen the outcome with Zytiga.

Thanks again.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Summm

My thought would be that Xofigo and Zytiga should not be combined, and since he would be on Zytiga for (hopefully) long term, he may be better off starting with a few rounds of Xofigo. Then begin Zytiga after that has had an effect. I think Zytiga will relieve his pain somewhat (I did not say that it causes pains), but I think that Xofigo may be quicker. Provenge and Xofigo make for a good combo because they work synergetically.

Summm profile image
Summm in reply to Tall_Allen

I get your point there. My dad is hopitalized, they are going to put him on a new regime tomorrow on hopefully.

I will talk it out to the doctor @AM for the possibility of Xofigo/provenge.

Thanks Allen. Sending healing energy your way.

George79 profile image

Zitiga worked for me for about 18 months with little side effects. Switched to xandi that didn’t work at all. Started chemo plagued with nausea but now assumed to be unrelated kidney failure. Best wishes to your Dad.

Summm profile image
Summm in reply to George79

Thanks George79.

Sorry to hear that Xtandi seems less functional and its impact. What is your doctor suggesting now?

For my dad, doctors have refused Zytiga (pre-existing heart condition) and even refused a thing like xofigo available in india called PRRT ( because only 1/3rd of his bone marrow is functional). They are starting him on Xtandi now, known to have lesser impact on heart function. Fingers crossed...x

I send my dad and you and all others on this group positive and healing vibes.

I am sure god has a better plan George79. Bless you

larry_dammit profile image

So sorry to hear of his difficulties, get some pain meds going until the doctor gets his act together.Dont worry about him getting addicted as that the last thing that’s going to be a issue.

Summm profile image
Summm in reply to larry_dammit

Thanks Larry_dammit. He is on tramadol -iv but pain wont go away. We started him on morphine too. He didnt too well with it either. He has starting hallucinating and forgeting immediate situations.

I hope Xtandi does some magic now.

Sending you positive vibes. Bless you.

larry_dammit profile image
larry_dammit in reply to Summm

On Xtandi myself. Don’t know if it’s magic or not but it’s keeping the monster at bay. Yes the morphine is bad, had the worst dreams. But have to sleep so we can go on. Really liked the fentynal patch’s didn’t feel a thing but won’t work with Xtandi. Fight the good fight 😀

Summm profile image
Summm in reply to larry_dammit

He is on the fentanyl patch too. Keeping the monster at bay is more than important for now. He can barely stand. Seeing him after a month and seems like he has aged by a few years more. For now, hope is the only faith and faith is the only hope.

Wish you the best...!

Stillalivin profile image
Stillalivin in reply to Summm

Put your faith in Gods plan for eternal life: John 3.16 works. Transition to next realm will be seamless. Believe is trusting!

Bob B

zenbee13 profile image

This is a tough club to be in. It does seem that everyone has different reactions to Zytiga. I was diagnosed in 2009 with a Gleason of 9, and immediately got the Da Vinci machine prostatectomy, clean in the margins, and yet a year later I went through 13 weeks of radiation. From all I've read here, and my personal experience I would never, ever recommend doing the radiation. It was very debilitating. With that said I was clean for about 2 years. The I was on Lupron for 2 years, and now on Lupron + Zytiga, + Prenasone. I seem to have more intense menopause like side affects than many, and even so wouldn't have it any other way at this time. I started on a lower dosage of Zytiga, doiing only 750 mg for a year and am now up to the 1000 mg dosage. PSA has been kept nominal since starting the Lupron+Z+P cocktail.

I will say that if you are in a state that allows medical marijuana it has been a god send for me in relief of pain. I never knew how much until I have had to stop to pass a drug test for my new job.

I wish you and your Pop the best!

Summm profile image
Summm in reply to zenbee13

Sorry that you had to go through all this. I hope and wish L+Z+P cocktail with medical marijuana keeps doing wonders for you.

tough club- true.

For my dad firmagon, chemo -nothing could bring the pSa once in the normal range eversince diagnosed in may 17.

Now doctors wont give zytiga- not good for heart patients , niether radiation or xofigo- bone marrow is only 1/3rd functional.

Only thing left for him to begin is xtandi.. starting today hopefully.

thanks Zenbee13.. wish you too the best. Prayers and positive thoughts for you.

Lunbo profile image

May want to try Zytiga which worked for me for 5 y rs but m y PC was not aggressive am now on Xtandi but after one year is not working. Newest is Erleata which I'm trying to source which my On says is very effective----anyone trying? Sending positive thoughts your way!

Summm profile image
Summm in reply to Lunbo

Thanks Lunbo. Not heard of Erleata. Will definitely keep on mind. Do post about how well it worked for you. :). i am sure it will.

Starting my dad on Xtandi hopefully today.

he wont be able to take zytiga ( doctor says- pre existing heart condition)

Sending you prayers and healing vibes.

j-o-h-n profile image

to Summm: Remember God is on your side...

Good Luck and Good Health.

j-o-h-n Tuesday 07/10/2018 4:10 PM EDT

Summm profile image
Summm in reply to j-o-h-n

Thanks so much John. My thoughts too.

Healing and postive vibes your way. Bless you

Bythebeach profile image

Zytiga has been very effective for my husband. His prostrate has gone down to normal and PSA dropped dramatically to 7 from 176. Downside his liver enzymes are elevating. No other side effects.

Summm profile image

Thanks Bythebeach. happy to know about your husbands' dropped PSA levels.

My dad is on Xtandi for nearly two months. He looks a little better than before. although nausea persists and liver levels do vary.

Hoping for the best and waiting for another month to get PSA assessed.

Wish your husband the best.


52GRN profile image

I have not been active on this site but I think it's time I got active. June of 2017 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, Gleason of 9, spread to all my lymph nodes in the pelvic area. There was a small painful growth in my urethra and it was removed. Tumors were present on my prostate. Since then I have been on quarterly lupron injections, 1000mg Zytiga per day and 10 mg prednisone. From the time they removed the growth to now I have felt no pain. During that time I have taken a daily homemade dose of indica cannibis oil. I recently had bone scans and another scan of the prostate and bladder. My lymph nodes have shrunk as well as the tumors on my prostate. The tumors on my prostrate are no longer visible in the scan. My PSA was 6 when they found my metastatic cancer. With the zytiga I got the PSA down to .2 but last time it was back up to .5. I am in no pain and I work out 3 days a week with weights and also do 40 minutes on the treadmill and recumbent bike combined. I might mention I have afib that resulted in a stroke about 12 years ago. The stroke messed up my balance and I now take the blood thinner xarelto and also take metoprolol for bp.

I have no idea what to expect next with the cancer so I am enjoying this pain free time that I am having. I wish everyone the best.

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