I do not pretend that the following proves anything, or is much good as evidence. The move from 0.02 to <0.02 is certainly small. Obviously it could all go poof with the next PSA test, but until then I am hopeful. My MO, not a supplements fan, isnot impressed.
I have read that Fenbendazole is expected to (start to?) show its impact 12 to 20 weeks after initiation. My 9th week PSA reading went to undetectable.
Date PSA
5/4/09 5.3RP, Gleason 3+4, only negative was focal perineural invasion
10/27/110.22BC Relapse
9,10/20120.66Salvage Radiation (no benefit)
7/30/141.89Nano-MRI, Radboud, Nijmegen, 8 lymph node mets, 4-9 mm,
left para-aortic and right common iliac
2,3/2015IMRT to lymph node mets with 3 months degarelix
6/17/15<0.01Resulting PSAAs the degarelix wore off, PSA returned
12/22/163.64re-started degarelix
6/8/170.02PSA reached on 6/8/17
Continued at exactly 0.02 for 22 measurements until 8/6/19
8/20/180.02Switched from degarelix to lupron due to side effects
6/4/19Started Fenbendazole, one week constant, then 3 days on/4 off
8/6/19<0.02PSA undetectable, confirmed by repeat test 8/8/19
PSA measured on the same machine since September 2015–machine minimum reading 0.02.
Later, if all goes well, I will do an ultra-sensitive test.
I have for some time been taking small amounts of nattokinase, beta-glucan, modified citrus pectin, IP6 & inositol, cantabiline, berberine, and a selection of the common supplements like milk thistle and curcumin. I follow a pescatarian diet, no dairy. No recent changes.
How are the rest of you testing fenbendazole doing?